Why is that set unobtainable i understand the title but the set should still be obtainable. it’s silly that content you can still go do and farm parts of the set but not the full set.
Blizzard you should add the rest of the set to the loot pool of the bosses so people can actually get that set.
No way, you were supposed to be subbed at the exact right moment in time and do the content exactly then. Just like the mage tower stuff.
It’s really good though because they’ve kept up with time limited rewards by making players feel like it’s at least fair that they have a sub right now.
Oh wait… nevermind they did that time limited stuff and now there isn’t any and its almost like there’s no point to keeping away the old time limited items from newer players based purely on bad luck of sub timing.
wait i thought those sets were tied to a quest for doing the raid so many times for each mode?
cause i believe things like the plate sets have no shoulder drops so it has to be earned by the quest.
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You can only get the full set if you did the mythic only FoS which is obviously no longer obtainable. The other sets are in fact tied to a quest the lfr normal and herioc one but not the mythic one.
wow head says the ensembles drop from the bosses with the quest being only for normal mode.
BUT it does says the mythic one requires the achievement which is no longer attainable
this is stupid because you can collect most of the set just farming the raid on mythic…but the important pieces are locked behind the ensemble no longer attainable!!!
good thing i like the blue plate set the most i guess lulz… it’s the LFR version… i want to go farm it now…
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Which is fine with the title being unobtainable sure idc about that but you should still be able to get the full set with out the title.
TAKEN FROM WOWHEAD - hopefully this explains everything for those who want to know.
By Hyrcyne on 2020/10/24 (Patch 9.0.1)
There’s various comments on how you can obtain the Trial of Valor sets but I still read a lot of comments about people confused on how these drop so I figured I’d post an updated guide on how to collect them.
Raid Finder Ensembles
The following sets can be obtained on any difficulties and from any bosses. This means you can have up to 12 attempts per week per character if you clear the raid on LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic. They all have a low drop chance.
Normal Ensembles
The following sets can be obtained by completing
Trial of Valor: The Lost Army. You can loot the majority of the
Valarjar Soul Fragments from Guarm and Helya within the raid and in very small amounts from the
Helarjar World Quests. You can loot the fragments from the raid once per difficulty, per week.
Heroic Ensembles
The following sets can be obtained as a 100% drop chance from Helya on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
Mythic Ensembles
The following sets are no longer available. They were rewarded from completing
The Chosen. You would get this Feat of Strength from defeating all three bosses on Mythic difficulty without dying. The lucky players were also rewarded with %s the Chosen title, also no longer available.
Additional information/tips
You can queue in solo/group for LFR ToV by talking to Archmage Timear in Dalaran.
You can only loot the sets appropriate for your class, meaning that a mage wouldn’t be able to loot the plate set, and a warrior wouldn’t be able to loot the cloth set.
The ensembles are not shown in the Sets tab of the Collection interface unless you actually own them.
You can collect individual pieces for each sets from the bosses as regular loot in any difficulties (including Mythic) but the helms, shoulders, and cloaks can only be obtained through the ensembles (you can loot some cloaks but they aren’t technically part of the actual ensembles).
The ensembles can be used by your other characters for transmog, as long as they’re appropriate for their class.
The mythic set was a special time event, it’s justified for that set to be exclusive for a time event
You were not supposed to die from helya
except most of the set is still attainable… either delete the current loot drops or add the missing pieces even if the ensemble is no longer available you shouldn’t have incomplete sets. ALL or NOTHING!
They are obtainable via quest from farming helya
The mythic set was awarded with a extreme hard achievement via The Chosen
If you did not die from Helya in mythic, you were awarded the mythic set and the title
Except the title is what should be unique and special not the armor set.
You are not reading what is being said.
Except it was clearly stated why the mythic set was tied to a hard achievement
Hard work rewards the best mogs/titles
They tied it to a expansion only achievement and it should stay that way
The rest of the tier sets were only rewarded by farming helya which is brain dead easy to do
The next time blizzard does something like this you should consider getting the limited time rewards
I’d agree hard work if it was hard work but people where doing it the end of the expansion if I recall and I don’t think blizzard ever informed the player base that the set its self was going to go away just only the title which again the title is fine to be unique the armor set is not fine to be unique when you can still farm parts of said set.
Meaning that most of the mythic set is still attainable via individual drops.
During the last lockout when that was available, my friend’s mythic raid team finally decided to try for that. They wiped on Helya. The holy priest using the autorez legendary cloak was the only one who got the achievement, because apparently that counted as not dying.
you are ignoring everything I said THE BOSSES STILL DROP MYTHIC GEAR FOR MOST OF THE SETS.
i think plate only lacks shoulder/Helm/Belt
but you can get the GOLDEN chest/gloves/boots/legs
this is a incomplete transmog set that can be partially obtained. either delete all items for the so call prestige that no one really cares about anymore or add the missing items…
You couldn’t die once the entire clear. You’d get a buff from Odyn at the start of his encounter and if you died between then and when you beat Helya, you wouldn’t get the achievement.
That’s the issue, what’s limited right now? You limit it back then and now there’s nothing. Because of that it just seems arbitrary and devoid of logic other than “too bad, was limited” which isn’t a realistic answer.