Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

Two Towers… Nice, well played.

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Looks like a lion ate a parrot and threw up into an ice cube tray.

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Maaaaaaaaaannnnn, you can’t say that :crazy_face: I mean you’re right but ya can’t just say that!

That’s our punishment for sacrificing Mam’Toth it would seem… even though that technically wasn’t the Darkspear.

Yeah it’s evident that the same amount of effort wasn’t put forth here that was put forth on other less important sets.

The Helm is unacceptable to me.
That long droopy, whatever it is, just looks so out of place and grabs all the attention.

Call me crazy, but maybe Blizz can hold polls, either on forums, via e-mail, or in-game and have people vote between some options gear wise. I would think there are numerous versions of gear sets along the design phase, but somehow this one made the cut.


That’d make wayy too much sense, you see if they start listening to peoples opinions about one thing we’ll expect them to listen about other stuff, better to just tune us out all together. All kidding aside there had to be a couple other alternatives on the drawing board, how bad were they that this was the best one?

The helm is the major dealbreaker here but so much of this set just fails to deliver.


Aside from part of the mask I think it looks great, and I have like… a dozen wooden masks I can slap on my character’s face.

To be technical Mam’toth wasn’t sacrificed. He imploded himself becuase he didn’t want to be sacrificed. And secondly Darkspears had nothing to do with it.
But I’d blame the Darkspears to be loyal to the Horde to a fault. I’d want for them to show some self-interest for once.

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Yeah the Darkspear would never do anything like that, we honor our Loa around here. Just spit ballin for reasons why they’d force a trunk onto our faces. Would be great to see the Darkspear do something autonomous for a change especially now that Vol’Jin is gone. (hopefully soon to return)

It’s kinda ironic that once the Vol’Jin is gone, the other tribes are appearing on horizon to be playable. Like Zandalari and ( without story plot) sand trolls. Rokhan was also into taking back Arathi and talking about forest trolls.

It’s almost as if it was Vol’Jin who held Darkspears back from creating meaningful connection with other tribes.

When you put it like that it kinda sounds that way. They did choose to side with the Zandalari back in the day though, Vol’Jin helped a bit to mend that wound in BFA. I’d love to see Rokhan retake Arathi, be nice to see the Horde win something for a change, the Raventusk could get down on the action, it’d be sweet.

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“You think you want it changed but you don’t” - Blizzard probably


“Yeah and you want us to be honest with you but you don’t” is probably only a sentence or two away consider how often we’re lied to.

Like just yesterday in the Class Tuning notes for PvP “We’re closely monitoring Class performance and made the following changes”. There’s a 0% chance they were closely monitoring and still came back with these changes, no way.


Yeah I’m gettin pretty tired of hearing that too, they’re not paying attention, especially to PvP. Why just outright lie to millions of people? Lying to 1 person is bad enough.

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They were wrong about Classic and they’d be wrong about this too, we want this changed.

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I’m wrestling with believing a human made that, it just bears the hall marks of an intelligence that doesn’t understand practicality, or possess a thorough understanding of the concept it’s rendering.


Ok I’m fully convinced now, maybe someone touched it but briefly but I doubt it.


I think someone looked at it and said, hey the AI did a pretty good job, lets send this through and see how it goes.

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If any of you lads and ladies in here happen to see if they updated the heritage set in the live game, please shoot me a response. I’m going out for a bit.


Nothing has changed, still looks like a lion ate a parrot then threw up into an ice cube tray

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