Trial of Storms Stage 2

The first time I ever did this, I rolled up in the middle of the event and the conduits were available and working. Every single time I’ve attempted it since then, it’s been broken.

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Lol i wish they would stop putting things in the game that they don’t have the programming skills for. Just make it a simple lootable chest and be done with it please.

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Bump… still bugged and ALMOST RESET!!! FIX IT! FIX IT NOW!

edit It appears that there is something of a hidden timer before the conduits aka “Lightning Rods” become useable. If this isn’t a glitch, Blizz should hotfix so it says “Kill Elementals to gain charges” with a timer that shows how long until the lightning rods become active. I have no idea how much time I’ve wasted trying to do it, spend time trying to get the lightning rods active, only to leave before it becomes active? This can’t be intentional.

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Attempted 2 already today (Thrall). Both have been bugged.

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Still no conduits showing up.

Even if there is a timer until they show up it’s set WAY TO LONG. Been sitting at a chest with full 20 stack of charges for over 15 minutes…

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Still having issues with this, you can eventually use the conduits after 15 or so mins, the event seems bugged, time for it needs to be reduced and conduits fixed still please.

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Yeah. I see the some lightning rods, but they’re not clickable. Don’t see any conduits. (I have 20 stacks of electrical charge and nothing I do does anything.)

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I was with a group of people trying to do this, and we were killing the storm charged mobs for I think close to 20 minutes, and none of us could click or target the conduits. We could see them, but we couldn’t target them even when we had 20 stacks on us. I ended up giving up and leaving.


Still Broken at The Frosted Spine


It’s honestly unacceptable that this event is still bugged. Why do you bother with a public test realm if you’re going to push through content that doesn’t even function? Joke.


Still no fix to this on the 3/27 hotfixes? Come on, Blizz – what are we paying you for?

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Still broken on Bonechewer. What gives Devs you’ve had a week to fix this. sigh…

I’ve encountered 3 different behaviors for this event: invisible, non-interactable conduits, visible non-interactive conduits, and invisible conduits that we were able to charge. That last one only happened once, the rest of the time, couldn’t do the event (including today, invisible non-interactible conduits)

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still bugged every time at stage two for me

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Still bugged in stage 2.

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after waiting for the 4 conduits to show, they aren’t chargeable. this really needs to be looked at and hotfixed. A major weekly event and majorly bugged. I’ve had this happen through multiple characters on multiple days.

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this should have been fixed last week or at the weekly Reset Blizzard. why hasn’t it been fixed?
so many little quests and activities stuffed up and never fixed. not like you cant afford to fix it.