Troll Heritage Armor When?

It should just randomly plummet you into the ground while you’re flying.


I’d also like to point out that while they don’t need new armor, the Gen. 1 Allied races --REALLY-- need some kind of heritage quest that touches base on who they are, what they believe and how they’ve acclimated to their lives within The Horde/Alliance over the years.

Because for these allied races, the heritage quest amounts to. “Level 50, huh? Kudos.”

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No point for us, as we can’t see it anyway. Even when Evoker tier is ostensibly bespoke for our race.

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Every evoker tier set is a dracthyr heritage armor. They’re the only race that can use it. :thinking:

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But not see it. :frowning:

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The trol set is gonna be just easy to make. Draenei set not so much. Do they go heavy plate fsntasy like vindicators and army of the light or they go the more rustic, azerothian look of bloodmist isle with these robes with crystals kinda like “shaman/wanderer/exiled race of ayys that crashed in a different world” kind of l ooks. Easier to f it up with draenei over trols.

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I would say… Midnight would work, since the Forest Trolls have a long history with the High Elves.

Could be the Darkspear uniting the Trolls together.

The Lightforged already got the plate looking set, which makes sense for them because they are very Paladin forward. It would make more sense for the Dreanei set to be more of a cloth priest set to align more with Velen. I don’t think they will focus on the Shaman at all because that aspect of their culture is really in the background these days now that there are more Shaman options in the Alliance that are more of a focus for those races.

probably get ours with draenei, i feel like they’ll save dracthyr and panda for last since they can join either faction. in that regard i hope we get something inspired by voljin or the shadow hunter units from wc3. and as for draenei, they have a cool looking outfit in some tbc-era art that looks similar to thrall’s wod outfit

They need to wait until at least the next raid tier IMO, that way they can lock one of their color variants behind a raid