Trebalim Understanding

Same issue here. I have two toons in ZM and their console says this on both. They have both researched through Dealic but can progress no further.

Same Issue for 2 of my characters. Neither of can do Trebalim Understanding

Yep… there’s no way I’m researching it on another character on my account; I don’t even have another character at 60.

I am also running into this.

Also having this issue. No other character is doing research.

GM has replied to ticket regarding this bug - confirmed that it is a bug.

After looking into it, it would seems we have received multiple reports of this issue and I can confirm it is not working as intended right now.

Our development team is aware of the issue and are working on it to fix it as fast as possible.

Just wait for fix now.


Awesome - Thanks for the update!

I have the exact same issue. It is my only character in Zereth Mortis, yet it says this is being researched on another character.

I am getting the same issue. This is my only character that has been to Zereth Mortis.

I woke up ready to advance and sure enough. I got this bug too.

I hope its fixed soon and we get some time off of our research for it.

Same issue. Glad to see they have confirmed this is not working as intended, but I’m still frustrated at this due to the long time gating of these researches to begin with. I hope they cut the required time of this research to compensate for the time lost towards finishing these research tiers.


I just ran into this issue myself. The same as everyone else describes. Cannot research Trebalim and I have no other characters anywhere close to Zereth Mortis. Nothing I have tried has resolved the issue. :confused:

same issue here

I missed this post, thanks for posting an answer!

same issue.


happening to me too losing literally hours off my research

Same issue. Even pushed to get the third patterns within patterns of the week so I could have enough cyphers and this.

Having the same here issue too.

Same issue, no other toons have touched this console. They probably did this on purpose to keep people from getting too far ahead.