Tried FF14 for 2 full days

FF14 is a game that is decidedly better in WoW in some ways, and absolutely worse in others.

The questing is very “old school” and can be very annoying. Go all the way over there, talk to this NPC, now come all the way back, go back to that same place, have an enemy encounter, and return to the other place again. Now, travel to 3-4 different cities, talk to one NPC in each, then come back.

There is a LOT of dialogue and a LOT of cutscenes. If you’re someone who ignores most quest dialog, you’re likely not going to enjoy FF14, and you’ll be doing a lot of clicking to advance past the text. The problem is, you’ll quickly find yourself confused by what’s going on if you do, whereas WoW’s story/lore is “simpler” to skip but catch-up on later.

Combat is very flashy and relies mostly on combos. Transmog (glamour) is a big feature that is, unfortunately, clunky, overwrought, and decidedly worse than WoW’s transmog system, despite having fantastic weapon, armor, and enchantments. I’m told it’s because of “old code” they have yet to figure out how to fix.

I will say that certain beats of the main story are interesting and compelling. If you’re someone who criticizes WoW’s continuing foray into “cosmic lore”, you’ll probably really dislike FF14’s main story.

It’s not a “WoW killer” for me; I much prefer WoW overall. But FF14 is a fine game in its own right, and is an excellent “gap-filler” during the WoW doldrums we experience between patches.

I do hope the devs crib a few features (like UI customization, i.e, “unprune” the UI) from FF14 for the next expansion. Also, being able to do everything on ONE character appeals to me greatly, and I wish WoW had something similar instead of maintaining alts.


Jaesa. But yeah I went full dark side shocking vette every chance I got, even let jaesa do it too. Then I removed vettes shock collar, romanced then married her. Lol she got the stockholm syndrome

Hello, I see you made a thread about FF14. I agree, WoW is obviously the superior product. World of Warcraft has the exciting and super varied gameplay of Torghast as well as the largest zone ever added, Korthia, full of exciting gameplay like waiting for a rare to spawn and hoping you tag it before it dies in .2 seconds. Clearly World of Warcraft has the greater value proposition as well with one content patch every year!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Lol I romanced vett removed the collar later went with jaesa it went love triangle with vett catching the shack up in med bay and jaesa taking the remote and zapping away on the collar that was removed ages ago.

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Oh god that reminds me of dk chat. All the Zash and Barras talk lol

Lol Barras was a cool villain tbh you wanted to hate respect him.

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I was always intentionally sarcastic to barras every chance I got.

Didnt they finally enable endgame pvp then had to disable it again after 2 hours lol

NW would have more promise if they had an experienced team, but unfortunately, at least right now, they do not.

I always hit esc to see what every option went lol you miss some golden options.

The FF14 first 30 levels are absolutely awful, it’s the worst gate to new players. You don’t get your actual ‘Job’ so you have like 2 buttons and the voice acting and cutscenes don’t start ramping up until the first Xpac. After level 50, that game is insanely fun at all aspects, the combat gets very complex and fast-paced and the fights just get more epic.

Wish they’d do something about that ARR experience, bleh.


First meeting barras “recite the sith code acolyte”

Me “well theres dark side and the light side”

Makes sense to do a crash course on lore then allow a skip option later tbh.

Lol some the chances you get to lie he man handles you like a boss lol.

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When he’s screaming during the torture session.

Me “I can feel your anger master”
Barras " a blind, deaf, comatose, lobotomy patient could feel my anger!"

Lol yeah he was one the greatest characters wish we could kept him around.
Mar also was awesome dont like magnis at all seems boring wanabe vader malak crossover.

Malaks history is interesting but yeah I’d like to see more of acina and others. Even zash was a fun master for the inquisitor and harkon was just a riot lol

Harkon “SLAVE!”
Me *playing a sith pureblood

Shadowlands isn’t even that alt unfriendly

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One of the biggest issues I had with FF14 was the lack of a /1 channel. My options as a sprout were either basically using the FF14 equivalent of /yell (which is frowned on but you still need to do in the hopes of being invited into the sprouts channel??? What kind of stupidity is that?) or nothing. There aren’t even player /say chat bubbles. Sure you see the text in the chat log but c’mon. Those chat bubbles are can be a life saver in getting peoples attention in WoW.

My biggest problem was the time commitment. I played a Dancer primarily when they released. While trying to work through the Shadowbringers story (I left and tried to come back about a month ago), I needed to do a dungeon to progress the story. No problem, they have the trust system, three NPCs can go with me and I don’t have a queue. However, going through this dungeon with three NPCs makes each one about 45 minutes long, and then there’s another hour-ish of dialogue and cutscenes. As a working adult, I usually would have time to do one, maybe two main story quests a night. In the past three days since coming back to WoW, I’ve finished a zone on this character and a zone on my paladin. Granted, one of those days was a weekend day, but the point still stands, I can accomplish more here than I can in FF14 in the same amount of time.


I care, it’s a forum about opinions.

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