Treasure Goblin event is over, please disable sharding on RP servers

Putting sharding in RP realms isn’t very cash money of you, blizz

Just… don’t shard them. That is all.


This is kinda huge for all rp realms. This could kill wow rp and drive away the backbone of your remaining playerbase in 2023.

Stormwind needs to exist for rpers.


Everyone, open an ingame ticket to report this ‘‘bug’’ that clearly needs to be squashed.
…Again and again and again…


Many of us have played this game for as long as we have, even in between content droughts, specifically to participate in the vast interconnected RP world that is Azeroth, and making that once vibrant world of stories and events suddenly empty is only hurting your company blizzard. If it continues, rpers are going to end up finding a different place to carry out rp, and you’re going to lose a huge chunk of your player base.

Keeping sharding in place on RP realms is not only disrespectful to your most active community in WoW, but it’s also just going to hurt WoW in the long run while it’s already in a pretty fragile state.


It will likely end on Tuesday with reset, but its stupid that they can turn it on in the middle of the week no issue, but when it is supposed ot be OFF after the event is over, it’s ridiculous. I cannot tell you how much I have come to despise the very existence of Duskwood at this point.

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Bumping for the lack of blizzard communication.


I think at this point, there is little hope that they’ll manually turn it off before reset on Tuesday. It’s already Sunday evening. It is very disappointing that we had to wait so many extra days for sharding to be turned off (IF if actually gets turned off on Tuesday), when they actually have the ability to shut it off right after the event was over. :frowning:

3 weeks for the event was a bit over-kill, in my opinion. But now, with this extended sharding, it’s a FULL month. :cry:


I think that assuming that they’ll turn it off with the reset is overly optimistic. I remember playing that game three times apiece with the prepatch and the expansion launch.

We’ll see though, I guess.


I like how they said to use the bug resources, like they didn’t let a Combo Point UI bug go for almost 6 months through DF Pre-patch PTR, Pre-patch live, and then DF.


They said use the bug forums and then moved the post a 2nd time after being moved from CS forums to tech support already, into general instead of bugs, cause they know they are in the wrong when they tell us where it “SHOULD” be posted, and there is no “RIGHT” place to post this kind of request. They are proving their own stupidity and ignorance and their silence on it all speaks even louder.


I will say that it is nice to see other places having some non-guild related activity to them, at least, but… Duskwood is incredibly small and cramped in comparison to the capital city. Duskwood is also, lore-wise, meant to be pretty small and somewhat isolated/on edge most days, due to all the nasty stuff that lurks in the woods.

I’m happy Duskwood is seeing more activity, but it really isn’t a good replacement for Stormwind. Too crowded, too out of the way, doesn’t make as much lore sense to see all this hustle and bustle, and it’s also quite difficult to even just lurk and watch RP - unless you like shoving yourself on whatever small patch of roof isn’t already occupied on the… what, four? five? buildings in the place.

Turn sharding off. It’s entirely possible to outside of maintenance days, but gods above if it isn’t turned off on Tuesday, I think most of us are going to riot.


I’ve personally sent in a ticket to Blizzard. I waited days for a response. The response I got was quite literally: “Submit a bug” and “Discuss it on the forums.” I find it shocking no answers can be given. In which case, my only suggestion is if it isn’t fixed by Tuesday, everyone spam the submit a bug option.

I find it really shameful a company of this size who has servers designated for roleplay, can’t respond in a manner which gives their customers any reassurance that we’re heard. Having to beg people we’re giving money to give us what we’re subscribed for is such insanity to me.


I think what might be tripping them up is that sharding isn’t turned on for the servers as a whole, but rather only for the capital cities.

I mostly don’t like the very large congregation of people, in such a tiny area.

On another note, LITERALLY anywhere else in the world would have been better. Brennedam is a beautiful place with more than enough room to house this many people comfortably.


I think the reason it ended up being Darkshire is because right as the sharding went up, a guild had their tavern event there, and it exploded.


There’s an annoying visual bug after the Redridge Mountains questline (I think if you do them on a max-level toon).

Named patrollers in Stormwind will have a big blue stealth-detection circle around them. It’s a visual bug on their end.

I and a few other friends spammed the report bug “feature” in-game.

Still hasn’t been fixed. I can forgive them because, you know, Blizzard is a small indie company and they’re just starting out. /s

My point is… the reporting bug feature just doesn’t work, plainly.


Oh, they actually got back to you?

I hear crickets for this and I’ve been reporting this bug for days, now.

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I have been using the feature to submit bugs for years and have never once seen anything that I mentioned fixed. Why even offer it if they do nothing? Just so that it makes people feel heard? I suspect that they triage issues; they look at bugs getting reported by many people first, current content takes precedence, anything from past expansions gets shoved on the back burner, and obviously anything roleplay-related comes last.

What concerns and irks me the most about the realm phasing is the lack of communication. It is appalling. Are they looking into it? Having technical trouble? I might not mind so much if we actually knew what the heck was going on. They are likely just sitting on this and that is why there is no transparency. The forum post shuffling makes it look like customer service is deflecting the issue. It does not reflect well on them or bode well for the outcome of this. They may turn it off on Tuesday without a word, or we will have a carefully crafted reply after some time. It might help that some in the Community Council are putting on the pressure as well.


I completely agree. I think communication goes a long way.

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It’s weird walking around SW and having it feel like a PvE realm because it’s so empty.