Tried FF14 for 2 full days

My comments does not have the power take away anybody’s ability to have discussions and it never had. Infact, nobody’s comments have the power to stop discussions either… Not even yours.

Well that is sure clear enough considering he isn’t even answering to me and think i’m the bad guy here… despite your agruments, which is… strange… :thinking:

That is on them if they chose not to read it, regardless if it’s long or short. And my comments aren’t even so long that it’s practically a novel or a “manifesto” as you said it, as most of my long comments are just a 5 minute read. Heck, their not even a majority of my comments in my 10k+ posts.

Some aren’t even long because of the contents of the comment, but because of the format chosen, which disallows a huge amount of paraphasing, since… i’m right there, responding to that piece of comment as i go along reading the rest of the comment.

Mate, your responses to me over the last 2 weeks almost, has like hours, and i mean hours of pause or a half a day even, between me and you responding. You even took 3 days before you even made a response back to me. 3 days. You had time to read that response. I mean that comment isn’t even long enough to fill like 1/4 of the page.

Don’t give me this balderdash that you can’t read it because it’s long. Because it just makes yourself look worse tbh… :man_facepalming:

You know, for somebody who says this…

… you sure do give a lot of non-arguments, like ad-homs… for what, the 14th time?

And MMO’s are Video games. Especially since some of the MMO’s are on Steam with the 2 hour refund.

People expected the game to start off great and keep on going great instead of being bad or not good at the beginning and get better much later on. Heck, even slower games gives players a good start.

Either way, you should maybe tell OP on what he should be doing in order to give it a “Fair shake” in your mind, if you are going to discredit him this way. Because not doing so, won’t fix the problem… well that’s assuming a meritless opinion is a problem…

Well, don’t be surprised if somebody decided to boost to max level if they find the leveling in an MMO terrible.

As much i hate boosting, i do understand why somebody might boost just to skip the leveling process, and i really do want the leveling process to be the best it can, because it is part of the game.

Something i think WoW should also improve on.

Because Nostalgia.

…Yeah, whats wrong with that expectation?.. And what’s wrong with having a faster GCD? … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Okay. I still don’t want to play it to get to that point since the opening is still kind of a drag for me. I much rather play Star Wars tbh.

I don’t think anybody has a problem with story games.

Or just go up on YouTube.

That’s any mmo. This isn’t a WoW exclusive thing.

And People choose to rush. The Game can’t force you to do anything.

Who’s this “We”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m not part of that “We”… I don’t think anybody who does genuinely enjoy the leveling journey in WoW or any MMO for that matter is either.

Well guess what? You don’t have to rush to max. You can just … enjoy the journey in any game you wanted to. No game is forcing you to rush. :man_shrugging:

That is literally any game if you choose to slow down and take the time to see the art.

As much i do agree he should give it more then 2 days, that’s ultimately up to him on what he wants to do. And if OP doesn’t like it and doesn’t want to go back to it, then he doesn’t want to go back to it. :man_shrugging:

That’s great. I’m happy for you. And if you love FF14 too, that’s great too. :+1:

That doesn’t make anything OP did any less valid. You can’t force him to go back to something he dislikes just because you had a positive experience.

I didn’t say I couldn’t read your posts. I said I’m not. Nor is anyone else obviously as I’m probably your most attentive responder.

And if you combine all of my responses in this thread it MIGHT total two of your posts. If that.

Well when you said things like this… :point_down:

…one does get that such vibe. I honestly don’t know why you think it’s better to admit to me that you’re refusing to even read what the other person has said. That’s kind of telling of how you treat the idea of debate if you’re not even going to read somebody else’s comment because you couldn’t be bothered to sit down and take 5 minutes to read. 2 minutes even. :confused:

Remember, your longest pause was 3 days. And i’m not even rushing you.

OP is talking about MMOs 2 days too short to experience and MMO. His point is invalid.

Sorry but I feel many people are stuck on wow and won’t give other games a chance. I don’t expect everyone to like FFXiV but again 2 days isn’t even scratching the surface.

I didn’t find any of his Points valid it just felt like another wow player post trashing a game they didn’t actually take the effort to “Try”

I would say the same thing if the post was about any other MMO.

Okay?.. So how many days you suggest he needs to do to make it valid in your books then?

I mean you guys (Not just you, but Matt and Leafy and possibly others who say the same thing) keep on saying essentially his opinion is wrong or invalid, but never, if any rarely, suggest how long he should keep on playing without goading him out of his money?..

What is the solution to the problem you keep on pointing out too?..

Well most people treat threads like this as a “review” so I would expect more than half game played.

When you watch a video game review do you trust the opinion of a person who says they only completed 2% of the game?

That is on the people treating it as such. A majority view on something, doesn’t make it so.

Op didn’t say it was a review.

…See, here’s the issues with that.

First off, the mate is trying out the game to see if he likes it. Half of the game implies going further beyond then just trying the game out. Not everybody has that much time to see if they like a video game or not.

Second, what would you consider half of the game exactly?.. Especially for MMO’s?.. Especially since MMO’s are continuing to have expansions and such?..

Third and most importantly if half of the game means endgame, this implies that the mate needs to spend money just so they can decide whether or not they dislike it. Possibly going past the refund threshold, thus boxing him in and can’t return the game.

There’s a reason why i bought up the steam refunds in the last comment.

But this isn’t a video game review. This is just somebody’s casual opinion or first impressions on a game.

Also something i’ve left out, but fourth, don’t this standard or really any of the standards set, encourage the mate to rush it and not really enjoy the game naturally or have a though analysis on the game, considering the mate would dislike the game but feel forced to get to the finish just to say “they don’t like it”.

Cool he didn’t like it and put 0 effort into trying a MMO Aka a massive game. Again my first thought on wow back in the day was the same thing. All MMO take a long time to get into they are a time investment. I had to put in more effort for my opinion of wow to change. I only liked wow cause I was a fan of Warcraft 3. I only liked Final fantasy 14 cause I liked other games made by square. FFXIV to me was dull until I hit level 45. I did fates from level 20 to 45 because the story was sluggish and side quest were cheesy like wow quest.

Wow didn’t get fun to me till 2.0 or TBC I was more invested in learning the world more and understanding raids. I didn’t feel I could fully come up with a solid Opinion of wow until after 5 months of playing. I only hit level 60 in Naxx patch and I was still trying to figure out if I liked it. Managed to get through BWL before TBC launched.

It’s why people have favorite Xpacs on wow. For me it was TBC not cause it was the xpac I started on but because it was when I had a full understanding of what was going on. Again I started in vanilla and I still feel vanilla was just a good starting point. Just like ARR in FFXiV it’s a good starting point but it was broken just like vanilla wow was broken.



How’s two days, 0 effort?.. OP clearly made some effort.

But a video game doesn’t require much time to see if you like it or not. If you dislike it, then you don’t have to keep on playing.

I can give you Guild Wars 2. But if you only played it for 2 hours, uninstalled it and said to me “i hate this game”, i’m not going to sit here and say “You didn’t play the game, you need to at least be max level in order to judge it”, i would be like “They tried the game, and hated the game, and that’s it” and just move on from there.

…Why then you’re telling OP to go though that journey if you think it was dull until level 45?.. I mean that’s a long time to get to until the game gets good, even if it’s “nothing” hours to you. Why not have the good bits at the start then, instead of 45 levels later?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“Hey, i know the beginning of the game is dull, but juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust hang in there… it gets better… 100 hours later… trust me.”

Why do you need 5 months in order to judge WoW??..honestly?.. I mean, if you didn’t like it, you would’ve stopped long before you even get to level 10. I think it’s very clear you liked WoW considering you reached level 60 back then… Especially considering how long that takes to level up at that point.

That’s like $75 to try out a game to see if you like it, when it should cost you at least $15 if you are just trying it out… Why, pray tell, would anybody spend that much money, just so they can get to decide to see if they like it or not?.. Why you want to goad people out of their money just to see if they dislike it or not?.. :confused:

Cool, but again it’s an MMO you need to spend time and a lot of it playing the game. I’ve played many MMOs I didn’t like to max Tera online and starwars. I have a large list of MMOs I made it to max. I still didn’t feel I could fully judge them until I got closer to later levels. That’s why I like MMOs they aren’t like regular AAA titles the burn is slow on them.

OP post to me is invalid because again It’s an MMO!!!

Also long reply your typing let me make my reply short.

I feel that spending a short time on an MMO and making a post about it as trash talking.

So yes to me OP post is invalid. That’s just how I feel. He didn’t like 2% of FFXiV and that’s how he feels.

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Sigh, what do you mean “cool, but”?..

Cool but, what? you don’t care what i’ve to say or why i think it’s not really wise to say “You haven’t played it”?..

If you like the game. That’s for if you happen to like the game.

The mate is trying the game out. Trying. Trying the game out doesn’t require a huge time investment.

Well that’s your subjective standard you’re going by.

Me personally, if i like a video game under two hours, i’m keeping it. If it doesn’t peak my interest, then it doesn’t(and i refund it ( if it’s on steam)). MMO or not. With that said, i’m not going to say any of the games i dislike are terrible.

And this is where my disagreement with OP comes in as well my agreement come with you guy’s comments. I don’t think OP should say it’s a terrible game as he said. (again, i’m leaving the possibility open that he might be referring to his own subjective experience with it and not the game quality itself) It’s one of the things that highlight the differences between my thread and his, where i’ve simply stated that “the game isn’t for me, and while i’m sure the game is good and all, and it has it’s fans, i’m not going to play more to find out if it is for me, because it simply involves me, forcing myself to do something i don’t find enjoyable”.

Sure, i can find enjoyment if i spend a long time enough into something, but that something is something i dislike from first impressions. I rather use that energy for something that i do like from first impressions.

Like Guild Wars 2. Or Star Wars The Old Republic…

Or just talking about non-mmo, Maneater, Destroy All Humans, Doom 2016, Spyro, Cities Skylines, Thief Simulator, Thief 2, Dead Rising 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain, Saints Row 2, Skyrim even.

I get your point, and it is a valid point. But you’re applying this to a casual opinion. :neutral_face:

Plus, there’s reviews out for people to look that informs them better of the games they want to try out.

Are you implying that AAA games can’t slowly wade the people in or incapable of doing that while being great at the same time?

The Witcher 3, and Red Dead Redemption 2, are slow burn games and they are great from the very getgo. With amazing story and cinematics, captivating characters and immersive worldbuilding, and gameplay that you get a taste of and might get more of later on as more freedom is opened up to you.

Heck, even Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars were pretty slow burners, and honestly, i like how they presented everything, even if the gameplay is just WoW clone, or … New World prototype…

Well that’s your subjective opinion.

Read above that long winded post that I didn’t read. Have a nice night buddy.

Oh goody, because i need another person who thinks admitting to not reading because of length, constitutes a well thought out intelligent response…:man_facepalming:

Yeah, don’t you just say this to me while you’re at it?.. :point_down:


Not really my fault that you choose not to read my comments that are 5 minutes long at worst, friend.

I’m trying to explain to you at detail why i disagree with you. I mean does it seriously help anybody if i just said “Nope, you don’t need more then two hours” and leave it at that…?

Nope I just know what your post already said. We have been talking in circles for what 40 + minutes. So we are just wasting each others time. Again have a nice night.

…Yet you have nothing to say to any of it?.. You aren’t even going to debate on why your way of thinking is better?.. :man_shrugging:

I don’t see how having a discussion about this is “Wasting each other’s time”… I really don’t get how this is wasting our time here… I mean this is a discussion forum. People come here to discuss… Just about anything.

I’m not preventing you from disagreeing with my standards… Infact, i don’t mind if you talk about my standards for judging a game for a bit, since i’m not using it to judge the quality of the game, but if i like or dislike the game.

I don’t think it’s standard…I think you just like hearing yourself talk.


Again for a 3rd and final time, Good night XD

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