Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

This would have been epic, it would have shown that they aren’t push overs anymore, instead Echo Isles gets attacked again /yawn. What is this amateur hour?

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If Rokhan did it, Man… he would outclass Vol’Jin instantly.
Not only he got Zandalari on board but he would make Darkspears being exiles no more.

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True but technically Vol’Jin even as a ghost did help bring the Zandalari into the Horde. Talanji was feeling unworthy and he encouraged her to display the blood of ghuun and be the leader they needed.

I found this narrative to be super cheap becuase Vol’Jin was already acting as if Talanji was a Queen and didn’t even bother to reach out to Rastakhan while he was alive.
I was really looking forward to confrontation between Vol’Jin and Rastakhan and it never happened.

That’s a really good point a convo between the two of them would have been phenomenal. Especially because Vol’Jin personally refused to join them in favor of the Horde, would have loved to see that.

That was the conversation that really needed to happen. First of all it shoud’ve been that Zul acted mostly on his own and Rastakhan didn’t give him direct instructions. Which should absolve Rastakhan from allying with Mogu/ bringing Hakkar back.

Zul and Rastkhan should’ve point out that Trolls are constantly assaulted and in decline and something has to be done about it. And blame Vol’Jin for not even trying.

Vol’Jin could’ve reflect on the choices he made, and his mindset about troll future and probably propose a pathway for an entire trollkind.

But to be honest I found Vol’Jin’s philosphy to be entierly flawed. He wanted to tie everyone to the Horde. But only a fool puts all the eggs into one basked. I understand where his loyalt comes from, but even Garrosh didn’t make him reevaluate about possibility of Horde not being good for his tribe anymore and having alternative options.

And now we have a broken faction, with so many playable races, whos priorities are all over the place, we have council that will be hard to agree on anything, and everyone turns out to be self-servient.

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Yeah I don’t like the council, I’m hopeful they have a plan for it and it’ll be a better thing. I think the official narrative is that Vol’Jin is so grateful and loyal to the Horde he’d do anything to not let it perish. In a way if he hadn’t been so loyal the horde as we know it likely would have been over during the Garrosh incident.


That is true, his loyalty saved the Horde. But he also should’ve known better and set proper measures in motion that would prevent similar thing happen again. And he should’ve done something in regards of other tribes and not just stressing about troll future, but not doing anything about it.


Yeah the collective mistakes of WoD made his stretch as Warchief really unsatisfying. Since the other Troll tribes respect strength he should have taken the opportunity to present a challenge himself, he was very powerful he could have won some respect and more men even if only from the Gurubashi. Then again I think in the lore the Darkspear take a lot of pleasure in killing the various Gurubashi tribes since they rejected them. Then again he was probably really busy managing the war effort in Draenor with his Head Hunters.

I’d like to se a resurgence of Vol’Jins Headhunters from Ashran, skinning Pandaren and beheading Night Elves Vol’Jins Headhunters are sick.

Not since Cata, the Zandalari patch. The Shadow hunters that got into Zul’Gurub reflected that enough blood was spilled and actually displayed pity toward them. Darkspears realized that Gurubashi already paid their fair share.


<> Bloodslayer Zala clutches her hand to her chest.>

It be done, then. Spilling da blood of our brothers be a grim task. Da city of da Gurubashi has seen only death an’ hatred for years.

Maybe it be time for da jungle ta retake Zul’Gurub, an’ wash da scent of death from dis place.

Blood and honor, champion, to da Siame-Quashi you will always be known as “Bloodslayer”.

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Ohh ok that actually makes sense, back when Blizzard actually cared about writing stories for Trolls. Would be cool if the Darkspear beefed up their numbers with some defecting Gurubashi, after so many attacks on them, we didn’t get any info on how many of them there are.

Blood slayer, is that an acquirable title?

No, bloodslayer wasn’t a title. and Siame Quashi [elite shadow hunter forces] has been renamed to Atal Mhuto. Becuase of backlash.

Apparently Siame means foregin

And Quashi means broke black bloke.


I had no idea.

I’d still keep Siame part, becuase it sounds exotic and it could mean that these forces operate on foreign land.

Atal Mhuto means that you’re devoted to Mhuto. But who is it?
So once again Blizz doing surface level work when it comes to trolls.

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So many threads on trolls heritage armor… I LOVE IT KEEP IT COMING

warglaives for trolls fix the masks


Yeah the set missed the mark in a huge way, the Troll community made the expectations clear for years and the artists who made the race an in game reality set the bar high for this set in particular.

I absolutely recommend that anyone who feels strongly about getting this set changed speaks up about it because there is a chance. The set is actually bad and needs to get fixed, if Blizz is made to acknowledge this lack of effort they may opt to put more effort in.


An iconic back piece with skulls, a great Rush’kah and or Cloth mask (I don’t mind a hybrid if done well) and Warglaives were the standard and this set completely skid the bed.


The hybrid cloth/wood mask would have been awesome if they didn’t make it a trunk, cover the nose, and make the wood as boring as possible. Thumbs down.:-1:

I don’t think it would look good if we had a wooden mask that doesn’t cover entire face.
It had to be either this or that.
The only way this combination would work would be if there was visible cloth under the wooden mask.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself, the major bugs of 10.2.7 are over, now is the time to strike if we want changes.


You’re probably right, I wonder if there were other options they passed up in order to go with this set? I’d love to take a look at those but tbh it looks like they designed one crummy set and forced it through


We’ve got a small window right now while some teams are working on ReMop and the 10.2.7 bugs are all just about fixed. Once ReMop launches they’ll be fixing bugs with that after that the Iron will be cold but it’s the most likely time when we might see some fixes assuming the heat hasn’t died down.