Troll & Draenei Heritage

He is the High shaman now which means he is the highest ranking Earthern Ring member,

An illeterate backwater tribe of the least numerous jungle trolls who only got screentime because Vol’jin dared to say no to the Zandalari.

Title High Shaman
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Class Shaman

Exist? You mean beaten back to a small island where nothing ever happens? Lool. No vengeance on all humans until troll land is reclaimed. No compromise.

He isn’T anymore. Last time the shamans showed up Nobundo was our contact.

Being a contact does not mean he is the leader of the Earthen Ring.


So what you’re saying the Darkspear had no game presence at all until 4.1, they never never had Darkspear throughout Azeroth helping the Horde, they never created Sen’jin Village, they never established holdings in Zangarmarsh during the War in Outland, their was never a retaking of the Echo Isles, they just magically appeared to warn the Horde and Alliance about the Zandalari, Amani, and Gurubashi during the Rise of the Zandalari patch.

At the very least you should be able to understand why people would get that impression, especially since people should understand that a group appearing gives them screen time. For example, the Bleeding Hollow had screen time during the orc heritage quest chain.

Nothing happens?

  • Invasion of Kul’Tiras
  • Zalazane’s takeover.
  • Retaking of the Echo Isles.
  • Kor’kron occupation.
  • Zalazane’s return

Look at that, events that happened upon the Darkspear home. Furthermore the islands being more peaceful is a good thing as it allows the Darkspear to rebuild and recover from their losses during the various wars across Azeroth.

Now tell me which of these events had an actual Impact on the whole troll race or even the rest of the Horde. You have no arguments.

Hahahaha ahhhh yes the honor bros are actually thankful for crap while the alliance gets 100% Screentime against the big bad guy. Pathetic.

Helping the faction that helped you first is a given Default Situation and not Something Special you should be praised for.

Yes leader

Gornur you deal with him, I’m too tired and busy organizing my Warcraft books.

Pre Order the new Chronicles.

I’ve been telling you all for years now that Erevein is an undercover Alliance fan, and here he is. Advocating for no vengeance against the humans by any trolls.

See? Total Alliance fanboy who has a tattoo of Varian and Anduin together right over his heart.


Are you able to read? I said many times I reject peace.

Then why have you declared no vengeance on all humans? Not only does that sound like a very peaceful aspiration, it sounds very Alliance bias!!


Kul’Tiras pushing the Darkspear out of Echo Islands was very much a part of the Invasion of Durotar. In case you weren’t aware, after being pushed out of Isles the Darkspear set up shop in Dustwallow Marsh, where chance allowed for Vol’jin and Rexxar to recruit the Stonemaul Ogres into the Horde. Furthermore after the Horde ultimately invaded Theramore and killed Daelin Proudmoore, the Alliance refused to avenge him, which led Kul’Tiras to leave the Alliance.

So while it wasn’t a direct cause and effect, the Kul’Tiras invasion of the Echo Islands was a part of a sequence of events that had an affect on Azeroth.

Meanwhile Zalazane’s takeover, sadly was a contributing factor in Garrosh’s disdain for the Darkspear which really didn’t help tensions between him and Vol’jin.

The retaking of the Echo Isles was more on the Darkspear over the Horde or the troll race as a whole. However Kor’kron occupation and Garrosh’s attempted assassination on Vol’jin would give rise to the Darkspear Rebellion, which was backed by other Horde races, and led to Vol’jin becoming Warchief of the Horde.

Zalazane’s return to the Islands was part of the missing Vol’jin quest chain during BfA, which give led to more cooperation between the Zandalari and the Horde. After Zalazane was dealt with, Vol’jin’s spirit was eventually contacted and he gave the command for the Horde to deal with G’huun.

1.) I liked seeing the orc clans have a focus during the orc heritage quest.
2.) I assume that this a reference to the Emerald Dream having a night elf focus with the whole Amirdrassil thing. Though I can easily see Argus applied to this comment, and I have to admit that I’m still bummed that the orcs had no presence on Argus considering it was the Legion who forged the orcs into the Old Horde. We didn’t even get to see the orcs react to Kil’jaeden’s death, but we got to avenge Aethas for his stolen muffin. shaking my head There are times when Blizzard baffles me…

I never said they should be praised for it, but I do feel that it’s nice to acknowledge it.

For what’s it worth, I do think that it is a given but there are instances of people not really grasping that concept in, not in only other stories, but real life. It honestly confuses me but the best guess I have is that people want the security of a group or collective but not the commitment of actually having to fulfil their obligations. Like they have this sense of entitlement that they should receive backing but balk at having to return the favor.

I’m turning in, but it looks like Alynsa is taking the charge. I hope you have fun organizing your books.


The Darkspear aren’t exactly a minor troll tribe staggering on the edge of extinction these days. They’ve been movers and shakers for a generation as a major foundational part of the Horde, as well as being the single most fashionable troll tribe and the best dancers (in my opinion).

It’s not surprising that loa would interact with them. As a bonus, I don’t recall anyone saying the Darkspear are near extinction in recent lore.


They are. Facts. It’s Impossible that they have more then just a few dozen members.

I’m pretty sure I can count more than a few dozen members in a casual flight over Echo Islands/Org.

I, personally, have a half dozen darkspear in my character roster.

I’m skeptical.


Buddy, now you’re just trolling. There is not, and will never be, “just a few dozen” of any given player race, no matter what happens. There will always be more than enough around to fill out an army as needed by the plot.