Troll & Draenei Heritage

To be fair, still don’t know the situation with Splintertree Post and the Warsong Lumbercamp in Ashenvale even with Thrall at the afterparty.


You’re not wrong.

There’s basically no mention of their spirit aspects anymore or if they are they are done in passing.

Bliz seems to have no idea what to do with them. Which is a real shame because I love Shaman.


Which is sad, because all the spells the witch doctor had in WC3 were given to shaman. I made this character back in 2004. All I was thinking about at the time was that I wanted to play a troll caster, and shaman just made sense because that’s the only class that got any spells from the Witch Doctor and Shadow Hunter units. Totems ended up being stylized after tauren for some reason, but in WC3 they were called Wards and they were used by troll units.

When they announced Hero Class specs for Shaman, and had “Totemic” on the list, I was like “Lame. This is a troll mechanic, theme it after a troll unit.” They are already theming other Hero Specs after other racial heroes, so why not get troll heroes in there? If we are getting Farseer, why not Shadow Hunter? Or at the very least Witch Doctor. That unit was all about wards/totems.


The troll heritage better not be about Vol’jin. It should be a general reunion of the entire troll race to ensure their survival and retaking land humans and elves stole from them.

You seem to be mistaken, I’m not sorry for my post. I’m only sorry that they had to learn the tragic fact that “light facism” is corny hack writing from me.

Why, in universe, would anyone want to “preserve” these clans?

Yeah it’s lazy writing. “What if good thing was…BAD thing?!”


Good thing bad!? :index_pointing_at_the_viewer::scream: My expectations are feeling so subverted right now, truly incredible :wine_glass::smirk:

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Because they are the true Orcs while Thrall is nothing but a green human.

Yeah but these are meta out of universe storytelling opinions, the average orc doesn’t have any reverance for specific bloodlines. That’s very much a human thing.

They are the legacy. Not the stained Durotan line who rejected every war until they were affected directly-

It’s off-topic but orcs do care about family lineage, maybe even more so than humans. Otherwise, you would not hear Garrosh constantly refer to himself as Son of Grom or Saurfang, Brother of Broxigar, etc.

Unlike humans, your lineage does not grant entitlements but sets an expectation for you to meet or a dishonor that you must absolve.


Dare I say, bloodlines and clan honor are far more important to Orcs than humans. Orcs place a lot on upholding their clan and families honor, or face the consequences of dishonoring said clan or family


Any respectable Orc leader making a name for their deeds is well remembered.

They’re also 6 ft under. Seems to be a correlation between the two

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Yes because Blizzard hates everyone who refuses to be best friends with Anduin and Jaina nd there for kills them at every chance they get.

Or Thura, the niece of Broxigar and Varok, being deeply honored to receive the Axe of Cenarius and wanting to live up to her uncles’ examples.


And honoring their ancestors is the cornerstone of orcish shamanism, their primary religion. What a wild thing to say orcs don’t have any reverence for specific bloodlines.


Except that one period they were worshipping the burning legion and being drunk on mannoroth juice, but that is the past and long gond.

Waredrin is a troll, just posting to try to earn the troll heritage armor set. Notably doesn’t play either a Darkspear or a Zandalari.

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