Troll Heritage Quest

Varian was awful. He was Human Potential™ turned up to max.

Thanks MoP Remix for reminding me of that scenario…


He was weird before MoP. His whole story of being gladiator that has his soul split and put to a sword, walking around with anime hair… I think that devs tried way too hard to make him cool to the point he was just completely off to me.

He being slave gladiator was way too close to Thrall’s story, and he becoming sort of God of War was for me laughable. No matter how good fighter he is, he should’ve still have human restrictions, that he shouldn’t be able to overcome.

And when I saw him soloing Legion army and taking on that Fel reaver, I was like “Just stop…”.

But ye this entire mop scenario was to establish him as “High King” while imo Alliance should’ve stay as Alliance of independant Kingdoms. If they really wanted to elevate Varian he should’ve been shown as someone who is eager to cooperate and not fix other people problems/ failures for them.
Because it looks like others had to be put down so Varian could be elevated.


Absolutely not. Complaining about people in Warcraft not adhering to human limitations is ridiculous. Remarkable people doing impossible things is hallmark of the fantasy genre.

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The heroes are still bound by human limitations. It’s generally what makes them relatable to begin with.

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Except it was established that humans are one of the weaker species. in Vol’Jin book there was a whole segment how Vol’Jin had to experience vision from human perspective, and how much weaker humans are to trolls. He realised that his bones are breaking far more easily, he gets tired much sooner and overall he is far less resilient.

But I guess Shadows of the horde is no longer canon seeing how Vol’Jin got killed.


Varian was a toxic manchild and a early hint of the the toxic environment that was allowed to fester within Blizz HQ

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Meanwhile, Anduin got every bone in his body shattered by Garrosh and all Anduin got out of the deal was magic bones that tell him when something’s wrong.

Vol’jin got done so dirty by just random fel guard. And it was clearly just done because Varian was dying and they didn’t want to deal with the backlash of the Horde losing no one.


Then they should’ve thrown Thrall for the gutter. His story was done. But I think it was more about elevating Sylvanas than for the sake of parity.

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Seeing how dirty blizz did Sylvanas in BfA and SL. Blizz wasn’t thinking at all.


I don’t know what the thought process of this decision was, we can only speculate. Her plot was all over the place, and the whole buildup for BfA was just off. Like, how come Sylvanas knew about Zandalari being in Stormwind? How come she knew about Zandalari navy and how to contact them?

Some early Legion plot was about Vol’Jin searching for allies to fight Legion and if he went for Zandalari it would be a far more organic plot.

But I guess they went for Sylv to villainbat the Horde one more time, They had no idea how to write Vol’Jin’s Horde and this is why they picked Sylvanas, becuase to them she was “edgier and cooler”, and nobody would care about stupid troll’s death, trolls aren’t as popular as elves after all.
Except lots of people were nagging them about this, so they threw some hastly made quests to somehow made up for it. And it was a continuation of super bizzare decisions, like why would Darkspears leave Vol’Jin’s ashes to rest among the Zandalari instead among his people? What Vol’Jin has to do with Zandalari kings? Couldn’t Bwonsamdi check on him while on Darkspear Isles if there were speculations about his ascension?

But the problem is that damage was already done, and there is no recovering from that.
I just don’t expect anything good moving forward. Best way for Horde would be to start all over again from smaller stories, about new heroes doing adventuring.


I only really liked Varian when he was basically a depressed fish out of water because he’d rather go back to living the gladiator/orc life than go through paperwork or whatever.

He was really bad when he was just Blue thrall/garrosh, but I do think his initial reaction to Tyrande wanting Genn back into the Alliance was delightful.

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This is absolutely untrue. They are not.

You’re getting extremely lost in it here. Just because Vol’jin percieved himself as stronger and more durable than this Human he was with does not say anything about how strong or durable any given Human in Warcraft could become.

You’re trying to make rules that don’t exist. They shouldn’t exist either.

They absolutely are. Try actually picking up a book and reading one

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There should be limits tho. The entire appeal of different races is that they’re meant to have perks human doesn’t have. Or you’re telling me that any human can become stronger than tauren.

Secondly, it undermines the whole transformation to worgen. It’s only when Gilneans transformed they became strong enough to push back against forsaken warmachine pushing them back almost to Tirisfal Glades.


While I hated many things about the movie, one of the things I loved was humans having to learn to fight smarter not harder against orcs because an orc would smash a human like an egg from their sheer brute strength if you tried to compete directly.

Thanks to our good friend game mechanics everyones strength and whatnot was equaled out.


Even than, they still had very real human emotions, love for family and friends, not wanting to die, wanting to protect their home, etc.

Actual things people can relate to.


Yea I also remeber that one of the reasons was that Worgen couldn’t be raised by Sylvanss Val’Kyr. But the whole point of Worgen course was to give you incredible strenght but for a cost.

Comments like that that there shouldn’t be any limits for human strenght completely undermines certain choices that were made in the story.

And I think Varian would be far more valuable if he was more vulnerable but had to fight smart to get around obstacles - it would make him more relatable.
But he has became Anime Shounen protagonist.


Comments like that come from a place of sheer ignorance and from people who generally never a read a fantasy book or any book really in their entire life.

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Blizzard has a thing for everyone looking like they fell out of a comic book. Which I have always disliked. Why does every guy have to look like they bench press cars for a living.