I’ll use an on-use trinket if I have to, but I do generally prefer passive effects or stat sticks. When the DPS is in the bad and the tank is determined to stay as far ahead and out of range as possible the last thing I want is to fiddle with on-use stuff.
def passive or a fire-and-forget. i do enough button mashing as is
I think most of the people replying here re like me in that we don’t do high enough content for it to matter.
But yes if needed you can set up a wa to pop CDs at the right time
I’m in the passive/stat stick train. I think I just like a smooth damage curve.
I will use an active if it’s quite good, this season being Spymasters, though I never want a trinket like spymasters again where dying ruins the effect buildup so extremely.
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I hate “On Use” trinkets, I have enough buttons to press.
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I prefer to run one of each, especially on tanks where the on-use is either purely defensive or a hybrid, which means I am no fan of channeled trinkets.