Tried FFXIV …and⚰️

both games have horrible graphics in my book.

wow’s pill is easier to swallow since it went for cartoony af


Game isn’t trashed with systems on top of systems of BS. All of their content is relevant from the first dungeon you run. They don’t through away all their work each expansion and leave it in a pond of garbage to be buggy and untouched because of their stupid constant scaling.

Automatic win, FFXIV content> WoW in every way possible.


I flip flop between the two whenever they do something I don’t like, FFXIV tends to kneejerk class adjustments sometimes as bad as WoW to the point where it guts a class and with that game I really don’t like redoing things on another class like relics.

So then I’ll hop back on WoW or something else for a bit, till I run out of content on those and then wait till either game has an expansion or worthwhile patch update.

They both need work in the endgame department either way, I don’t have the patience for guild drama in order to participate in high end content anymore and both games are pretty raid-centric.

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other MMOs exist. try New World, Eve, ESO, classic, BDO, star wars, GW2, Rift, etc.

puked in my mouth a lil. im gonna have to wait for new ones lol


Dude… have you seen the meters in game? The classes are extremely balanced and done very well. YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT. then again this is coming from a kid who thinks updating his graphics card with mommys credit card will make the graphics better in a game. -_-


So you just can’t stop begging for my attention huh? I mean I built a whole new PC for that 2070 super but I didn’t think that was wholly interesting to make the point I was making, so I used the most relevant component in my comment.

But if you want to know what I used I’ll be more than happy to tell you.

Also yeah, sorry but more than once MCH, BRD and SMN have been benched in raids due to changes, all 3 classes I play the most for DPS.

MNK and DRG have too due to them either being too weak or losing raid utility for one reason or another, but I don’t play those classes :man_shrugging:

Lies, simply, lies especially about BRD. All classes are doing very well for their roles. Some DPS have more utility and lose DPS such as BRD and Dancer. BRD has been included in all progression runs.

No classes are benched in this game. you can only have 8 people in savage, keep that in mind, can’t bring every class this doesn’t mean they are benched.

You’re talking about now, I’m talking about my experience since 1.0.

You really just can’t handle people having a different experience from you in anything eh? Nothing is going to hurt your precious game, it’ll still be there when you finally free yourself from white knighting on these forums don’t worry.

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oh okay, you played since alpha as well? Lol, now that FFXIV is king MMO, all these people that say “IVE BEEN PlayING WoW since BETA!” are going to be saying “I’ve BEEN PLaying SINCCE 1.0!!”

No you weren’t lol.

I can show you my 1.0 character that’s still on excalibur, the other is on Behemoth where I went to when ARR launched.

People can play more than one game, or so I’ve heard.


lol, don’t care. Your statement is invalid now that you are switching it up. You can’t talk about your past experiences as if they are current. Game is balanced very well now. So QQ more about the past. When as WoW ever been balanced? even a little bit? lol

Never claimed WoW was balanced, but FFXIV isn’t either. The only person with a problem on that fact is you.


dont mind the graphics. i’m just so used to wow…i cant help but feel it’s not as “clean” as wow


The graphics are REALLY REALLY good with Gshade, specifically with the ‘alive’ preset. I couldn’t stand the game before too, it has this really wierd greenish hue that makes everything looks washed out and dull, but it’s incredible how much difference a simple Gshade filter makes! I recorded a video yesterday because I was so blown away by the difference

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Did Navris finally get smited by the ban hammer or did his sub time just end? He hasn’t made 100s of threads in the last day or two.

I cant believe people still watch him and take him for real anymore…99% of anything he does and says is false…not to mention almost everything he has in wow is handed to him by his viewers. or carry him.

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FiNaL fAnTaSy GrApHiCs ArE jUsT sTyLiZeD

That’s the one we use for the complaints about WoW’s outdated graphics, right?

They paid/showered who?

I had a buddy stream part of a dungeon to try and hype us up for it and aside from confirming that “yup. That sure is a japanese video game” I couldn’t help but notice how bland the environment was; it looked like a generic dark souls castle more then anything else.