Troll and Draenei heritage armors

The Troll armor set is rather… disappointing I have to say, not terrible but also not up to the highs of some others. Gloves and bones are a little bit too bulky for me, but it isn’t that bad. The witch doctor back-piece from the Trading Post/Black market works well enough with them that my shaman is happy.

My biggest complaint would be the masks, as many others have stated. The drape going over the nose creates that elephant look so many have said, and it is very bad from a side view. Under the nose would be a lot better, but I assume there was not a good way to achieve a connected look without it making look like the cloth just floats on your character’s face.

The two additional wooden masks are also just far, far too small on the face. They really need to be made larger to fit with other voodoo masks in the game.

Oh, also there is a 2 handed sword that matches the armor you get from the questline, however you only acquire it by playing the quest on a class that can use 2-Handed swords. So DK/Hunter/Warrior. I did it the questline on my shaman first and did not get it. I… don’t get why it isn’t a global unlock.

As for the quest itself? It was… fine. Not the Loas or the designs of them I would of expected to see. It felt a bit paint by the numbers to me, but I do suspect half of that feeling is because of a cynical viewpoint I have to the current lore team, so bias is playing a part here.

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In-game right now looking at a Draenei player in the most spectacular pieced together Heritage armor + other pieces set. Looks amazing.

The creativity on this server astounds me sometimes.

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Troll heritage quest was … Okay? New Loa that we’ve never heard of instead of the already established Loa we’re well acquainted with? Okay I guess …

Questline was okay but not exactly thrilling stuff. Very little in the way of cultural lore for the Darkspear, unlike the oodles we got for the Draenei.

I’d call these two questlines the Volvo. Reliable but uninspired. Still leagues ahead of the Kaldorei one, however, and I will forever seethe and refuse to cope about how backhanded the whole thing was.

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Oh man, right!?!

I’ve done the troll one (need to get my poor Draenei from 45-50 :pensive: ) and it was a resounding 6/10 I’d say. It was fine, gave us a little new lore, but I feel there was so much more that it could have been, you know? Predictable betrayal of random new NPC was a bit meh, and the sudden inclusion of new loa felt kind of forced if anything. Guess it’s nice to have some Darkspear specific loa, but hey, it was just fine.

The Kaldorei heritage quest though… ugh. It offered us nothing about greater Kaldorei society at all, but instead just gave us Maiev being randomly really nice somehow, breaking existing customs, and killing a couple demons in a pretty irrelevant questline with little bearing on anything past or future.

It was a genuine oof.


We showed a sociopathic war-criminal that :b:oys and the arcane were actually kinda cool, and our reward was pink wrapping paper with feathers haphazardly wrapped around the Kaldorei frame by crazed leper gnomes.

The glaives-as-swords was the only win the Kaldorei got outta that mess.

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Night Elves, the true heroes of Warcraft, are used to compensating for crappy stories with stunning aesthetics.


My tinfoil hat conspiracy theory is that Amirdrassil and/or its afterparty + Bel’ameth was intended to be the original night elf heritage quest, but it was then reconsidered as a main content patch instead, and so the current night elf heritage quest was slapped together in a rush to get something out the door.

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Considering the difference in quality between the Kaldorei one and every other one? This theory makes a whole lot of sense.

I swung back in to try the heritage questline

Draenei Heritage Questline spoilers

Was interesting as a little update to what Draenei are currently doing since they’ve been rather low-profile since Legion. The friendly Eredar was particularly good since the quest which added that customization didn’t do much to define their role in society, showing them re-integrating into the world helped tie that up.

Portraying Auchindoun as being semi-active was cool, I’ve known some people who RP as Auchenai even though the organization has been in a somewhat ambiguous state for a while.

For being a millennia-old demigod-like being its funny how Velen keeps getting paired with characters like Hatuun and Illidan who sort of bully him. His apparent lack of pride and maybe even wavering self-confidence is an unexpected characteristic for immortal grandfather mega-priest man

Going around at the celebration getting gossip from all the characters was probably my favorite part. Was surprised to see Naielle there, afaik the first appearance of the main universe counterpart to a WoD character.

Which did make me think of the largest Draenei loose end that didn’t get tied up, the status of the AU Draenei led by Yrel. I didn’t really expect this to get touched on at any rate, Naielle just brought it to mind. Getting the Yrel side of the story which we only saw from the mag’har perspective is something I’m sort of interested in, but I guess we won’t see AU Draenei again.

Velen’s proclamation that we’d build a new city “on the ashes of our exile” was sort of surprising. In some ways the questline re-established us as a dispersed, wandering people by featuring remote locales like Shattrath/Auchindoun and visitors from Argus and the Ashtongue (Akama did appear, though not very prominently). And his phrasing is ambiguous, he brings all these wanderers together without clearly saying, “Azeroth is our home now, check back later for the new draenic condos we’re building for you all!!”, we just get this one line and a glimpse of a hologram of a building.

I assume any future home will be on Bloodmyst/Azuremyst rather than Argus or Draenor but who knows, especially since we have plot outlines for the next 3 expansions and none of them seemed to be about Draenei.

Anyway I thought it was pretty fun

I did the Gilneas questline too, which I guess is old news now but it was new to me.


I didn’t really enjoy that one as much, Scarlet Crusade showing up again somehow was random and quickly resolved, and the Genn/Tess family melodrama just felt maudlin to me.

Tess becoming Queen didn’t have a lot of punch because she is not the most developed character (maybe people who did the rogue class hall know more about her, but from my warrior perspective she has basically just been a background character with no personality traits I know of).

Good for Mia that she got some voiced lines I guess? I’m not sure she has appeared anywhere since like Cata.

I guess the Gilneans and Forsaken are both sort of in the midst of an identity crisis since a lot of their story was about fighting each other, and they’re not gonna do that now, and having scary curses, and both of them have new leaders in Calia and Tess who are not cursed in the same way as their compatriots. So I dunno where their stories are gonna go.

Nice for the zone to get some NPCs in it rather than just being empty but it made me feel like the worgen are at a story dead end

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I mean, Mueh’zala’s been a part of the background for a bit now. Not a major loa but not from out of nowhere either. Easy to miss though, so it makes sense that it feels newly invented.

If so, I wonder if this is connected to the decision to have the blue and white recolor of the set require completing the Amirdrassil raid. Perhaps that wouldn’t have felt as strange if Amirdrassil had also been the rest of the heritage questline, or maybe somebody was disappointed that it wasn’t and wanted to maintain some kind of connection between Amirdrassil and the heritage armor.

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Oh i know Mueh’zala, to be clear. He’s been around since classic (Zul’farrak if I recall) and obviously played a significant role in everyone’s favourite expansion, world of Warcraft Shadowlands.

I was talking about the two new loa. The mist lurker and podling things, with masks. I’ve forgotten their names already.

ah, haven’t done it yet so I wasn’t aware of that.

Stinky and Potato.

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I both simultaneously want to kick Hatuun’s a$$ and want to pop Velen in the back of the head and say “dude stop taking this guys crap!”

I finally got my poor abandoned shaman to 50 and did the Draenei heritage story!

Honestly, it may be my favourite Heritage questline yet.

While impossible to cover all of the extensive Draenei lore, the expedition to Outland and the flashbacks there were a nice look at history. We also got to see so many aspects of Draenei society come together as one, the Outland and Argus Krokul, the Exodar Draenei as well as the Shattrath ones, and of course the penitents. Importantly, a little time was spent on each. Then walking around the Tishamaat at the end, there were so many little lore tidbits.

In short, that was excellent. An absolute pleasure to quest through, I’m sincerely impressed.

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