Tried FF14 for 2 full days

And were discussing about why you think like that.

There ya go. Proof. :slight_smile:

Well yes, because it’s a Bethesda RPG.

You think i have fun looking for a stupid son i have no connection to in Fallout 4? No, i want to fight deathclaws with a baseball bat while wearing the Triggerman outfits and learn more about the atoms family so i can join them. :grin:

…And teach Strong how to lockpick for me… :no_mouth:

I too refrain and I most likely would have left it with my original response but you have people who live in these forums and insist on arguing for the sake of arguing or cannot fathom why they cannot simply read the box and say “this game sucks”.

I can respect if someone doesn’t like something I like. Honestly, I could give a crap less, personally but there are some good games out there and I would have missed out on some gems if I had pre-judged something.

Who’s “we?” Got a mouse in your pocket?

You said I called Rhielle a karen. I’m still waiting for you to quote me saying that. I didn’t ask you to quote me being sarcastic to Oedon.

I’ll keep waiting.

While that was directed to another poster, at least we can agree on this bit. I’ve played through FO4 more times than I care to admit and I’ll sink a ton of hours into it before doing the main story. And FO4 was another game I did not give a good try to. I was a big Skyrim fan and a friend at work told me it’s Skyrim with guns. I played until I got to Diamond City and stopped. I struggled to get into it. I just couldn’t. I got so bored one day and that was all I had laying around so I forced myself to play more and after a few days, I was hooked. My mind did a complete 180.

And I will tell you that FF14 is a good game - from the start. I don’t get the people who say that it sucks from the beginning and suddenly becomes good in Heavensward or whatever. Nah, for me it started good and then it became EVEN BETTER later on as I unlocked more features in the game. I like how you unlock new things one by one, opening up more possibilities in your gameplay. And then you end up with a feeling of having so much stuff you can do, but not really feeling forced to do anything at all. It’s amazing.

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I got bored of FF14 after about 2 weeks. Fun storyline and stuff, but just not really my cup of tea. It’s had almost a -40% drop in player activity recently as well according to Steam charts.

Well so long as you don’t enter power armor strong will be happy.

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I’ll reply again to this thread since its hilarious reading the copium xiv posts.

If you need to hit max level to determine if xiv is good, it is still a bad game. In WoW you can get an idea if its good or bad well before max level, it’s really simple to determine if you like WoW or not.

If you need to keep playing, “the story gets better” as you go along. It still means xiv sucks, stop making up excuses for this trash game. Or better yet, consider not posting on the WoW forums. Some of you look like that overly attached girlfriend meme, who just has no ability to know when to stop. We literally don’t care about xiv, it is not the better option and never will be. This is a fact. Please continue to inhale max doses of copium, or just leave, stop coming back. We literally don’t care if you play WoW or not anymore.

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I don’t know why so many people got on me about 14 hours/2 days not being enough time. OBVIOUSLY there is a massive game and end game and all that. In 14 hours you can figure out if you are intrigued and want to move forward or not and I chose not. There was just nothing that made me think it could entertain me at all based on what I know I like.
And just FYI, I started WoW in 8.3 and played a trial account (or whatever it was called) for 1 day and was totally blown away. So bought the BFA expansion and then tested each class to learn it. And again I just loved the combat and the uniqueness. So I knew in under 2 days of playing that WoW had what I liked. That’s why I gave FFXIV 2 full days and not one single time did I feel excited about anything.

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Ignore the ones giving you grief over it.

I’ve been playing video games since I was 5, turning 31 in a few short months. So as a gaming veteran whose played so many different genres of games I can safely say that the start of a game will tell me whether or not ill stick with it. I’ll assume the same of you.

Dont worry too much. I actually agree with you.

Well the show has over a thousand episodes, so the first 100 can be awful and if the rest is fire that’s still an A.

Lol what? WOW is only good in the end game. The story in FF14 is already worlds beyond WOD BFA OR Shadowlands (so far) Seriously have you SEEN the realm reborn cinematic?


See, that’s the thing. I finally get it. I don’t freaking care about the stupid story. I care about the way the game PLAYS and FF gameplay is terrible. So I couldn’t care about how good you think the story is. The gameplay sucks and therefore not for me.

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Ad-hominem much?

At least i can actually argue my points and articulate them in a way that is actually substantive. At least i don’t just say “It’s nonsensical” without explaining why it is and try to make you look like a bad person. Not that you ever needed me to do that anyways since you were pretty much doing a bang up job of the latter.

Again, playing for two hours isn’t reading the box. You’re being incredibly dismissive by dishonestly categorizing them as that. Also, why do you seriously care what people say about the game after playing a length of time that doesn’t meet your rules in all honestly?

Clearly you don’t… I mean otherwise, you wouldn’t have said that original comment you’ve made…

Can’t have your cake and punch it too mate. :man_shrugging:

You clearly do gave a crap more.


Playing for two hours or under your arbitrary amount of hours… is not pre-judging. I don’t think you know what Pre-judging is…

Me and you, silly.

Well i guess i might as well be talking to a mouse considering how amazingly well this conversation with you is going… /s :mouse2:

Alright, fair play, i cop that mistake of saying you called Rhielle a karen. :raised_hand:

You still did backpeddled into “it’s just sarcastic bro!” card when called out on it, and regarding the original question of that…

…I’ve never called anybody a Karen. I’ve used the word Karen, but not as an insult towards or to namecall somebody. Feel free though to find where i’ve namecalled or insulted somebody as a Karen, because i took a look though GD and Offtopic with the magic of search, and these are the only instances of where i’ve said Karen. Everything else is just responding to somebody who said “Karen”.

So the comparison doesn’t really work…

I don’t blame you too much, because Fallout wasn’t really a franchise i was interested in since Skyrim. I thought it would be cool, sort of like actual Skyrim with Guns. (…Actually there is a mod to add guns into Skyrim so… Skyrim might as well be Skyrim with guns… … :thinking: )
Kind of wish we got guns instead of fishing for the new version …

My first fallout game was Fallout 3, and dear lord, i couldn’t even play it, even with mods… I’m going to be dead honest with you, but the gunplay in that game is straight up jank.

And before anybody pours a bucket of lava on me, yes, Fallout 3 is great, best RPG of all time, yes, i get it. But i couldn’t stand the gunplay in that game, and it connects to everything else. That and the Oblivion style face zoom. What, am i having my soul sucked out? :grimacing: (at least Fallout 3 and NV has half decent human models)

Fallout 4 was better in that regard and the one i’ve play a lot (plus it has building, and gun mods, so yay), but it’s still far from perfect. Yes, it’s an RPG… sort of, but come on, shooting heads doesn’t kill them?.. What kind of shooter makes poping heads don’t kill them? Like :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Oh and Bethesda decided that the Melee key is also going to be the grenade key. Thanks Bethesda, i blew myself up while trying to kick the guy in the back of the head. This is Fallout 4 Hotkeys mod is a thing… :man_facepalming:

I mean i get what you’re saying. Going back to FF14 for a minute, looking at my own thread about it, i’ve thought about the potential “What if i like it” scenario if i gave it more of a chance. However, i’ve said on there that i’m not going to force myself to play something i don’t enjoy. I might be missing something great, i might not be missing anything at all, but i just want to get to the good bits on what is everybody saying or talking about, and all i see is hours to spend on doing nothing particular of note until i get to that point. Especially more so on an MMO, where the possibility of having an alt might arise. I can barely be bothered to level up any more alts because i know i have to go through the darn Maw again in WoW.

…Also fun fact: “Skyrim with guns” is also another name for Far Cry 3. Thank you Adam Kovic. :man_facepalming:

Wait, really? He hates that? :laughing:

Well that’s good, because i like to John Woo myself out of situations anyways. :grin:

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Yeah strong will disapprove of entering one and even make comments on it.

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Also what are you doing in the wow forums?!

Here let me mark your map. Another settlement needs your help

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This is pointless info. Practically nobody plays FFXIV through Steam. Almost the entire PC crowd uses the FFXIV launcher, and the PS4 crowd has its own console launcher.


Idk. He started talking about Skyrim, and i started talking about Fallout 4. :man_shrugging:

For cleaning i’m guessing?.. :smirk:

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Preston got so annoying that it got to a point where I avoid concord now and go straight to diamond city now.

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the class design in shadowbringers is basically a template for each role but 3 full bars of superfluous buttones.

ffxiv rips off mop and has been since 2.0 in just about every way, but this took all the bad parts of mop without any of the good.

I got the house when housing wasn’t as bad, that only happened over the past half year.

You bringing up housing reminds me of something.

On my eq2 account I bought quite alot of different houses for just about every city(even have a couple from the store) and not once was I required to keep a sub and log in periodically to maintain it.

If I lost access I just pay the rent and im good to go. No losing it to other players.

The fact ff requires me to essentially fight other players for housing and periodically log in to prevent losing all the work I would have put into it is another major reason I will never touch ff again.

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That’s not what ad hominem is. If someone would have asked me something and I attack the person vs the argument, that’s ad hominem. I wasn’t even talking there to anyone who had an argument, I was sharing experience.

Sometimes, things people say are just plain nonsense. You don’t need to explain anything. You’re not obligated to explain yourself to someone being superfluous. They’re not entitled to an explanation.

I didn’t say “The person who played for 2 hours simply just read the box”. Why make things up at this point?

Lmao yes you can. You can respect if someone doesn’t like something. It doesn’t mean you’re required to agree with it. However, when you broadcast it in a public forum, people are going to disagree with you. If that’s too much to handle, stay off public forums. Common sense 101

I give a crap less.

Your turn.

I’m not like you, I don’t use words/terms that I clearly do not know what they mean and use them out of context.

See, there you go again. You make these unnecessary comments and wonder why nobody takes you seriously.

Lmfao! I never backpedaled on anything. You would have to be the only person in the world who read that and couldn’t tell it was sarcasm.

But who cares? That’s not even part of our discussion, so why even bring that up. That’s like disagreeing with someone then pointing out how they made a typo to another poster earlier in the day.

Red herrings aside, my point still stands. As someone who has played 14 for a long time, I can say in my “expert” opinion that if you played it for only 2 days, you’ve not played enough to decide that you dislike it. And (at the time of this post), I would say the 87 other people who agree with me can vouch for that.