Troll Heritage Armor When?

Looking through some transmog ideas today, I came to the realization that Darkspear Trolls, my favorite race in WoW, is now the only Vanilla race that does not have a heritage armor set. Has there been any mention of when they plan to release it (along with Draenei, since Blood Elves have theirs)?


At the very least, would be neat if they created those wooden masks. :robot::thought_balloon:


Not yet. Pandaren is also missing, and technically Drac’thyr too I guess.

The way they’ve gone about heritage armors has been pretty odd all around. Adding the Cata races before many Vanilla races, adding alternate color tints to some and not others (even when those missing alternate colors already exist in the game files).


The normal draenei need their armor, as do the Pandaren and the Dark Spear.

It’s a race to the bottom!


They had to make sure that humans, orcs, and night elves got their 13432234th set of race themed armor first. I’m sure they’ll get around to Draenei and trolls are some point in the distant future.


Is it bad that I want the draenei heritage quest to have a normal draenei-colored warframe mount?

You know, blues and light purples rather than gold, yellow and black. I think that would be neat.


The Mount special can be flying up in the air and crashing into the ground!


Deargodinheaven we don’t need heritage armor. Please don’t expose us to that travesty. lol

It would be heritage shoulders and belt. :joy:

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Lol I mean for the time being technically all Evoker tier is Drac’thyr exclusive.

That’s bound to change eventually though.

Who knows, maybe Drac’thyr heritage armor would unlock identical customizations for the lizard form? We can dream. Still boggles the mind that the Evoker tier at least didn’t have something like that.

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They really need to add rusted and aluminum (that’s the silver) to mechagnome heritage. The fact that it’s only in gold forces me to make all my mechagnomes gold to match, and I’d probably choose rusted>silver>gold if they would just give it to us. I get it, no one plays the race, but the assets are already there all they gotta do is flip a switch!

Edit: Also about the darkspear. They were my favorite race back in the day, and I still enjoy them thoroughly. I would love to see some heritage come their way.


Fortunately the earthen have familiar designs, should be eating well if they offer pink and blue recolors. :meat_on_bone::robot:

I think it’s been in the files for a long time. :hourglass::robot:

We could survive on the different helms alone as I assume the outfits are incomplete. :thinking:


Yep. Nightborne and Lightforged also have alternate colors just gathering dust in the game files.

And they tried to pull that nonsense with the blue NE armor too, until massive outcry made them backpedal.


You’ll get your heritage armor when draenei get ours.

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The Dark Spear are still waiting for theirs along with the Draenei and the Pandaren.
Hopefully we’ll get them within the next three patches before the new expansion.

Exactly! I just wanna be the most Taz’Dingo I can be.

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It’s been neat with the trading post for trolls so far, perhaps there’ll be masks? :telescope::robot:


Maybe yall will get a dub in the lore. Yall usually get destroyed, whether it be by chance or hubris

Honestly? I’m hoping we get it in 10.2.7. If it were in the upcoming 10.2.5 I’m sure they would have put it in the roadmap as they have with some previous heritage armors. I’ve loved all of the quest lines so far but my favorites so far have easily been the human and orc lines

I want yo ask for the panda heritage armor… but im so scared of the questline that bliz will make.
There’s almost 90% chances that will all about the horde and alliance pandas holding hands.