Traveler's Log Tasks Don't Stay Untracked

Hello all,

I’ve been ignoring this problem for months. I had only 2 items tracked on the Traveler’s Log. It’s still going on, so I took the time to investigate as I have 2 separate WOW accounts. My main account has had the same problem on many characters across multiple servers regardless of using either faction.

On my 2nd account (that was ‘inactive’ long before the Traveler’s Log was added) which had nothing set to track even after I re-subscribed. There was no issue presenting or carried over from my main account, that uses the same retail folders and addons. So, I experimented with the suggested steps with the files.

I was concerned that removing the “SET perksActvitiesPendingCompletion” and “SET trackedPerksActivities" lines respectively from the “config-cache” files may have side-effects for other interface settings.

On my 2nd, the previously inactive account, after logging in and out on old characters, I checked the settings in the .wtf files and compared them.

My main account characters all had the following settings:
(the Account folder’s on Line 77):
SET perksActivitiesPendingCompletion “v11##&##'##*##1##g##h##i##l#$(#$)#$8#$:#$S#$W#$k#$m#$q#$r#$s#%-”

(in almost all of my character’s files - different line numbers):
SET trackedPerksActivities “v11##&##'##*##1##g##h##i##l#$(#$)#$8#$:#$S#$W#$k#$m#$q#$r#$s#%-”

In my 2nd account’s config-cache files after logging out was written:
SET perksActivitiesPendingCompletion “v11”
SET trackedPerksActivities “v11”

The “v11” appears to be a placeholder as it’s the same in many of the other SET statements. Rather then deleting the entire statements as others have stated above, it may be better to keep copies of the files in another folder and then substituting these statements. They do appear to be the same in old characters that were saved years ago, and not since have been logged into.

I hope this helps until there’s a hot fix put out rather than relying on another addon.


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This is the most annoying thing ever. Wish it was fixed already.

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Found this thread after dealing with too much annoyance of this. Had to shift-click on every single alt every damn time…on many alts. Thank you for those who found and shared the config file workaround!

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Good god…can they fix this already?

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looks like blizzard is to myopic to see this is still a problem.

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Just curious.
I deleted the WTF folder and ‘so far’ it seems not to be showing those quests now.
fingers crossed

hasnt come back up yet.
Still working the next day. havent seen those TL quests that shouldnt be there.

My dude just try using one of the addons posted. No need to blast out your wtf folder. The addons will clear them for you until Blizz fixes this.


lol…yeah, that was a YUUGE mistake. I ended up restoring it. I had no clue what it would do, so I renamed it instead of deleting.

probably have to at this rate. It lasted quite a number of days, now its back with an attitude, lol

The funniest part is theyre showing up on lowbies that arent even in the damned content yet, lol

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Worked beautifully without logging into all my several thousand alts thank you kind soul…

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It’s February 2024, one year later from the OP’s post, and the problem still persists.

Neither addon works for me. Both still say game version 10.1.7 so I don’t know if they just need tweaked to work for 10.2.5 or what.

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Cool that this bug still persists. I keep tracking the “Sample Dragonflight Scenarios” objective, that I decided not to do after other activities got me to my monthy reward, and I keep trying to untrack it on every single toon I log in on to no avail.

Can you please get some more focus on your UI team?


I have always noticed this happening but for some reason this month it is really just bugging the ever loving crap out of me. Did a search and see that this is a bug for everyone. Yay it’s not something wrong on my end, boo that this is a bug that has been going on for far too long. Come on guys it’s been over a year now.


Maybe Blizzard will fix this in the next expansion… ha… ha…


Another month, bug still alive, becoming ever more annoying than ever each month.


Smol Indi Kompani

Still an issue. Also, Travelers Log objectives stay tracked even in Plunderstorm.



Still an issue for me too. I also have to delete the Services channel every single time I log in

Got one of the addons mentioned, and works like a charm! Sad to see that this bug has been reported numerous times; has yet to be fixed; and we have to rely on yet another community fix!