Trinket nerf for tanks/healers... Could you not?!?

Half the fun with trinkets is finding those interesting ones that works well no matter what spec or.

This nerf only servers to nerf fun across the board when it comes to trinkets.


I’m sure the new tank trinkets that’ll give us a shield for 15% of our max HP are gunna be super good and we’ll be glad to run them

Or just continue to run DPS trinkets cuz blizzard can’t make good tank trinkets


Tank trinkets seemed fine back in Legion. Personal fav one was the one dropping from the portal boss that randomly applied heal/shield/dps-aura. Not the best in any way, but it was a nice supplement for warrior’s crazy ignore pain back then, or monks stagger.

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DPS running tank/heal trinkets to survive high keys seems like a bigger problem than healers or tanks running dps trinkets. This is a weird change.


Healer damage is already garbage in fact it’s so garbage I call bull on Blizzards statement ain’t no way DPS Trinkets are increasing Healer DPS to the point a 33% nerf was necessary. If they want healers to run healer trinkets maybe they should make them more interesting then just mana regen, super situational heal/overshield or annoying gimmick trinket thats not worth the trouble.


Why be creative when they can just nuke the damage ones?

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While I definitely understand the frustration, especially as someone who heals keys a lot and usually would prefer 2 beefy damage trinkets, I do understand why Blizzard needed to make a change like this. Tanking and healing output both have hard caps to their effectiveness. Once you reach the point that you are no longer in danger of dying and the group no longer needs more healing to stay alive, having more of each capability is useless.

At the same time, Blizzard doesn’t want to balance tanks or healers such that they cannot perform their job (at an appropriate item level for the content) if they don’t have exactly a specific trinket to make up for a gap in their spec toolkit. A spiffy tanking or healing trinket might allow a player to jump into slightly higher content sooner than the rest of their gear would allow, but those trinkets can’t be a major make-or-break moment for most players because that would make them unable to be successful until they get that item.

I really don’t know how Blizzard can encourage players to take tanking or healing trinkets unless they make them so overpowered they create a major division of haves and have-nots, without making those DPS trinkets relatively less valuable for tanks and healers. I’m not thrilled about it to be sure, but I can understand from a game design perspective how general-use DPS trinkets that are just as good for tanks and healers as they are for DPS creates balancing nightmares.


I really hope they walk back on this.

They need to do that, or they need to buff healer damage A LOT

I imagine dps would appreciate not having to always roll against tanks and healers for dps trinkets.


Could have been offset by not having terrible drop-rates.

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I picked up the Azure Vault trinket on my holy priest recently, and it’s been consistently my top source of dps… Beating out Burning Vehemence/Holy Fire. I have extremely little faith that this will end up being anything other than a straight nerf to healer/tank dps, but it’s fair to say that certain trinkets can be a very large percentage of a spec’s dps.


This wouldn’t be an issue if they actually gave a better shot at balancing tank trinkets. When wowhead has the same trinket rated at the bottom of the available pool for every single tank class there is an issue… stamina trinkets also need to go, they’re useless in today’s environment.


It’s tricky because survivability/healing tend to be binary, either you have enough or you don’t. Having more when you don’t need it is worthless.

More dps is always helps.

My guess is even with this change, tanks and healers will still frequently run dps trinkets.

They just won’t be a massive % of their overall damage. It’s not uncommon on my blood DK to have the axe, grieftorch, and Augury be my top 3 damage abilities by a decent margin. My actual class abilities are fairly weak by comparison.


Can’t really be anything else, can it? I don’t see them just flat buffing damage to help even it out, and the dedicated trinkets will probably still be… Lackluster.

It’s time to tone down the tank dps and healer dps

Why bring any dps if you can just bring all tanks? Dps should be the ones pumping the charts.

/shrug They * could * buff the dps of those roles, but I somehow doubt they will. Especially since their reaction to everything Discipline-related seems to be to nerf their dps… And if that spec isn’t allowed to do respectable damage (since damage → healing is its whole shtick) there’s little hope for the rest of them.

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Yeah how about no Healer DPS needs to be buffed spending 30 seconds to kill just one mob in the open world is not fun nor engaging gameplay.


And now you lose the ability to push into more damage after that plateau. This is stupid. Obviously someone just lost a tome of power to a healer and is big mad about it.


Then switch to another spec that is dps.

Healer dps has already been nuked into the shadow realm. Healers contribute maybe 5% of a groups overall dps. How much lower should it be?

Just an overall pointless change. They’re going to reduce meaningless dps by 33% so it will still be meaningless.