I am 15 runs into ara kara for it, everyone else whining they need it and done 20+ runs. doing the same key over and over and over and over is not “content”. its BIS for nearly everyone seemingly by design so they won’t trade it to each other even. all you are doing is disappointing people endlessly this should have been hotfixxed already. the longer you drag your feet the worse it gets for people.
after finding out ara trinket was nerfed and after 17 ara kara 7s I started doing 5 grim batols at 3-5 since i was desperate and finally got it but its on a lower track of upgrade
I also crafted the wrong neck because it had an embellishment which really held me back from having something higher ilvl worth spending the sockets on. I was teetering on the edge of being in the 22 for heroic queen and going into mythic out of like 42 people. wrong craft that gm give AI response to is probably where that last bit will be.
maybe I will get to play the game next patch u.u
(trolls mass reported when the edit was a comment that didn’t break any guidelines so now you will see it here. also the point still stands with trinkets mattering alot more than stat sticks the droprates for ones they know are saught after should be increased)
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i mean, you do it to yourself, you dont NEED it, but you want it. You make yourself miserable by chasing something that overall isn’t gonna be that much of a % increase in damage say for the other trinkets that are available towards the top of the list. There are much easier trinkets to get then spamming one dungeon over and over again until you hate yourself enough to blame others for your own shortcomings.
It’s been nerfed pretty intelligently. Still bis for a lot of folks, but not so far ahead that you’re pressed to get it now. Thus Obvious is correct;
not when raid spots are competitive. it becomes a requirement to play
It really isn’t. That trinkets dps isn’t gonna make or break you. it’s you preforming well, not the trinket.
M+ having two drops per group has made targeting loot outright unpleasant and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t a system that can be changed for the better.
I agree, thank you. most of the time the 2 pieces are pieces people don’t want anyways
Or just nerf the trinket so that not everyone wants it for BiS. It’s not a legendary or crazy special thing, it doesn’t need to be this sought after.
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You’ll be fine.
Then again I have it and didn’t even want it. Dropped and I couldn’t trade 
15-20 runs is really not a lot when talking the odds of drop rate for this thing.
Considering only 2 people are guaranteed loot at the end, and 7 items total are on your drop table, you have basically a 5% chance on any given run to see it.
RNG is RNG. If you want to run a statistics equation, only about 64% of players, on the high end, will see the drop in 20 runs. It’s going to take upwards of 90 runs to see a “guarantee” of it dropping at some point in the run count, and even then, I’ve seen people exceed statistical expectations and hit 140-150 runs to get some pieces of gear.
It’s just standard RNG, they aren’t going to finesse numbers for one trinket’s drop rate. All of us at some point have gone 45+ runs in a dungeon before seeing a piece we needed. It was 47 before I saw my Atal’dazar bracers.
At the end of the day, people can lose their mind trying to farm it or they can look out and get it in their vault when it shows up.
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It keeps dropping for me in runs where no else wants it.
Thats not how it works, people like you really need to stop spreading this theory. If its a 5% drop then you have a 5% chance EACH RUN.
they dont add up.
Mythic plus has been out 12 days and this dude is crying about not having a BiS trinket.
My god haha
And this is where a basic statistical equation of 1-(1-(drop %))^(number of runs) gives a very basic snapshot into how many runs one would need to statistically give you the drop. It compounds repeated attempts at the 5% marker into a very simple snapshot of “how likely was I to get the item with that many runs.”
It’s not wrong. It’s not a theory. It’s math. And it’s not guaranteed, it’s just an estimation on how many times one theoretically needs to run. The fun part of, once again having to explain to you BELL CURVES, is that people fall on both ends of the extremes.
A 99% chance still leaves 1% of people in that fun spot of 140+ runs without seeing it. And a .01% chance means some of them got it on the first run anyway.
Isnt the SacBrood only simming better becuase of a programming glitch. I pretty sure that the trinket doesnt work how the sims got programed to think it works.
That’s how they get people to run Mythic + over and over again. By putting BIS trinkets in Mythic +. Without that a lot of people wouldn’t even touch Mythic +.
It’s the rather large carrot that gets people who don’t particularly enjoy it to do Mythic +.
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I want to say, but can’t solidly confirm, that the sims got fixed recently. Simming the trinket myself has yielded a loss in DPS despite everyone else and their mother using the thing anyway.
My Scroll of Momentum now sims better in pretty much all circumstances against it, even looking at a 639 version. So I want to say that the sim models were fixed for it.
They did. Now, you’ll favor item level. People just refuse to get the memo.
This is false. It is a massive advantage over almost every other trinket for a lot of classes. You dont NEED it to play, but you NEED it to play competitively. This “you do it to yourself” stance is stale.
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