Troll & Draenei Heritage

Paladin can get that from a WoD set, but yeah; as for the rest … Not quite.
— Although it’d be wicked cool if they got a heritage set for each armour type (Cloth, Leather, Mail & Plate). :heart_eyes:

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As long as the Darkspear get a set of their own, I don’t care if they make more sets for other tribes. I love the Darkspear aesthetic specifically. I think we have the best banner and the best tabard. What I would hate to see is the Darkspear identity being washed out or fading to the background because “Troll” now encompasses every tribe on Azeroth. It’ll make the Darkspear not feel special anymore since they are just a face in the crowd, so to speak. “You can play two types of trolls in WoW: Zandalari and 'Other!'”

But if we get a Darkspear set, a different set for the Sandfury, and a different Revantusk set, etc., then I’ll have no complaints. I just want to make sure the Darkspear identity still stands on it’s own since they’ve been with the Horde since the beginning.


I meant one for each & every tribe under the Horde – Which of cause, includes the Darkspear. However having others would be a good confirmation for the other troll tribes & allow others to roleplay their Troll from being from such instead of being shoehorned into ‘Darkspear’.


I don’t.

I find them to be a ‘Mary Sue’ of the trolls. :person_shrugging:
The fact they were almost wiped out by murlocs of all things kind of ruins their ‘aesthetic’ for me, personally.

They’re already that though. The race is called ‘Troll’ not ‘Darkspear Troll’ despite that being the prime tribe …

Honestly that’d actually be pretty neat. I’m 100% for that. :grin:

That could be done with recognition, even with the other tribes being recognised in the Horde themselves.

  • To ‘Meet in the middle’ of sorts towards the disposition & contrast of their correlations of the tribes, you could mark it up as the Darkspear being highly revered amongst all the other tribes for uniting & bringing them together under the Horde’s wing, alongside the Zandalari — The Darkspear being dubbed as ‘The Shepard Tribe’ that guided the others to a haven for their peoples & opening towards sanctuaries for their curious minded adventurers.

It’d also be good to give the Darkspear a shoutout to their roots though (The Gurubashi Empire) for either their heritage gear, or part of their heritage quest – That’d be pretty cool. :blush:

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Because in Vanilla they were the only playable trolls and there was no need to differentiate them. Dwarves aren’t called “Bronzebeard Dwarf” either, but the Bronzebeards are still the main clan and their heritage armor is designed for the Bronzebeards, even though we have Wildhammer customization options now.

All I am asking for is that the Darkspear get the same treatment that the Bronzebeards got.

This is a contradiction. A Mary Sue is a character that lacks flaws or weaknesses, so it’s weird to follow that up by making a crack at how weak they are.

But also, murlocs are dangerous. I get that they are a meme now, but they weren’t always. They are a swarm enemy. What makes them a threat is their numbers. And they attacked while the Darkspear forces were fighting humans. And they defeated the orcs and humans just as easily. But the important part people forget is they were led by a powerful Sea Witch. She was the one that forced the trolls off the island, you know, by sinking it. Even Thrall had to flea.


I see, at most, just different colors of the Heritage set to represent different Troll tribes much like how Orcs, Humans, and Mag’har got different colors for different clans/kingdoms. I just hope we finally get Frost Troll rep at some point. The Drakkari are my favorite of the Troll kingdoms.

I don’t think we can expect more than color swaps for other tribes either. And I’ll be perfectly fine with that as long as the set was designed for the Darkspear. The other tribes can have palette swaps of the Darkspear set. I would just hate to see the design watered down into generic troll armor and not anything we see Darkspear wearing all the time in concept art and promotional materials.

Literally all I want is to be able to dress like the troll in the classic loading screen. I’ve been wanting that for 19 years and it still hasn’t happened yet. The heritage armor is my best chance at getting something I’ve wanted for as long as this game has existed. If I don’t get that armor here, I don’t think I ever will.


I will be very surprised if the Draenei set isn’t a plate looking like one.

As much as I would really love to see something that represents their culture before the Legion and the Naaru, something centered around their prowess as magic researchers and scholars… I’m fully expecting their Heritage Set to just be “Naaru plate armor” and disappointment will ensue.

I just want the troll heritage armor to finally give a proper outfit resembling the loincloth and wrist / ankle bands seen on basically every troll unit ever, plus that awesome backpack with all the skulls in it used by witch doctors. Maybe an alternate back piece that looks like a wrap with multiple throwing spears in it? I want the set to scream witch doctor / shadow hunter.


Have you ever worn a backpack do you know what a backpack is? Seriously you’re joking right? I’m not trying to be mean but if you have to ask that you need to go back to school or something again not trying to be mean but seriously? You put things in a backpack therefore you can carry more your carry weight is more and more when you upgrade your strength skill and when you put a backpack on it adds more pounds to your carry weight because you can put stuff in the backpack that you can’t carry in your pockets or hands that’s why it adds carry weight yes it weighs more when you put stuff in it but it’s not that you physically can’t carry anymore because you aren’t strong enough the problem is that you has no more room in your pockets and nowhere to put the new stuff you find so you put a backpack on and it is more room for you to throw all the usless piles of junk you find in the wasteland like toasters and coffe mugs and maybe a burned boom or 2 the point is it’s more room for you to carry stuff

Uh…? Anyway…

If the Draenei heritage doesn’t look like their concept art from BC, I will simply perish.

Please Blizzard, no more plate-looking Naaru themed sets, I am begging you.


I have clipped out the most relevant parts for you, Naovi.


Someone really loves backpacks I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait wait… if I’m understanding correctly…


Wait no… I don’t think I got that right…


stuff in the backpack

upgrade your strength skill

you aren’t strong enough


Darkspear are the smallest tribe and literally backwater. Was a mistake to ditch the Amani for them.

Anyway the current Mary sues are:

  • Jaina
  • Tyrande
  • Anduin
  • Genn
  • Nomi
  • Rey

Who the heck is Rey?


You don’t know who Rey Hellscream is, the illigitmate daughter of Garrosh and Warlord Zaela??

She is going to be the next Warchief of the Horde.


… Here I was thinking it was Farmer Ray of the Ray-Getz-Kalaba monstrosity! I mean, fusing with your fellow farmers to form one SUPER farmer? Big time Gary Stu!


The line of Hellscream died because Thrall is a tyrant.