If you want competitive some of the delve trinkets are far superior to the SacBrood.
I would be fine with this for ANY other piece, but since they removed spell power and Attack trinkets or proc items have been the SINGLE greatest source of DPS increase outside of tier bonuses. To gate a BiS item that blows everything else out of the water behind such a low chance in a single dungeon is absolutely maddening.
But it dosnt blow anything out of the water; the sims only say that because they didnt code it right.
Not for ele shamans and other casters they are not. Its so good that a 593 sacbrood sims better than most of my 610 trinkets.
The sims are wrong.
I trust the multiple sims I have done over the word of some random player on an alt on the wow forums.
Misplaced trust then
Its called data, and you have none to back up your claim.
Ive looted 4. 1 from m0, 1 from m7, 2 from m9 (gave 1 away).
Its called faith and yours is weak and found lacking
Faith is for zealots too weak willed to have broadened horizons.
And SacBroods are for those who embrace RNjesus
You are grossly overestimating the difference, inputting something incorrectly in your sims, or straight up lying.
I am unfamiliar with bloodmallet sir
Well in any case, it’s still best in slot for both specs, but the nerf made the difference much less egregious.
Competitive but doesn’t know bloodmallet lol
Even on bloodmallet it puts it on par with a 613 Gale at 600
Data was incorrectly inputted resulting in skewed and wrong results.
I think simc and raidbots are decent alternatives.