Troll and Draenei heritage armors

They’re coming soon

For the Draenei, I do like that they went with a shaman-like theme hearkening back to their original concept art rather than another paladin space marine crystal set. But while I like the theme, the execution leaves something to be desired… the pauldrons and helm look bad, the skirt should be longer, and the belt shouldn’t use such a bulky model. That armor plate on the chest also looks sort of out of place, and a “skimpy” option with just the sash over a mostly bare torso would be good too (again, something which was how they were portrayed in the original concept art)

Like many sets, I find it a lot more appealing without the shoulders and helm.

If the belt was less bulky and the skirt/coat was longer, those pieces would be great. The shoulders and helm, idk how you’d make those usable, they’re just sort of ugly.

The troll set, well, I’m not really a troll enjoyer so idk. To me it looks like one of many witch doctor themed sets we’ve gotten from killing trolls over the years, with the only major difference being the strange dangling mask.


I don’t play either race so I’m not sure what I really expected but I guess considering how long we waited for these, I’m kind of…squinting and making faces at my monitors. I’m not impressed.

Also, that thing hanging off the troll mask looks really weird and mostly just like a bird’s wattle.

For reference here’s the old concept art the Draenei set appears to be based on:

…with the addition of goofy shoulderpads because warcraft, but otherwise it seems to hew pretty closely to this art.

I’d like getting the skimpy version the lady wears in the art because “mostly naked loincloth man” would be fun for me. But note how in the concept art both draenei have an ankle-length flowing outer garment on top of the their other clothes, that’d be cool to have so it doesn’t just look like a short tunic.


The draenei armor sucks. I 100% dislike it. I don’t like ragging on this game but jeeze they screwed that one up hardcore; which sucks because the draenei are my favorite.


Troll armor looks awful.


the troll armor only highlights how lame the darkspear troll model is tbh. like say what you will about the draenei one, it doesn’t highlight how horrendous their dimorphism is quite like that troll armor.

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I do like the armors, but this feels like, again, the Kaldorei Heritage Armor. Its … there, I guess? Although I’d have to see these at least rank a 6/10, compared to the 8/10 for the Gnome, Orc, Dwarf, and the 9/10 Forsaken and Tauren Heritage armors, and the 10/10 for the Human ones.

I really don’t know who has it out for the Kaldorei at Blizzard, but that heritage armor is just the rankest insult we’ve seen from the Heritage Quests to date. Thank Jeebus for the Darkshore armors because the armor that comes from the desecration of their homeland shows off the Kaldorei aesthetic more than a set that looks like somebody drunkenly attempted to TP’d a Kaldorei and then dumped pink dye and feathers on them before passing out, but somehow is mant to celebrate their heritage and moving on from old biases?

Who hurt you, mate?

The Draenei heritage set looks good but feels … unfinished? The pants need to have longer hems to truly match the artwork its based off of, and as Dragonflight’s tier-sets have displayed, we have the technology to pull this off now.

The Shoulders/Pauldrons for the Draenei Heritage questline are just weird and … don’t actually work? They’re just floating there? Either make it fit thematically with the rest of the armor, cloth and repurposed armor with sashes holding it together, or make it full-on crystals that float around the shoulders and upper torso ala the Legion Monk raid-tier set? This feels like somebody ran out of Enthusiasm Juice :tm: when they got to designing that part of the set and they need five minutes and a back-rub to get back into the fight.

For the Trolls, this is again another 6/10 set but for different reasons. I don’t know who on the Creative Team has apparently decided one part of the armor always needs to have tusks or bones strapped to it in the most wildly impractical fashion and call it a day, but I want to sit them down and ask them who hurt them.

The other big thing is the mask. Give us a bedamned Rush’kah mask as worn by Zappy Boi with some additional flair and we’re set. Its not like Troll players have been banging on those drums since Vanilla for proper masks for their characters to wear across all armor types.

A lesser gripe is that, once again, Male Trolls hide all that glorious chest-wrap of leather straps and worked hide with their permanent scoliosis, but at least we can see the glory of it on the ladies. Might actually end up pushing this up into the 7/10-8/10 bracket, if only because of how the majority of the set can be used across all four armor types.

And now my opinionated behind has to go and return this soap-box.

Humiliating + looks bad + plain + conservative + fails class fantasy

Another massive W for Night Elf armor.


I like the Draenei heritage set :smiley:

I’m going to quot e the heck outta miko

Yes!! This is what I really like about it! It definitely hits that nomadic but still magical but alien/other worldly style that they have. Crystal power ranger set is cool and all but we have enough of them already in the game.

That’s the one piece I’m not a fan of, it’s those weird clunky cata belt style I don’t like haha. I wish the dangly robe piece wasn’t attached to the belt and we could just not use the belt at all but still have that.

Ohhh I’d like that!!

anyway, i’m happy with it. The shoulders I think could look good if you do like one shoulder mog with it. I like the masked helm but tbh I’ll probably not ever really use it.


Troll set is horrible. They gone full mosquito instead of embracing Zuljin/Zeratul style.
excessive bones tusk, weird placed feathers… that ugly plate/wood helm top from Zul aman…with mosquito nose, when it should be a nice drop of clothing that moves in wind.

First time I saw the patroling plate guards on echo isles i thought they were way more awesome than what i see right now on this heritage set.

Troll weapon looks dumb… the shape of the blade… how’s this trollish?

still no frkn beards. Guys are frkn slow.

DRAENEI DORA SET… is too ugly

we had the draenei heritage set right here:

Google: What-i-hope-for-Draenei-Heritage-Armor

This is desapointing for my fav races.


I unfortunately do not like either. :frowning:

I wasn’t too terribly fond of either design as someone who plays both races.


I unfortunately don’t think they tried hard enough for the Draenei armor. It doesn’t look nearly as good as what it should be compared to what their BC concept art looks like.

It looks like only the males got the actual belt from the concept art but everything else looks like it was either modernized or they just decided to start from scratch.

While I do appreciate them not going for the full crystal warrior paladin set this time around for draenei this isn’t a set I would fully wear should I choose to ever play Draenei.

(bruh I literally had trust level 3 when did it get reset this is nonsense)


Speaking for myself, the Draenei one is a big meh, quite underwhelming. I feel like it’s less grand heritage armour for modern Draenei and more something I’d love to wear on a Krokul/Broken… IF I HAD ONE!

I’m a fan of the troll one though. I love the big dangly Sen’jin mask, and the set itself looks really good imo.

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Listen. It’s a time honored tradition at Blizzard to treat Everyone not Humans and orcs as absolute trash for having the audacity to not play generic things. How dare you expect nice things for the not bog-standard generic of WoW and to want something more fantastical in your fantasy MMO


I don’t quite think the Draenei one looks terrible, more just kind of meh. I think crystals on the shoulders look a bit out of place as well, compared to the rest; not sure why, I just don’t care for it.

I feel similarly towards the Troll one. The mask looks kinda weird, especially on the male model, likely because of its length. Frankly, I can’t quite imagine what would make either better. Perhaps some races just work better with the heritage armor concept than others?

These aren’t the best, but at least they exist.

The chest piece for the Draenei is maybe one of the better looking pieces of armour in this game.