Treasure Goblin event is over, please disable sharding on RP servers

I just wish we didn’t have to yell and bang on the doors and windows every single time this happens. Genuinely, why is it so hard to remember “unshard the capitals of the RP realms after this event is over”?

Or, y’know. Don’t shard them to begin with. Because RP realms aren’t supposed to have sharding in the first place, as far as I recall.


No, exactly.

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Hey if you guys spent half as much time to turn off sharding on RP servers as you are spending moving this thread all over the forums, we wouldn’t have to post at all cause sharding would have been turned off already.

Good to see that by repeatedly moving it you proved my point that there is no proper place on the forums to post these kind of things, and that you helped us all identify an area that blizzards is failing the community.


Adding in my voice to say I hope this gets fixed soon!


I like how you responded to the same person’s post multiple times, over a day apart.

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Bumping for visibility!


i support turning off sharding on rp realms again

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If it is not corrected after maintenance rolls through on Tuesday, we might need a new technical support thread since they’ve kind of crammed this one under a carpet by moving it.


Turn :dracthyr_love_animated: it :dracthyr_love_animated: off. :dracthyr_love_animated:

We all know how this song and dance goes. If it isn’t off by Tuesday maint, you’re only inviting more threads about the issue.

I can’t say what all goes in to turning off sharding, but from what it seems like, it’s usually just as simple as a switch flip. So why do we have to yell and bang on the door every time this happens? The audience would like to know.


Turn off RP world sharding ffs. Permanently.


Rp servers thrive on the feeling of a living world. This prevents us from being able to create that feeling. Please turn off the sharding in Stormwind and Orgrimar. It is hurting the community greatly.


Turn. :clap: Sharding. :clap: off :clap: on :clap: RP :clap: servers

Ty for my ted talk

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That you would even think this response was acceptable, lol.


Still not off, turn it off!

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Wooooah hey! Where is it! Where is it?!


Going to keep bumping! :slight_smile: Why did the blizzard person recommend the bug report forums, only to have us moved to general discussion to get bogged down by trolls? That’s crazy!

I guess, since this is a tech issue, I better go make a new post on the tech forums…


I’ll be looking for it! :smiley:

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This is the part that makes me weary to the bottom of my soul. This is every time. EVERY TIME, this happens.

And every time, like Lucy with the football, I think, surely they’ve learned and worked out the process this time, right? No? Okay. So, just politely asking in the appropriate places where a person can see it and relay the message, that should do it, right?

No. It turns into a childish game of “Not it!” as the forum SFAs hot-potato the posts around in an attempt to not be the one who takes responsibility for it going forward.

Apparently no matter who we ask, it’s someone else’s job. Someone that we can’t talk to, and there’s literally no ‘right’ place to take our concerns. I’ll tell you what, though, if at my work one of my clients had a question and I was just like, “I’m not the person to ask, and I don’t know how this works. Good luck!” I’d be in a heap of trouble.

I started this out hopeful, and every day that goes by without a resolution but also no communication about obstacles or challenges that are delaying this or an ETA makes me get just a little more bitter.

To be fair, it was a different SFA who moved the post than the one who had been responding. I don’t know if that’s better or worse.


Yeah I mean honestly, it’s pretty bad to shove us off onto the general forums. What the hell?


Bumping for visability, sharding like this means death for RP servers