Treasure Goblin event is over, please disable sharding on RP servers

I hate that we have to make this tread every single time.


Sitting in stormind where I usually found lots of RP and the server might as well be in single player mode on MoonGuard lol. Oh wait no I just saw someone for a second… hey since we’re killing city hub rp can we get player housing? : p

Hoping tomorrow fixes it

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I am scared to get my hopes up for tomorrow, buuuuuut, fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:

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I sincerely hope that it is fixed tomorrow.

For some reason they could give the EU forums a proper response, but not us.


Wow, EU getting a response before we do. That’s a switch.


Hopefully it applies to us, too.


:open_mouth: Well. Fingers crosssssed!!!


This is…actually a bit surprising, and very irritating that they couldn’t give us a straight answer

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Hey RPers! Now that the weekly reset has occurred, is sharding still occurring on your realms?

Probably too early to tell. It’s a Tuesday morning. Most folks are at work.

I just scanned the area and everyone that shows up in the scan is finally on the same shard again. So it looks like it is finally over… for now…

I’m absolutely disgusted by the fact that Blizzards US can’t even so much as take a moment to explain they were waiting till this weeks restart going a full 4 weeks with this even after the event ended. Blizzard EU was able to communicate this just recently with their community. Shame on you Blizzard reps.


I am disappointed by the lack of communication, it leads to uncertainty and unrest for RP realms and their communities. Transparency is all we asked for.

I haven’t had a chance to hop online yet but fingers crossed that we can have some primary city RP again for those who enjoy it! Shardless, of course. :pray:


It’s a very discouraging, and disappointing thing to be completely ignored by Blizzard US reps, have threads on it passed around like a hot potato, and ultimately left without any sort of help OR answers and basically told it’s no one’s problem that we can get through to.
They should all be ashamed of themselves. It took people asking the same questions we were, in the same forums we were, but in the EU forums before anyone got any sort of communication and action done to handle this.

Blizzard US reps, you need to do better by the RP community that you disabled for almost a full month.


First time?

Least from my end, it looks like its been toggled off

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I’m flying around and I’m doing scans, seeing if I can target everyone from the scan…so far so good! Thanks for the communication, EU CS!

And if you put this in motion with your initial inquiry, thanks Skelgarer!


Finally !..
Would have been better without ‘‘hide and seek’’ tho…I don’t really like that game.