Troll & Draenei Heritage

Thrall had already left the Horde by the time he gave right and proper justice to Garrosh.

Garrosh f’d around with the whole of Azeroth.

In the end, Garrosh found out.


No just the Pandaren and the alliance. Thrall and his appeasement was the reason the orcs suffered. IF he didn’t chicken out we could have taken Kalimdor.

other families dead because of Thrall treason:


and pretty much every other chieftain group that isn’t the line of Durotan.

Nah, that’s just your weirdo head canon.


Half the Horde rebelled weaking the army. Varian could only make a threat because of Baine and Vol’jin. To hell with all rebels.

True patriots fight for their people.

The rebels fought for their people.

Garrosh wanted to purge member races from the Horde, proving he held no love for the Horde.

Garrosh was a weak flop who lost a 1v1 duel against a shaman who didn’t even try to kite.


The rebels didn’t fight for the Horde. They fought to make it easier for the alliance to dominate us.

Garrosh humiliated both Varian and Thrall who could have done nothing on him without their magic.

Gary getting turned into a sack of smoldering bone dust by Thrall is peak cool Shaman moment 101.


Vol’jin was true Horde back when Garrosh was being an outland crybaby whose widdle feewings was super sad.

Garrosh couldn’t even stand up to Varian. Garrosh couldn’t even kill a teen boy Anduin because Garrosh is so weak.

Garrosh dueled a shaman and didn’t think he should even use Pummel because Garrosh isn’t only weak, he’s also dumb. So dumb that he threw his own weapon away in the middle of a duel.

Garrosh is dumb, weak and a total flop.


Not to mention, Garrosh had his own little fanfic about all the factional leaders on a pike in Stormwind exposed by the heart of Y’shaarj, like we got to read his lil’ Tumblr post about his (failed) dream conquest, how embarassing. :nail_care:


Vol’jin you stan? If you haven’t notice it Blizzard doesn’t respect our leaders. Everyone can die any minute just like GoT. And no I will not accept the crappy replacements. Also the trolls didn’t do anything in WoD and Legion apart from dying to a trashmob. And finally watch the SoO cinematic. We all know who had the finaly word and was about to call Varian master.

The one where Thrall and Varian almost fought over who got the killing blow on Garrosh, because even after eating void stuff, he was too weak and got slapped down like the giant flop he is?

Good stuff, watching Garrosh squirm on the ground is always funny. A floppy little worm-boy who should have just stayed a little sad boy on Outland.


Where Varian thratened to kill us all, left like a super chad and the Horde unity was a big fat lie? Yes that one.

Your Varian fanboyism is showing again.

No, Varian looked like an idiot. He made his empty threat, walked away, and died two years later. Then when the Horde decided to go at it all again, nobody dismantled the Horde at all. Once again, the utter dominance of the Horde that you hate so much was on display. The Horde only lost when the True Horde under Saurfang decided they had enough and went off to fight the Fake Horde under dumpy dopey Sylvanas, who only even did anything because a shirtless chest-hole guy told her to.

Because that’s the trend with your favorite Horde leaders. They’re universally failures, nearly all puppets of greater powers, and total flops.


He died in a braze of glory. Vol’jin died and never returned. Sylvanas was promised to kick butt then she went to superhell. Now we have a crap cast of pale nobodies and are basically devoid of attention or background. Imagine simping for that.

Rokhan is scum
Gazlowe is a communist
Baine is a traitor
Thrall is a green human
Talalnji accepted the peace
Calia is Goldens self insert
Geya’rah average angry buff orc woman
Kiro? Who?
Ji lost to Aysa
Cindrethesh is…I am sure Azurathel is better in some way
Bob is powerless and has no legs in politics and usually have others do the work for him
Thalyssra got worfed by Jaina and is now a fangirl
no ogres
no Amani
no OG goblins

Thrall is writing the script of the next expansions.

This is the most overpowered one can be.


Yup, total flop. Just like all the people you want back in the Horde.

You want a Horde of tested and proven flops. Because you hate the Horde and want them to fail.

You are the worst kind of Alliance fanboy.


Alleria and Anduin are the mains of TWW: Thrall will be background at best.

Sylvanas was ruined due to a hate vendetta by a man full of pity about Metzen killing Garrosh. The same Metzen taht wrote the cinematic for Bfa.

Excuse me sir.

Thrall, Varian and Hakkar the Soulflayer are writing that script.

We are doomed.
And hammered.


More blood for da blood god!