Treasure Goblin event is over, please disable sharding on RP servers

I do not understand…

They’re calling you a troll because you’re clearly trolling.


I’m a minority here being Horde, but I’d like to see Moon Guard go back as well.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Yeah well sharding keeps servers alive and players engaged and most people want it. Locking down servers for exclusionary things like RP is bad for business.

I think it’s great for business. And I bet when Blizz releases Hardcore mode, it will be exclusionary.

I’ve never been a fan of CRZ. Perhaps it works from a world PvP prevention of unbalanced servers, but not for RP.

I like being part of a community that knows and works together and less of feeling like a number in an endless pool.

+1 server identity

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


There are RP servers you know like this isn’t about every server just RP servers like Moonguard and Wyrmrest Accord.

Oh also as for this people aren’t forced to roll on RP servers ain’t no one forcing them to create a new character on Moonguard.


Honestly I always felt that the RP servers by this point should be put on their own little tab on the bottom like with other regions of the game, then there should be a heavier enforcement on those servers regarding the rules on RP servers like lorefriendly naming, maybe lean into the community when you log on there and recommend things like TRP to players.


How is this still not fixed? Like, seriously. Thread bounces between three separate forums by blues, and we still don’t even have an ETA on a fix?


Would like to see the end of sharding now that this event is over, at least on RP servers.


Out in the world? I suppose this might be true. In zones like Zaralek Caverns, Forgotten Shores, The Maw, etc…

In capital cities? Not so much. Ghost towns don’t make the game or the world seem alive, and in fact do the opposite. Someone goes to Stormwind and see’s nothing but NPCs, they’re going to feel like they’re the only one left playing the game, and why should they bother.

Sharding has it’s place. Capital cities and RP servers isn’t that place.


Insane this topic was moved again =/


I might be coming off as pessimistic here, but this kinda feels like what blizz wanted. We’ve seen before when they make “temporary changes”, then just never revert them and completely ignore all the negative feedback about said change.
The RP community is really small, and I’m sure there’s some benefit on blizzards end to having sharding on RP servers, so maybe the gobby event was just the excuse to finally do it…



It feels like they want us to stop spending money and go give our money to another game instead.


Dear people who make the decision on sharding, let’s say there’s about 50,000 people who roleplay worldwide. Half of those people become will become discouraged with sharded rp hubs and quit wow for another mmorpg. At an average of $14 a month per player that’s $4,200,000 annually that you’re throwing away. And that doesn’t even include all the store items that roleplayers buy.

Roleplay was the only thing that kept me in the game in the later part of Shadowlands.


100% agree, I would have left for good by now if the RP community didn’t drag me back every time.


Turn sharding off and stop moving this thread around like a game of hot potato.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Guess it’s a good thing I still have a few weeks left of my ESO sub. Maybe things will get resolved by then, and WoW will also stop having fits for me and most of my friends with random/constant DCs.


What the hell, did it get moved again?? I didn’t even know they work on weekends… I guess just to shuffle threads around? Strange.

And to be clear, for Gen. Disc. people that might be confused: currently the sharding on RP servers is off… except for the capital cities and current content zones. The latter is normal, the former isn’t. It’s created this very weird situation where it doesn’t seem like it’s intended to be in this state, but as usual with sharding it’s like pulling teeth to get them to revert it.

While RPers can and do RP out in the world, many guilds have their events in the open world and many server events happen out in the world too, RPers rely on the unsharded capitals to have less structured RP and generally make new connections. Moreover, especially with Valdrakken having all the things Stormwind does, sharding is major overkill given the number of players in the city even at peak hours.

The sharding is so harsh that there’s maybe 15 people per shard at most across the entire zone.


It really feels like at this point we’re just getting moved around so this thread isn’t the problem of whomever doesn’t feel like dealing with it anymore since we don’t actually have someone to talk to about the problem.


I’m feeling like at this point spamming the CS twitter and submitting a bunch of tickets might be our next option.


I found it to be the most bizarre thing when I logged on to my moon guard character and Stormwind was completely empty. A full server with no one in it because of sharding.

I really hope the Blizz response to empty MG SW isn’t going to be, “But don’t you guys have Goldshire?”

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