Traveler's Log Tasks Don't Stay Untracked

Thanks for this. It was driving me crazy. This still shows up every month if you don’t do this. Time to fix it Blizz!

Put the following into an addon (e.g. with

EventRegistry:RegisterFrameEventAndCallback('PLAYER_LOGIN', function()
	local activities = C_PerksActivities.GetTrackedPerksActivities()
	if activities and activities.trackedIDs then
		for _, id in next, activities.trackedIDs do


This is what it took to remove that pathologically persistent activity tracking from my characters. Wasn’t easy with more than 40 characters, but it worked and that’s all that counts… until Blizzard fixes the bug or I carelessly turn objective tracking back on :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Questlog clutter this expansion is bad enough as it is without this bug. So many meaningless side quests that literally chase you around the map (Looking at you whelp tender)

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Why won’t they fix this bug :sob::sob::sob:


Still an issue.

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This indeed worked, I’ll be curious to see if this solution survives the monthly reset though. Since in prior months, I went and untracked everything manually on every alt and then on the monthly reset ALL the ones I have ever tracked came back.

Side note, this is an absolutely obnoxious bug. I’m an altoholic and it’s driving me nuts! I really wish they’d fix it.


Weekly reset and the Traveler’s log tracked items are back, didn’t even make it to the monthly reset. (Unless I messed up Fetlock’s instructions, but it doesn’t seem a permanent solution) Blizzard, please fix this.

i am finding the same issue. i think it might be because they have it tracked to all your alts but when you untrack it only takes it off the one then it stays active because it registers it with your other toons. thats the only thing i can come up with. hoped it would have been fixed by now but nope.

Alternately, I then figured out that the Traveler’s Log tracking is saved in your files in the realm’s folder’s “” file under “SET perksActivitiesPendingCompletion” and in each character’s folder’s “” under “SET trackedPerksActivities.” So going through while the game is off and deleting that line from each file will reset the tracking without having to log in and out a bunch of times.

This was painful to change 48 files over two accounts, but it does in-fact work.

Cheers, mate.

This worked! For those who aren’t tech savy like me and wondering how to find the files:

  1. Open the launcher and click the cogwheel next to “Play”
  2. Click “Show in explorer”.
  3. Click the folder “retail
  4. Click “WTF” folder.
  5. Click “Account” folder.
  6. Click “config-cache”
  7. Delete the line that says “SET perksActvitiesPendingCompletion” then hit save and press the X to back out.
  8. Going back to your “Account” folder, at the top you’ll see folders with random numbers, click the one that has your servers and characters.
  9. Click on your server name and characters names and remove the line that says “SET trackedPerksActivities on ALL of your characters that have the glitch, hit save and press the X to back out.
  10. Done. Open the launcher and relaunch wow.

This is still a bug that needs fixing Blizzard

Please fix this, Blizzard. This has been driving me crazy for months. :sob:

Fix this. For pete’s sake

I found an addon that fixes this problem. There’s two different ones, pick your poison. It’s a shame players have to bug fix a billion dollar company’s game.


Agreed. Still happening.

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One of an endless chain of bugs that get put in the recycle bin when people tell blizzard about them.Unless its a cheese cheat or game breaking error or glitch they dont bother fixing.I’ve tried for years they honestly give 0 'F’s

This is still an issue.

I have 60 characters, I do not have the time to go through and edit all of their settings files, but I have found that if I log into a toon, ensure that I untrack everything, then log out and exit the game properly (no alt-f4ing) then restart, slowly but surely each toon is saving the untracked clean slate.

If you forget to untrack on a SINGLE toon however, it will retrack for all the ones you’ve fixed, so make sure you do it! No file editing required, for those of us who don’t have time, or those who aren’t comfortable digging around in there. (no judgement)

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Still having this issue. :frowning: I can’t reasonably go through 50+ alts to find the culprit.

I also suspect the culprit is on a second account, which doesn’t have an active sub so I can’t log into them without spending $20.

yep still doing it this month. please fix this! its annoying having to untrack them on every character every month

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