600 Sacbrood is 5.6% increase.
613 Gale is 5.9%.
The difference between both trinkets at 639 is 0.26%
Also, for the record, Raidbots suggests items based on their maximum. I forget if it just assumes top or looks at your crests/stones.
600 Sacbrood is 5.6% increase.
613 Gale is 5.9%.
The difference between both trinkets at 639 is 0.26%
Also, for the record, Raidbots suggests items based on their maximum. I forget if it just assumes top or looks at your crests/stones.
And how are the damage profiles for both of them? Gale for example is just a stat stick all the time.
Not enough of a factor to significantly agonize over item level. If you have a Vet Sacbrood and a Champ Gale, you take the Gale.
Can comfirm.
Also still sure that SacBrood isnt coded right. if off by 5-7%
That is some AWFUL rng.
2 dropped in my first +5 run. Got 1 day 1 of norms xD
How do they hotfix your bad rng?
Here, I can take 5 minutes to run some data for you so you can actually see some numbers. I ran all the loot for the dungeons as I am too lazy to piece in each for the specific gear, so use it to look for upgrades if you want or something.
Single target is a gain at that ilvl, sure, but a marginal one. 3500 damage onto 965k. Basically a variance that could be considered a rounding error or good sim at best.
Multitarget sees a loss of damage, though a statistical variance that could consider it a sidegrade or rounding error as well.
As far as a 623 variation goes, it’s not bad. But genuinely you’d be fine getting a number of other trinkets.
Like, here, just for the memes I ran it against a mediocre trinket for you.
Within 10k dps
Or just an increase on your UBC to the 623 variation.
Also within that 10k range. You’d see almost zero performance differences in practice between the 3 as procs alone drop or give you 100 times the variance.
Presumably they want it nerfed.
But it already was.
Also, thank you Ryuki. I’m way too lazy for that kinda life, myself.
I think it would matter to people depending on the profile of damage they want to achieve. I personally have a 610 Gale and a 613 Changeling. I want the sacbrood to replace my Gale because I burst harder with it over trash pulls in M+.
Not more than the spec they’re choosing you for. Trust me, they only care if your trinket is for your spec and not some meme choice. Not whether or not you have Sacbrood.
You’re more likely to be turned down for not being Enh for the funnel than for not having a trinket with nebulous value.
And even then, to be clear, most people do not care.
Yup, I think week 2? It got nerfed before the season even started I believe.
I mean it is a good trinket, but there are so many solid trinkets. Why agonize over it unless you are doing CE or pushing higher keys?
Only to end up getting discarded the moment S2 drop.
Becuz metagaming is srs business.
This. On top of secondary stat weight meaning more on Ele than specific trinkets do honestly. If you could just get extra haste through consumables and enchants, you’d be in the exact same spot as having the stat stick of Sacbrood. The actual damage the trinket does is beyond negligible, most people just want the haste.
Both specs so damn haste hungry right now.
Especially now when secondaries are abysmally low.
I believe that is why Treacherous Transmitter is crazy good. High haste stat stick, then high main stat on use.
Being 580 as unholy was AWFUL.
Less than 10% haste, the amount of times you’d get rune locked and just sit there auto attacking like it’s classic…
The 90 second CD on transmitter also lines up super well with classes with 3 min CDs or CDR based kits. And it’s also not bad for 1 and 2 min CD specs.
It just kinda works for everyone’s cooldown windows, beyond a select few with unusual damage profiles. And even for those, it’s just a free set of bonus DPS for a bit.
Can we see your logs, OP
Only 15?
I ran mechagon 60+ times for the correct ring, another 40+ for the other ring to make the set.
I ran DoS 600+ times, over 3 seasons farming the tank and the dps trinket, speccing to loot one would lock you out of the other.
I currently have had sacbrood drop 3 times for me, its drop rate is fine - rng is rng.
Meh I would just bring reroll tokens back honestly, that would solve a lot of issues.
You think that’s bad? Fun experiment time everyone. Create a premade group and put it as +7 grim batol and watch the sign ups. everyone and their mom wants skardyns too
Your seriously saying that a trinket is stopping your from raiding…
What are you actually talking about m8.