Treasure Goblin event is over, please disable sharding on RP servers

so much this. I RP on MoanGuard all the time,
and sharding really kills our guild-wide events, and stuff we do with other guilds,
it’s just crappy.

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Personally on my end, I know I’ve been logging in to WoW less lately. Not because I don’t want to play it - but it’s a combination of getting back into ESO because of Necrom, and the phasing for capital cities honestly just kind of bumming me out.

I love vibing in Stormwind and watching RP or reading TRPs after a long day of work and/or adventuring, and while Darkshire isn’t awful, it’s… not really home. Plus, it’s way more crowded and difficult to just kinda blend in to the background there, given its small size and how basically everyone lurks on the roofs in tight clumps due to lack of roof space.

Also difficult to actually go IC and RP in Darkshire, at least for me. My main RP characters either live in Stormwind, or have no reason to go to/actively avoid Duskwood, and while some types like to call it “lacking creativity”, it’s difficult to justify why my SW-bound characters would have packed up to go vacationing in Darkshire for weeks out of the blue. Most are more likely to have visited the Dragon Isles for a while rather than there, lol.

My friends/guild have been echoing these sentiments, as well - most of us spent our evening hours just vibing alone or together in SW watching the goings-ons and listening to nearby RP, and we haven’t been able to do that for a while now. They also gave up trying to do treasure goblins due to the horrid rng with the mount drop, and Diablo 4 took many of them away for a bit too, and at present, they don’t have much of a reason to come back in any big capacity.

Between this awful sharding, and Blizzard consistently :poop:ing the bed with stuff like the possible monetization of the trading post, we’re all kind of uh. Wanting to play, but feeling put off from playing, and thus are spending more time on other games until stuff improves. Sharding being turned off would at least see most of us coming back to vibe after work, if nothing else.

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It is but you also have to keep things in mind like how players are going to get there, some people give consideration if their character would have a point to be there before they decide if they’ll attend. Though I’d say the biggest reason is there’s not many zones that are very adjacent without seeming too far out of the way that can also be aesthetic in the right way to facilitate RP events that people tend to host.

That was a big thing on WRA back in Legion is a lot of the RP events hosted by guilds open to other people to mingle tended to be put in areas that were far off, or that people didn’t really care to go to for one reason or another like Everlook.

So keep that in mind, while Brennadam is a fantastic town and frankly I think a lot of the Alliance spots of BFA were top notch areas to want to do RP things in, it won’t change the fact that a lot of people would gripe just because it’s BFA and they do not want to be reminded it existed, or if there’s still a pathfinder they don’t have (IDK how this works now but that would be another big selling point, used to be for doing RP in WoD areas if people didn’t have flying they just did not bother)


Bumping uselessly because we were thrown into the general forums like you throw out garbage.


Yes, please remove the sharding. An empty Stormwind makes me a saaaaaaaad panda.

While you’re at it, maybe un-sticky the ‘Season 1 is ending soon’ thread? My eye twitches every time I see it up there lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bumping because this is ridiculous.


Bumping again since it’s very clear Blizzard is trying to bury us in General.


There was a quest in Ashenvale that would spawn an invisible mob that would follow you around and just attack you until you died, this lasted for almost 3 years through multiple bug reports.

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Bumping again


Bumping in hopes this crap gets dealt with soon

Adding to the voices requesting to turn sharding OFF. C’mon Blizz.

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I refuse to let this topic get buried in general. This is a serious issue that Blizzard needs to actually address, and not give half answers.


It actually is yeah, this is a problem that has gotten worse over time with no signs of getting better. This time around I did actually see staff comment on at least this thread but overall we’ve gotten very very little communication on what the hell is going on and it’s getting more and more frustrating as time goes on.

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Sharding is Death for Rp Community, so bumping for visibility


As fun as Duskwood RP is, I miss Stormwind being an option.

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“Fun” Is subjective. It is anxiety central. I have never had less fun with RP, than I have in the last almost 4 weeks.


Personally agreeing with Tagritaz. I haven’t been able to really RP much the past 4 weeks as while world RP is out there as people keep telling us, I’m not seeing it. Most people have just been crowding into Darkshire and with how many people there are at all hours, I can’t stay long before my anxiety acts up.

As limiting as SW is to some people character-wise, at least the place was more spread out. Really hoping the right engineers can get a ping from CS about this and disable sharding in SW/Org this week.

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Unfriendly reminder that we want this turned off, and boy I sure hope it is after maint tomorrow.

You can try to bury this in GD all you want, but we have proven time and again that we will yell and bang on your door about it until you turn it off, Blizz.

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Bumping. We all miss RPing in Stormwind, please disable the sharding!


Bumping again. Like I’m always doing. Though I’m probably gonna ghost WoW for a while and play some Divinity 2 or Skyrim (yet again).

Hi there, familiar friend!

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