Tried FF14 for 2 full days

Enjoy!! I just finished the post-SB quests 2 days ago and I loved it.

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What silence? The music is great.

Though I do like ESO’s fully voice acted game. Even if it is the same 4 voice actors for everyone except the main npcs :slight_smile:

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This guy is crazy. There are more cutscenes and voiceovers then you could ever want. A little tooo much for my flavor. like seriously OMG. ( and if he is saying actual music then i know he is crazy!) You can make your own music, and assign music to any and everything, music in the game is a major thing, you actually get Orchestrion Rolls from dungeons! heres a link

The game is fun, I leveled every job to 80 got a medium house ( which is a feat itself). The hardest part is if your a wow player from the start, this is like playing Atari your whole life, then someone shows you a Playstation 5 its so much more advanced then wow its intimidating.

There are people who have been playing for years and still haven’t got through all the expansions (MSQ) or content that FF has. Just has so much content and also Fishing and gathering crafting is just OMG so so advanced, it makes wows professions look like it was designed by pre schoolers.

But if you want a non censored game that hasn’t been castrated like wow with all the man hate backlash game editing at HQ or game devs that listen, or GM’s that instantly respond, they take game play very serious, if you try to harass or ruin another players experience they will suspend you. ( you know all those jerks that would intentionally block an NPC On the biggest mount they could well in FF they would get suspended)

If you think transmog is a thing in wow, its a joke compared to FF.

There are lots of thing about FF that are great, but im not here to sell you the game.
I quit wow right after shadowlands.
I actually only came back 2 weeks ago to gather 2 things that has been a goal for about 12 years now. So much so, I wont even bother saying how many accounts and how many max toons i have, but the numbers are higher then a GEN Z Tik Tok girls body count! Yah Its that many!

Anyways saw this post, thought I would chime in on Final Fantasy, If your first game was wow and you have been with it since then, well then FF is not wow, it was inspired by wow but its way more advanced and caters to the audiences passion for the game and storytelling.


If its just the voice acting, thats ARR the first expan, they tore down the game blah blah. If you havnt played games like EQ or the orig classic wow ARR is kinda tuff and a barrier to entry.

when you get to heavensword content its fine.

Tried ff for about 2 hours found it lacking. Just ain’t for me.

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Played for 2 full days and literally not even ONE voice over or voice the entire time. I mean not a SINGLE one. So no idea what you are talking about or what I did wrong. It was 100% reading text.

EQ —> EQ2 → WoW

ARR dosnt have voice acting due to its uniqueness, it was a game that was completly tore down and re released, but they wnated to keep somewhat the original story.

its just ARR, it is a huge barrier to entry for some.

Also they droped ps3 support so i think End walker gana up the graphics since lowest system is ps4

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I actually never found content to change much after ARR. Though they did switch up the voice actors.

Well that’s kind of typical for a half-patch. I don’t think it’s really fair to expect actual content updates for 9.1.5 since in general, half-patches are mainly for QoL and systems updates. In fact I’d say that Legion Timewalking actually makes 9.1.5 one of the best half-patches in terms of content that we’ve had in quite a while.

What I think this is brushing up against is that the gaps between updates in Shadowlands are ridiculously long. It wouldn’t be such a problem that 9.1.5 doesn’t have any major content in it if the major content still came in a timely fashion. However, that’s not happening. 9.1 came out four months ago and that was a staggering 6 months after Shadowlands launch… the longest wait I’ve ever seen for new WoW content that wasn’t a new expansion. Since we haven’t heard a peep of 9.2, I wouldn’t expect it any sooner than March at the very earliest. Which would put it at an astounding 9 months after 9.1.

Back in Legion, the content updates were so consistent you could set your watch to them. Every half-patch and content patch was exactly 11 weeks after the previous update to the day, like clockwork. That was a pace that worked and prevented the content becoming stale. 22 weeks (4.5 months) is a reasonable time between major content updates. If we were still following the Legion pace, 9.2 would be in 4 days.

So I think your issue is with 9.2, not with 9.1.5. The wait between patches in Shadowlands has been frankly, absolutely ludicrous. I think that the content in both 9.1 and 9.1.5 is just fine and it wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t being stretched far beyond what the content would reasonably be expected to cover.

Could of swore CoS came out in 8.1.5 =p and i am sure i can name some other raids.

Thats honestly what was needed.

This patch is just stuff that was said needed during the beta

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Youre right. ARR was dreadful with lots of reading it didn’t really come in till later my bad it all kind of bled together because there was just so much I kinda forgot how difficult it was to push through it to the good stuff.
Yah for sure don’t play if that part was just too agonizing, because the story really makes it great the gameplay is just the bonus.

I know I sound like a boomer when I say this, but lack of voice acting and too much reading be what makes or breaks a game seems so weird to me.

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That’s true but that was also a mini-raid with only two bosses. It wasn’t even considered a new tier past BoD.

I’ll concede the point though that I forgot about mini-raids since CoS was the only one that was released during my time playing WoW and I didn’t touch it after finishing it once. Regardless, they’ve never had a full raid released in a half-patch and that level of content tends to be the exception rather than the rule.

i think thats what was needed for this patch, not what we are getting. I dont think anyone was asking for a full raid =p just not old QoL stuff and fixes that were asked for 2 years ago

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It’s silly to be a cheerleader for any game, unless you work for them or own stock in the company. They don’t give a crap about you, only that you give them money.

oh goodness, has it really? Yikes… that’s bad.

Yeah I get that. I think that Legion Timewalking is actually on par with a mini raid in terms of how meaty the content is, but I’ll confess to being somewhat miffed that the Mage Tower will only come around every 18 weeks. If you were to ignore how long the Mage Tower stays around, I’m more excited for that than any mini raid.

But just like the slow dev cycle is hurting 9.2, I think it did the same to 9.1.5. The QoL changes in 9.1.5 are all fantastic changes, but like you say they should have been here months ago. If the dev cycle wasn’t so absurdly slow, they would have been.

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i bought that game (new world) just for filler till the 23rd, it was good at start bc it was shiney and new but tbh its core is bad.

PVP terriotorial games do not usually last. Take Aion for example, 1 faction dominates each server no one wants to be farmed so each change to the new faction.

NW also has a very low server cap and like 100 servrers, so guess what, the factions that are loseing are servermoving. on very low cap servers the population is very bad now after the server moves.

and its a pvp terriotorial game, thats the end game, there is no one to fight.

i can go into depth about the economy problems ect as well, amazon wanting to sell a max lvl boost day 1 and the combat vrs that so in response they up’d the exp required for every by a multiplier of about 4 so now… gathering takes 4x longer wich means 4x mats ect ect gatherd. but you can buy a rested exp potion soon dont worry!

TLDR Amazon tried to quick cash shop this so they released early between wow and endwalker =p

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Can somebody ELI5 the distinction between MMORPG and RPGMMO?

What significance does the order of the words in the acronym mean in this case?

I know whats going on in FF14

I dont know whats going on in WoW unless i buy 15 books, and spend hours online looking up stuff that may or may not be true.

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