Tremendous amounts of information regarding pre-patch honor

being right = blizzard shill

well at least no one will ever accuse you of being a blizzard shill hargus so you’ve got that going for you, i guess you haven’t passed the anger stage though

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People keeping their bug exploited honor while people have to farm all day for a pittance is being right?

Ok honor capped Blizzard Shill.

You will know when I am angry.

I will be banned.

nah, you changed your tune

It better be to fix honor.

Revert the honor Blizzard.

[Are you guys happy with the honour adjustment?]
No its too low.

company always killing fun

Oh boy 5 honor per HK now instead of 3. OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY THANK YOU BLIZZARD

Theres your problem. No fun allowed pleb. Now get back in WSG and get the 200 honor.

I dont feel like spending my entire next week and a half farming for gear that will be gone in a few days. I wanted to PvP and get some gea

So we are are -9 honor instead of -10? Your peeing on my leg and telling me its raining blizz.

Gonna go out on a limb here but anyone defending Blizzards current actions because “I earned it” and grinded like a NEET for 5 months doesn’t mean anything. It literally does not make you good at PvP. It makes you good at wasting time. Just like Blizzard with these stupid nerfs right before the gear becomes irrelevant.

it was about the gear originally and the honor nerf being too harsh, but because you know you can’t get the gear and the honor nerf was correct, you’ve swapped to ‘exploited honor’, its no longer “reeeeee give me my gear” but “reeee take away theirs”

It was exploited honor. If we cant get it its an exploit and unfair so no your attempt at pointing out hypocrisy with your cringy over examination of my post history is moot.

Blizzard Shill try again. :^)

its not an exploit to play login and play bgs, the situation is just unfair, but you originally only cared because you couldn’t get your epics but now you realise u were wrong you’ve given up on that route and swapped to another one, you went from “i want my items now i demand them” to “if i can’t have it then no one can”, it is an argument based out of entitlement originally now pettyness

It is if you are allowed to do it and no other are and you are not punished or the problem fixed so I will continue to call it an exploit until blizzard unnerfs honor farm or takes away their honor. Simple as.

I am going to bed Blizzard Shill cya.

deff not an exploit in anyway but does feel unfair in a way for the people that grined 10x honor though i think 10x was too much i feel if we had 6 weeks this honor would be completely fine but with how short of a pre patch we have feels too slow on the honor 4-5x would be the sweet spot some where near where AB weekend is currently but a little more not too much.

The main problem with this post is it ignores the fact that honor rates were absurd the first day and the well has already been poisoned (with illegitimate gear). You either have to remove the rewards / honor people earned during that time frame, or allow everyone to earn it at the same rate. This is akin to cascading in molten core and allowing people to keep the gear which would allow them to be weeks ahead. Stating that the current rates are accurate doesn’t change the massive advantage that was received on the early prepatch pvp.

HIstorical evidence as you presented also shows they removed cascading gear.

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But you could. Everyone had the same chance to play.

Nope. Many people were being kicked from battlegrounds.

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Wow. Great job.

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I got kicked. Everyone did - it was the same circumstances for everyone. So the bottom line is everyone had the same opportunity at the same time.

Lmao nooooope.

All those people that waiting from 3pm to 3am trying to get in then had to go to bed missed out. So you are wrong.

That time frame was the same FOR EVERYONE. What do you not understand about everyone having the same opportunity to do BG’s???

Yeah for everyone that is a poopsocker at 3 am trying to get in. Try again.

The time wasn’t convenient for you. You had other things to do. We get it. So? Everyone had the same opportunity. Do you also run into Walmart freaking out because you missed their sale on fish sticks?

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