Trash portal room

I like the new portal rooms. All of them, except the one to Azuna make sense to me.

Why Azuna? Why not Broken Isles Dalaran?

Most of them encouraged laziness. At best, there’s a small case to be made for retaining the Caverns of Time one.


Yeah, so do cars, let’s take yours away so you lose some weight you lazy slob.



Because the ‘theory’ of the time played metric is the only thing that makes any sense at all. Their limp excuse of making the world bigger is total nonsense, and pretty much anyone with any sense realizes that.

Uh … no. Whataboutism is when you say “your candidate did ___ bad thing” and I counter it by saying “well YOUR candidate did _____ OTHER BAD THING what about that?”

“Whataboutism” is not me pointing out that convenient modes of transportation and methods to improve the ease of travel across vast distances are not the same thing as laziness.

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What do you mean you don’t like the portal to Honeydew village instead of Shrine of the Two Moons. The flight you have to make there adds to the immersion.

What do you mean you can’t go to Thunderbluff, you can take the zeppelin for immersion.

What do you mean no portal to Legion Dalaran, you get your beautiful Heartstone. Having to wait 30minutes to get back there adds to, okay Im done now with my immersion sarcasm.


It’s sad, I love archeology. I don’t look at the rewards it’s more of a surprise. I am like half way to getting my bone raptor :grinning:

Uh … yes. Whataboutism is an attempt to point out a perceived hypocrisy in you opponent’s position. I stated that portals encourage laziness. Your rebuttal is “so do cars, you should remove those too.”

Bless your heart, but your post could be copied and pasted into a textbook on logical fallacies.

What a nonsense response. You dont know what you are talking about. You brought up a talking point, she discredited your talking point, not you. You were the one who made the claim it made people lazy, she followed up your nonsense by comparing it to flying. Your argument is so silly anything that increases travel time could be called “encouraging laziness” by your statement.

You didn’t post a fact, you posted a talking point, that was never what what the logical fallacy was talking about oh smart one.


“What about your car?” does not n any way discredit my point, bro. Try again.

lol keep doubling down, you really got her with that response.


I read this as one long run on sentence.

Wait for the next update when corpse runs always start at stormwind or org. For the immersion of course…

Or… alternative theory time! Blizz is doing what blizz has always done and doing something that they envision will make the game better down the road overall (for them? For us? Who knows) and they’re doing it without considering the consequences. Kinda like they upped the stakes with dungeons this expansion compared to last, despite probably knowing players would react badly. Or how they mess up classes all of the time knowing players will be mad. They do things that don’t make sense a lot.

Or they’re doing it for “new” players.

Or they’re doing it because they always did it before, but they got lazy and now for whatever reason they decided now is the time to pick back up with it. Maybe next expansion has something in store that they need the portals gone for.

There’s lots of random things we can speculate about, but the time played metric is also just player speculation. Not fact. If you wanna believe it (even though it doesn’t make a lick of sense) then thats on you. I’m just saying their argument of making the world feel bigger is weak, it doesn’t help or hurt mages and definitely doesn’t do anything for warlocks… all that stuff they came up with was a bad set of logic.

Do we really need more threads about it? Aren’t the 2 5k long ones enough?

You have a dalaran hearthstone no?

I understand their reasoning, but we memorize certain parts of the game and when a certain need becomes apparent, because we want to do something old word for a meriad of reason, we go to where we expect to find a port only to find out it is not there - super annoying! Guild tabbards easily take us back to main faction city, but that is a long cool down. Now we have to go dalaran or somewhere to get a port to get a port. Stupid…

try the Twilight Highlands portal?

Or the portal where the zeppelin to undercity used to be?