Trinket nerf for tanks/healers... Could you not?!?

Not since shadowlands. In DF most of my keys have been timed with minutes to spare. When they do fail it’s because players don’t have enough CDs to survive. DPS hasn’t been the deciding factor in keys for this entire expansion. That’s why aug has been so good even though brining one is a dps loss.


I don’t think many DPS are running rageheart or any heal trinkets. It’s mainly healers who are running it.

Because almost no dps are running tank trinkets.

Nah tome of unstable power is cracked but who cares? Just let us increase our dps…

Tanks and healers are still going to run DPS trinkets. Our damage will just be a lot lower now. Dumb change


10x is an exaggeration, but the bigger “problem” in this scenario being described is that a healer’s damage kit is so weak that a trinket can fully replace their entire DPS potential.

Why should healers be struggling to pull 60k constant DPS without trinkets, Shadowflame armor patch or other damaging affects attached to gear? Virtually any DPS class with healing capabilities can easily pull 40k-60k HPS when they’re spending any amount of GCDs on a heal.

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But again they’ll have access to dps hero talents. How much dps do they add?

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It’s not just healers, my blood DK routinely has 30-35% of his damage in a key be from the axe/grieftorch/augury (aka not even my own class abilities).

Comparing how much hps a dps can do is kind of pointless. I can spike to over 700k hps in high damage situations (much better healers way higher, depending on the damage spike and how many other healers are there) so a dps doing 50k is nothing. Just not a good comparison.

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Axe does a lot of damage in keys for sure. Even when I swap Ret its overall damage is comparable to like Crusading Strikes cleave which is pretty strong in itself. It doing a lot(more) as a BDK tracks. Tank HPS isn’t really a “problem” imo because they’ve all been designed to be mostly if not entirely self sufficient.

The point I wanted to illustrate is that it’s an absolute struggle for a healer to do decent damage and it’s just not a struggle for DPS to do decent healing.

It just feels bad that you can play the best game of ur life as a healer, pull 140K-160K overall and its only like 4-7% of overall damage needed. Remove the best trinkets and it drops by over half–it’s terrible!

Healer base damage kits are just too weak.

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I wouldn’t say this nerf only “nerfs fun”. I know people use that phrase for pretty much any change they don’t like these days, but still.

But if this does go through, hopefully they have more interesting tanking and healing trinkets. Or perhaps they will tweak scaling so that healers are doing less damage in general and focus more on healing because of incoming damage. Perhaps tanks will need to take at least one defensive trinket, at least when pushing progression, to smooth out incoming damage.

But currently, there are a number of weapons and trinkets that are a larger portion of a tank or healer’s damage than dps because they are flat procs. In S2, Forgestorm and Bilestained Crawg Tusks were a much higher portion of my damage as brewmaster than they were as windwalker. Same with Djaruun this season. They are likely just trying to balance that out some.


It’s pointless to do that because deaths due to damage taken becomes binary at some point.

Are they just going to give us a bunch of flexible shield trinkets like Ward of Faceless Ire? That’s not interesting nor is it healing. I don’t care about “interesting” as long as it keeps the group alive, but a lot of yall seem stuck on that.


I care about both to a degree. Yes, I want them to be strong and useful, but the trinkets of old were incredibly boring.

You either had a secondary stat with a main stat proc or a primary stat with a secondary stat proc. Or maybe it would be an on use trinket. That’s boring. There are still some basic trinkets like that, but they’ve done a better job of coming up with new trinket types.

Do we want them all to be generic shields? No, of course not, but there can be a lot of variety in how a trinket can accomplish a specific task.

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Best trinkets are the proc ones with fancy looking effects. On-use trinkets are button bloat and stat trinkets are… why


I…don’t think there is lol. That’s why they still havent accomplished it.

Healing is hard to balance. It’s just a fact :dracthyr_shrug:


Seems silly to nerf the damage of roles that we need more of

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nice, when do those unlock? next week?

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Probably a couple months til’ prepatch.

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oh okay. so the nerf isn’t effective until then?

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As long as there’s some dps focused tank trinkets that trigger off hit or mitigation, I think I’ll live. Lord knows I am not a fan of trinkets that are just mediocre versions of my class cooldowns

e: though I’ll appreciate the irony in WoD era tanks going apoplectic over Glad warriors rolling on tank trinkets, and now they don’t want tank trinkets

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Seems to largely be for the next expansion.

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Last time they made healers have to heal more instead of DPS, it wasn’t super well received.

That’s no different from now. But at the point where they don’t need it, it’ll just be take the worse DPS trinket because the tank one is still unnecessary and 33% less trinket DPS is still better than nothing.


Sorry if it bothers you that I am not willing to sign over my brain to you and accept whatever agenda you’ve been told needs to be presented to forum readers. Not sorry. I know you have reading comprehension, you just need to try to push that agenda harder. Because surely if you repeat yourself often enough, people will accept what you are saying as Truth™.

No doubt you were. A very overgeared tank in a normal or heroic dungeon where the dps are weak will definitely be top dps.

Nah I welcome the question everything.
But making strawmans out of thin air lol either it’s trolling or a lack of reading comprehension.

I also don’t have an agenda, i just correct misinformation

This. Nerfed DPS trinket will still do more DPS than tank trinket, therefor nerfed DPS trinket will be the go to

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