Trinket from the cache gang rise up

I’m actually malding over here.

How about letting trinkets still titanforge if they can’t corrupt then?
Any reason why this is a bad idea?


Useless trinket, useless azerite from the titan vendor. No corruption from the assault or world boss. In fact it feels like the corruption faucet got turned off a week and a half ago.

General feeling of why bother…

Or “Oh Bother.”


Wouldn’t want you to get what you wanted this early now would we? How will you possibly fill Blizzards metrics if you get your best stuff early!


Trinkets should just be able to corrupt. It’s stupid that they can’t, and just causes frustration.



Titanforging is more of a cancer than Corruption forging and the trinkets from the cache are already 475. They’d literally only be able to WF.

If it cant corrupt it shouldn’t even be on the loot table of the only guaranteed corrupted loot source. Unfortunately for us we play a game made by a bunch of virgin 3heads that think stuff like this is ok


Figured I’d get a response like that.
Suspend your thoughts on what is and isn’t good about the system. How do you make players excited to get trinkets from their cache?
Given what we have now.

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let’s not talk about it ok

Remove the cap for trinkets. Give them the change to Legendforge and become legendary quality at ilvl 600 :slight_smile:

Considering BiS trinkets drop from the caches again, it is wonderful that you can get a BiS 475 trinket, potentially with a socket. The only thing that will increase your DPS more as a melee/Hunter is a weapon.

I got bracers with vers on damage taken last week and bracers with caster corruption this week.

Feels far more insulting than disappointing.

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Got an unusable trinket too. Actually did not surprise me. I’m not angry. Not sad. No disappointment. No hope. Yep. Hopelessness. That’s how the RNG loot work.

I got a 465 die, not bad for dps or tanking. Wish I got a corruption from it, but luckily I got a haste corruption from the assault so this alt can at least be purply


Scrap the weekly chest in its entirety.

To be honest though if upgrade systems never existed simply getting a good trinket would be exciting enough.

The whole concept of “my piece didn’t upgrade therefore it is bad” is propagated by the fact these good upgrades exist.

Realistically though what do they do? I don’t understand why they don’t corrupt in the first place. But if they don’t corrupt (and the rest is guaranteed) then they should probably auto socket? But if they auto socket that would be pretty busted also.

So do they repeat the same process as azerite pieces which were intially the same issue (getting azerite 10 ilvls lower than cache just sucked)?
Just chuck them on a vendor for titan residuum?


You get 475 trinket out of it, what else do you want? I got one and pretty happy about it.

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That’s fine. Seems more people are satisfied with the trinkets than expected.
Everyone I have been playing with has been the opposite.

You get a 475 no matter what, and the items NOT trinkets are always corrupted.
Most of those trinkets are not good, so I would never want one from a cache unless I was already fully geared with corruption.

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Trinkets for healers from cache suck.