Troll & Draenei Heritage

To be fair to SI:7, even though their name is a reference to MI6, they act more like Navy SEALs than a spy agency.


troll heritage will be about the whole planet since its all troll land



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I was talking more after the G’huun raid quest where we get Vol’jin’s urn and G’hunns blood. That quest gave me the impression they were doubting him, but maybe I’m wrong.

I did a thread, forgot there was one already.
Someone posted on reddit some Ptr screenshots of the Exodar with some Argus NPCs, thats a very interesting development.


Argus NPCs as in… Hatuun or other Krokul? or Lightforged Argus NPCs?

Can’t post pictures because Blizz doesn’t trust me with that power.

But both Hatuun and Arzaal (the rebel Manari) are present.

Lots of interesting stuff. Tho a part of me fears New Broken will overshadow OG Broken in the story.
Hatuun is cool and all, but OG Broken are so much cooler and I wish they had more content revolving around them.


I definitely agree, especially with Nobundo being one of my favourite characters but I’ll honestly take any Broken content they want to give us at this point! :sob:

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Maybe the heritage will unite every draenei “tribe” in a sense?

The manari that left the legion, the lightforged, the broken of argus and draenor and the draenei, maybe get all those crystals they have been searching for?

I’m always down for Atamal crystal lore.
That stuff was always super neat.

I just have my own hang up with Argus Broken.
Despite sharing the name, they’re nothing like Draenor Broken.
And I fear Blizz will lump the 2 together and use the newer ones as the defacto rep.


If it’s not this I’ll be severely disappointed.

If it’s paladin plate with purple crystals I’ll be mad.


I have a Draenei monk in the making, but still lvl 11 due to me trying to grind pvp, but hopefully I will have him done by the time the heritsge questline arrives.

I always liked draeneis, but never fully dedicated myself to leveling one.

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lol, I’m the opposite, I don’t like them, but have several at max level.

For me they make a good enough Shaman filler due to them having the best Totems on the Blue side as far as Shaman go.

Also… blights man leveling via pvp? That’s brutal, low exp rates and the level locked ones are just monsters… you are far more patient than I am for such things.

No. I’m grinding pvp on my main (this character) therefore i dont have time to level up my alts.

Wish i could queue on one character while playing another.

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I’m stuck on draeneis, can’t decide on class

That has been a thing for me.

Paladins is a given right? But their pally mount sucks, and they dont fit the class hall horse.

Then i thought shaman, but i really havent digged into shamans yet.

All left to me was monk, but i have like 5 of those already, and I think a draenei doing high kicks would look weird due to the hooves, but I still went with monk in the end.

The Darkspear heritage should be about receiving a message from groups of Stranglethorn Vale Trolls who want to join the Horde/Darkspear and leave whatever the Gurubashi are still doing behind. But before they can you have to help them out over in Stranglethorn with some stuff.

The Darkspear get a boost to their population and get to explore some of their history and heritage in relation to Stranglethorn and the other tribes. In a perfect world the Echo Isles would be upgraded to a proper city and maybe moved off of the coast a little, but I can dream.

The Draenei one should maybe be about going back to Argus and recruiting the Broken or something. Maybe you go back to find an artifact that represented unity that originally unified the Draenei before the Legion. And bring it back to once again foster unity among the different Draenei groups.

And at the end you have Draenei, Lightforged, Manari, and Broken all together unified as Draenei.


You can start with Paladins, Mages, Warlocks, Shamans, and Priest for starters.

Honestly they both have pretty great lore, for them to inspire & work upon. :thinking:

For Trolls:

I’d love for them to have different colour pallets or various kinds, later confirming the trolls in the Horde don’t simply compose the Darkspear alone – but a few other tribes ( The Revantusk for example) and give them their unique sets for each tribe.

For Draenei:

Different colour pallets for them too (Blue, Pink, Purple and Gold), along with having a separate Draenor-vibe of a shamanistic set as a shoutout to Nobundo & the alternate path for their people (Something that speaks out ‘Throne of the Elements’ and ‘Oshugun’ vibes together). Perhaps a third set of both a vindicator crystally set, with elemental vibes together?

The possibilities for both those races are grand. :grin:

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Only if we get the original armor concept of the draenei from TBC.