Triggered by a term "Tourists"

Why is it if you say the word “tourist” that people instantly become butthurt babies about the term like ‘WHO WOULD CALL THEMSELVES A TOURIST’ or something along those lines, like can they pass some of what they’re smoking? it must be great, do they not realize the term is to describe a behavior in a portion of the player base, like they act they’re going to be passing out tourist badges that are forced to be worn on the sleeve of the toon putting a giant arrow above them reading “SCUM OF THE EARTH”.

You do realize all that they’re saying that the player may not have any long term investment in the character, not everyone who is a tourist stays a tourist, not caring about classic doesn’t make you a terrible person or a terrible player, it just means you don’t care so much about it, this is not a bad thing, people have lives and not every game is for them, while many would argue that wow classic is the “better game”(I would argue this) it does NOT MEAN that anyone who likes or enjoys BFA or any other game is bad or trash, why does everyone take it as a grand insult? This feel like that post about how 15 hobophobes were beat with sticks like pinatas and people assume it’s an attack on their religion despite saying ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF THE SORT.

Because they are the tourists and are feeling personally attacked because people are telling them to do their own thing and to stay away from their guilds because they’re gonna be leaving when the fancy strikes them for battle for azerite armor


Calm down there buddy.
Relaxxx live a little

is only game. Why you heff to be mad?


People feel attacked by everything now. A generation softened by the generation before them making them soft.


I just found out on another post that I have thought bullets. An upgrade!


Do you have a license to use those thought bullets?


Concealed carry, baby


But no one is telling them to do anything, that’s kind of the point, that both options are available as it falls down to personal tastes. They can join whichever server they want, but that’s kind of the point, the other server option is one that would be a NATURAL TURN OFF to those people because the drawbacks to such a system is EXACTLY WHAT THEY DON’T LIKE! and on the opposite side, the nonlayered people would not pick a layered server not because “they don’t want to be labeled a tourist” but because THEY DON’T LIKE THE DRAWBACKS THAT COME WITH THE LAYERING! This is what I mean, they’re so focused on a word they don’t seem to understand how to even use or interpret that they get all the way up their own butt they wont see sunlight for days.


Just because I couldn’t resist any longer. :rofl:


“How about the ability to kill a yak from 200 yards away… with mind bullets!? That’s telekinesis, ‘Ogimirak’(Kyle).”

It’s actually a term that we got from the devs, too–funnily enough.

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I was wondering if anyone else thought about the D when they heard that term

Is this a typo or a story about people who hate old-timey migrant workers with penchants for jumping on trains?

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nope, ref to a meme. should be able to search “self burn homophobe” in google images and it be the first result

West turned soft when those who experienced the great depression and World War 2 didn’t want the same for their children. An understandable reason, it’s just the unforeseen consequences of it showed a couple decades later.


I’d argue it’s more because of the people making the money and buying off politicians do so not for the betterment of the people but for a more obedient and braindead generation of worker bees slowly wearing down the public institutions that actually helps the general population instead of only the rich. But i mean who knows right?

Who is triggered?

It’s easily to blame politicians for every woe, and while it’s valid because they are responsible for the majority of problems (political ones at least), people refuse to acknowledge their own complacency that let it get to that point.


ROFL this is some deep stuff comment of the year!

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well when those same politicians are the same ones that were in power before I was even born then ya I’d say those are pretty valid points of blame. many of the issues have been going on long before even that, but sure it’s clearly my fault billionaires can legally bribe politicians, what’s the problem with that? It’s not like they put the priorities of those who bribe them over what their average citizen wants right?

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