Traveling Horde Wellness Services

Throughout my RP travels I have noticed that many of our allies are traveling wounded. I have seen some of you with face injuries, blood spattered armor, limps, eye patches, burns, etc. Some of you poor souls only had minimal medical care. My group aims to aid you.

A group consisting of herbalists, medicine-men, druids, shamans, and others that have grown tired of our endless conflicts and will be traveling the globe, searching for those in need of aid. We will feed you, clean your wounds, give you something for that cough you have developed, or even for some plague/disease stricken folks- we have something for that too(hopefully). Or, if you’re just in need of some very friendly conversation for spiritual aid, we do that too!

We are disinterested in conflict with our Alliance neighbors, and aid will be provided to them also, especially the Kaldorei and Gilnean refugees. That being said, should we need to defend ourselves or fight to defend others, it will be done.

Anyone is allowed to join our cause to help spread aid to those that need it. Warriors for extra protection, tailors to make bandages, chefs, whatever. Your passion to help others is what will matter. So let this be the first recruitment post for this group.

Tomorrow members will visit the Mor’shan Ramparts/Southern Ashenvale and Southfury River around 11am server time, and Sri-La Village in Jade Forest in the evening(time TBD). Dont be shy! Whisper if interested @ “Tuukar”.


I would be interested in assisting your group, brother Tauren.

I hope we can meet to speak of this.


If it wasn’t for having to go into work by the time the 11AM event starts, I would love to come! I’ll see you in Sri-La later on tonight, though! :smile:


Sounds good. I like this. Got long-term plans?


Glad to see there is so much interest in this. A few like minded individuals and I got together and got something officially going. We have done 2 events already and had so much fun interacting with travelers.

Ill deliberate with my team tonight on where we will do this weeks event, and ill be posting it on our new forum post. If any of you all are interested in joining, just whisper me (Hotoh), Arrameas, or Malarn in game. If we arent on, mail works too. No need to join the guild to attend events though. Come on out if interested!

Oh I love this! Are there days/times y’all usually gather? Would definitely be interested in bringing my druid to something along these lines…



Great to hear! We have had a decent mix lately. Our first event was like 11am server time and the second was around 5pm server time. It seems like so far the group we have is pretty open to do whatever best suits all of us. Ill definitely try to keep this post and our guild post updated.

As soon as I talk to the rest of the clan, ill put out an update!

Sorry I haven’t had the chance to come to one of the recent events, but I hope to come to a future one as soon as my schedule allows! I had a lot of fun at the first one! :smile: I’m glad to see this project continued!

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Hey friends. I am going to keep this post updated with the Mendwalker Clan’s traveling wellness services. The Mendwalkers will be meeting at 12pm server time on the 15th(Saturday) in the Crossroads. There we will decide as a group where we want to go patrol. Last week we went and visited the Ironwolves in Ashenvale and provided aid to one of their injured. And of course enjoyed awesome conversation.

Remember, any are invited to this that want to provide aid to others. Food, protection, search and rescue, whatever. Or if you just want to come to chill with some good people, fine by us. See you there.


No apology necessary. We are gonna hop through a portal one of these times and come visit Pandaria. :panda_face:

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Arrameas is especially excited to visit Pandaria again. She wants to restock on some teas and hang out with the locals more!

Excited to see everyone this weekend :smile: