I jumped to the end of this thread, and then had to scroll back - the last 30 posts in this thread are just two people shouting at each other with no end in sight. The last post from anyone else is like from three days ago.
Time for everyone to ignore this one. I know that’s what I’m doing.
Incorrect you stated it’s not a fact because I won’t read your arguments against it. Thus you stated facts are only facts if you agree with them.
THEN when I pointed that out in one paragraph you suggest I cherry picked low hanging fruit to make you sound dumb, “something you are quite proficient at on your own,” and ALSO stated I made it up.
I give my heartfelt condolences to anybody who are reading this thread now, i didn’t think a simple disagreement with a simple to understand explanation of why i disagreed with Matthew would lead to this.
No, neither of us are shouting. It’s just Tahbitha just making a hyperbole.
No offense Tahbitha.
You didn’t point where i’ve said it’s not a fact, especially since i’ve already agreed to it and even will go on again to say it is a fact. Just because it is low hanging fruit, doesn’t mean i’m saying it’s false, i’m saying it’s very very obvious and low level of how that fact is, that fact, isn’t used to strengthen the other facts, but more used to attack character. I don’t know how much more simpler i need to explain this. A fact so obvious in this context is used more in addition of being an obvious fact. Doesn’t make it any less of a fact.
And quite honestly, i’m frankly getting tired of this, so for the sake of everybody involved for this thread, i’l keep it very low level to a point where there’s no iota of complexity said to disallow any confusion anybody might have as i go over my points, whether it be the original points or later on. (Not that what i’ve said is complex to begin with, despite being detailed and long.)
What did OP said about his opinion on FF14 was indeed meritless, i don’t think anybody would argue that. Heck, if there’s any point i said OP has merit or implied it, that was wrong.
Do i think it’s harmless? Yes. It’s a causal opinion on a video game.
Do i agree he should follow either anybody’s standards?.. it’s his choice to do that.
Is our standards from what we expect from somebody else’s opinion of a video game are subjective and they differ from person to person? Yes.
I would like to know at this point, why you, leafblight, think it’s harmful, or not harmless to disagree with you?.. As well do we have universal agreement on what constitutes a fair shake to reference to, other then a random highly liked comment on GD?
That quote below? i didn’t even say anything about the air example in that quote or the next paragraph. You gave this comment like 3 days before you decided to respond to it and you couldn’t even point out where i’ve said or implied that the air fact example is false?.. Like are you seriously clinging on to something i’ve never even disagreed with you on, but you want me to disagree on?..
Alright, so why comment on it?..
Why? I mean this isn’t anything of importance, it’s just somebody giving their harmless opinion on a video game. Meritless yes, but harmless.
Plus, how’s me saying “It’s harmless” defending it?.. It literally does no harm. This sort of opinion on this topic happens all the time to a point where it’s just an everyday occurrence. There are literally thousands of other people to go to if you want an opinion that has more merit then this guy. Especially since you said it doesn’t matter, so why should it matter to you what other people think about this opinion?..
I mean if you want to talk about something harmful, why didn’t you start with Matthew’s comment?.. Matthew didn’t even tell OP what the fair shake is OP supposedly need to do. Isn’t that telling that he’s not interested in giving a fair shake of comment himself to OP?.. You know if OP came out and says “I like it, 2 days in”, Matthew wouldn’t even make that comment…
I would also point to you comparing it to racism, but i think (hope) get the point by now…
OP isn’t beholden to anybody’s standards. Not even mine.
Isn’t that what i’m trying to do? Get to an understanding between us for some closure?.. Why is that suddenly spamming now? How’s having a discussion with somebody spamming?
HOOOOOOOLY Mother Mary, Joseph and Jesus of all Disingenuous arguments Batman.
Let’s read these comments again. Because Clearly you didn’t.
Post #628
Post #629
Mate, these two comments are LITERALLY right before you made the air example…
Post #630…
I even agreed with that fact… Post #631…
Like what in the absolute sam hill is this?.. I mean Really? you’re taking a comment that is discussing something else that has nothing to do with the air example and using it for me saying i disagree with it, even though i CLEARLY agree with it?..
I mean you can’t even prove i disagreed with it and you’re trying to go back before you even mentioned the air example to try to be all like “AHA! You did disagreed with me on the air example!..” You clearly want me to disagree with it to a point where you are going to be deceptive with how you quote me…
You do realize Leafy, that it can be used for both at the same time?.. I mean, is that out of your comprehension?.. To understand, that you can also use facts to just attack their character or insult them?..
I mean seriously, do you have trouble comprehending your own fact, just for how low level it is on why i call it low hanging fruit?.. Do you seriously think me calling it a low hanging fruit example means i’m disagreeing with you? You can call something low hanging fruit and still agree with it.
Way to take another quote of mine out on context leafy.
I’ve literally never said or implied “I said facts are only facts if i agreed with them”, and you yet to still prove your own claim back then and even now. Disingeniously quoting me out of context, doesn’t help your case here since anybody can look back at see what were talking about back then.
Again, i will repeat this, i’ve never said or implied that. Infact i even said this…
Doesn’t that show i do agree with you saying “facts don’t have to be argued” then?.. I’m simply asking in that comment “Okay, if facts can’t be argued, can you give me a substantive answer on why you’re arguing on my facts then?..”. It just seems hypocritical for you to tell me “Don’t argue the facts”, but argue the facts anyways…
Nothing you’ve said on my part is hypocritical and contradictory. You even quoted a comment of mine that was talking about something else before you made your air example. You really want me to disagree with your air example.
… And for what?.. Seriously, for what? Why you want me to disagree with your air example so bad that you’re willing to lie for it?..
And also, what’s so important about me asking you where i’ve said it, that you had to dismiss everything else i’ve said in the comment and just only respond to that?..
Here’s the other parts of the comment incase you missed that so we can get back on coarse…
How’s my comments spam?..Really, how’s my comment spam?..
I mean you just called my comments spam, and you didn’t even explain how it’s spam or what makes it spammy. The Burden of proof is on you.
I’m simply having a discussion and trying to get to an understanding between the two of us the very least towards closure… The fact i even said this, while back, shows that i do wanted one…
I mean aside from the hidden profile, it’s really telling of you that you’ve avoided replying to me on this comment, Greyhide.
I also think it’s really telling that you think whatever Leafblight has (Remember, the same guy who said this… )
…is a real conversation… comparing me disagreeing with Matthew… to defending racism/homophobia/misogyny. That’s insane and nonsensical.
I mean even the fact you said “Real conversation” while saying i’m not, WHILE Leafy literally just took a quote out of context… that’s pretty telling you’re not here to do exactly that either…
Also, i have no power to keep somebody from commenting or discussing on this thread. It’s strange that you think i do. I literally don’t have power over people commenting or discussing on anything. I make my responses and you have the choice to be convinced or not…
It’s not my fault that people choose not to comment this thread. Heck, i’m not even going to blame this on Matthew or Leafy or anybody here, because that’s a stupid thing to say in general.
Tbh, you don’t have to do all that in WoW either.
I mean Skipping all the quest dialogue, Rush to max level and skip leveling dungeons because you don’t have anyone to play with, are all optional to do in any MMO.
Going through the thread, trying to read actual points on the topic, that’s basically all it is. I really hate when I want to converse about something and a thread gets one of those guys who just inflate a thread for no reason. You then have to scroll and scroll and scroll, hoping you find something relevant and in some cases, after a point, it’s not worth your time.
Which is why i’m trying to get it back on point with this comment, which does talk about the OP’s opinion.
Well you’re correct about the short, but i don’t know about to the point considering you didn’t even bother to respond more of my important questions like this one…
Don’t really know why you dislike being long and articulate with your posts, i mean i’m not preventing you from doing the same. Especially since my posts aren’t even overly complex to follow to begin with. What’s wrong with explaining and articulating my points even further?..
Nowhere i said you made up the air example. You clearly used a quote of mine before you even made the air example. I really don’t understand why your clinging on to something i didn’t even disagreed to or said your lying about. I’ve agreed to the air fact even and you’re just upset that i did.
If you have to lie and blatantly ignore me making it clear i agree with the air example multiple times, then i think you’re the one who lost.
Yeah, how dare people come in and discuss about something what somebody said… /s
Seriously, how am i stopping anybody from having discussions?.. I don’t have any power over you guy. Assuming i do, is silly…
No he has a point. Your page long rants flood this thread to the point where noone else can have a reasonable discussion.
Note he doesn’t object to my posts. If you have to write a manifesto for every little point nobody will be interested enough in what you have to say to read them. Heck i didn’t read 95% of the last post you made, and I’M the exception here. You are wasting alot of time for 30 seconds of my attention. Desperate for human contact much? Not that i can blame you with Covid shrug
It’s an MMO you can’t just play for 2 days and be like “lol game bad I like wow”
FFXIV is just as sluggish of a start as vanilla. I think original wow was definitely worse and class design was horrible. Yet everyone says “vanilla was the best”
Lol we didn’t have any voice acting unless it was a Boss emoting.
I think everyone expects every MMO to have voice acting like Starwars MMO with a fast GCD. If you all played FFXIV for more than 2 days you might have hit max level and realized that you get tons of Non GCD ability that make wow combat look like a joke.
I get it story games aren’t for everyone. Wow hasn’t been the best MMO to tell a story. You have to read all of the books or subscription to audible.
We all know wow is about rushing to max level to play the true endgame. We all lost our way. We no longer enjoy the journey to max level.
Sorry but I have a major dislike on how most games are all about rushing to max. Part of why I like FFXiV is it makes you slow down and take the time to see the game and the art. I’ve been playing FFXiV since 2.0, I did start in 1.0 but only got to 30. Of course most wow players won’t like it….but you could seriously give it more than 2 daysXD
I almost quit original wow after a few days and felt the same way about it. Yet I still kept trying. Honestly I miss when wow was still new and people had no idea what they were doing. Min max culture wasn’t a thing. Yes we have it in FFXIV but I feel I have so much more I can do vs wow. Unfortunately SL just feels empty, just like the raid Log ghost town that is TBCC