Troll & Draenei Heritage

Not rerally. Just play the unfreal of Vol’jin. The tribe is super small. Even the Gnomes can muster more people.

Gurubashi, Amani and Drakkari. Those are the large tribes. All the time. Without Vol’jin the playable trolls are nothing.

The Drakkari are a dead tribe, with Speaker Malaka’raz being the last known survivor in BfA before Exploring Northrend revealed that their were other scattered survivors out in the world. To say that the Drakkari have more numbers than the Darkspear is just laughable.


I can’t believe speaker Malaka’raz is the only survivor when we saw Drakkari Trolls were a part of the alliance between Trolls in MoP with the Zandalari, Gurubashi and Amani.

They should be other survivors, I’m pretty sure of it. But maybe they are in an exodus somewhere waiting a peacefully Northrend to come back here.

I would like to get some things about the Drakkari and their future in the 12.0.


We know there are now scattered survivors, but thats it. Probably wandering azeroth, joined another ice troll tribe or something similar.

MoP is probably why they are now defunct. The war did the last blow to them.


I’m not sure if they’re specifically Drakkari, but frost trolls were one of the Island Expedition random invasion forces, so it seems that there are still a number of them out there.

I wonder if Blizz wants to flavor it as the Drakkari Empire collapsing in its entirety, but with a chunk of its former citizens surviving and scattering elsewhere under new banners.

Their the Icetusk tribe. In the face of the Scourge, they decided to flee Northrend. However the tribe suffered hardships and turned to necromancy to bolster their numbers.


There is also the Winterax and Frostmane that are still around. So if we want to see some Ice Trolls there are options.

I dont think the Drakkari need to be revived though.

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Very true, perhaps we could get one of them to join the Horde. After all we have the Darkspear, Revantusk, Shatterspear, and the Zandalari. Another troll tribe wouldn’t be out of place, especially if they give the Horde a different troll variant than what we already have.


I would love that! I think seeing smaller tribes join the Horde would be better than the larger ones. Revantusk, Shatterspear and Darkspear can work with the Zandalari to bring some smaller troll tribes into the Horde. Imo the Amani, Gurubashi and such should be independent.


And maybe the Icetusk tribe or the Winterax tribe (or the both tribe) will come back to Northrend to take the place of the Drakkari. Winterax tribe still seems to be in Northrend.

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Frostmane tribe could be a good candidate for this. Mostly when the Zandalari are a part of the Horde now.

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Yeah agreed. One pretty neat addition I think would be the Mossflayer, who would be a particularly interesting fit for the Horde given that they’re basically a half-living, half-undead tribe. Also recruiting the Dark Horde-affiliated tribes (so Firetree and Smolderthorn) could make up for a very cool narrative

I’m crossing my finger for Ohseso, the Shatterspear chieftain introduced in Exploring Kalimdor, to make an ingame cameo appearance in the Darkspear Heritage, but that’d be very surprising lol


A part of me wonders if the Amani or at least a part of them will join with the Horde in Midnight. To be honest a return to Quel’thalas is bound to feature Zul’Aman and with the return of allied races in the World Soul Saga, Forest Trolls just sound like the perfect fit. It’s just a question of if they would just be Revantusk or have the option of hailing from multiple Forest Troll tribes.

Perhaps The Last Titan Zul’Drak story could be about the Ice Troll tribes rising and claiming territory from the Scourge. Last we heard various Scourge Warlords are in charge and one could easily have taken over Zul’Drak, which would give them a central enemy.

I wonder if the Frostmane could be convinced to leave Dun Morogh and the eyes of Ironforge and Gnomeregan for lands without Alliance strongholds or if they’ll cling to their lands as other troll tribes have done.

If playable Forest Trolls go the multiple tribe route, having all three of them join up would be fantastic. There’s also the fact the Mossflayer could give them an undead Forest troll skin.

Speaking of the Smolderthorn tribe, I wonder if they’ll get a new leader or if Blizzard would reveal that War Master Voone survived the assault on Blackrock Spire and retain him.

Perhaps the final quest could have a crowd appear to congratulate the player, like how the Forsaken heritage armor ends with the Forsaken celebrating their victory, and other tribes could be present to celebrate the Darkspear? That way other tribe leaders like Ohseso could have a cameo without the heritage potential taking away from the Darkspear by including other tribes.


Just for you. I stan greatness you lick alliance boots.

I am slightly conflicted about it. Id love to see the Amani decently involved in Midnight, even join arms with the Sin’dorei. But i also dont want the Revantusk, who have been loyally aiding the Horde for many years, to just be pushed aside snd forgotten in favor of the Amani.


Raises eyebrow
You tell me I have no arguments about Darkspear events by declaring they didn’t have an impact on the troll race or the Horde, I then refute that by showing how they had an impact on the Horde, you then just completely ignore the matter, and respond to my comment on the Drakkari being a dead tribe to say that I’m an Alliance boot licker.

I’ll admit that’s not something I expected and the random attempt at name calling took me back a bit. To be honest I’m not even mad, the sheer asinine nature of the whole thing just leaves me more confused and disappointed than anything.


Everyone who agreed to the peace is an alliance bootlicker. That includes the Darkspear. They could have supported the Mag’har and Zandalari buit they didn’t.

That’s a concern of mine as well. Perhaps if they go the split Amani storyline, they could show case the Revantusk and Amani rebels growing closer and what not. That way both can get screen time and neither end up neglected, after a fashion.


The Fourth War took alot of resources and there are those who only accepted the ceasefire to rebuild their forces. For one, Talanji very much wants Jaina dead and Rokhan did vote her in favor when she called upon the Horde to answer answer the Zandalari’s wounds.

You have your opinions, I have mine, and others have their own. We’re not growing to each other’s minds, and that’s all there is to it.

No he didn’t. He was in the room in the ingame cutscene when the trash council signed the treaty. The alliance got away scott free any everyone knows it.