Transphobia in the WoW community

Wonder where this was when people were having vaxx vs no vaxx debates :joy: Not saying you were a part of that. Just came to mind

It isn’t a WoW related issue. Just a video and some jerks online.


The topic and OP’s first post aren’t a reason to delete it. Too bad people who play this game can’t have a rational discussion but turn it into a hateful place.

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The Video and the comments about WoW and it’s employees IS related to world of warcraft.


Even bringing this topic up here is a bomb waiting to go off and the OP probably knew that. As you said it’s unfortunately turned into nothing but a hatred thread.

Hardly. Content of the video, sure. About a developer, who cares?

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Not to give my opinion on that, but i think it should be to some degree forced and available for everybody, considering death is kind of on the line here because of the virus. Yes, i know, it;s a yikes and possibly wrong opinion to have and i’m usually a pro-choice, but it does irk me honestly after seeing how the virus progressed and all.

Not that it matters since i do agree with you with how people like Lannis seems to only bring up human rights whenever it’s convenient for their side and not apply it to … all humans, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, etc etc…

Speaking of convenient, it’s also convenient that he’s here too along with Stargoser. :thinking:

I was around for that, that’s when I learned that a large portion of the people who spend their free time in this decade on WoW’s forums are incredibly unpleasant humans. It would behoove them to go practice some social skills with other real human beings face-to-face.

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It’s about WoW and obviously alot of people care. Maybe you don’t?


Nobody was pinning anyone down and forcing them to be vaccinated (at least in most countries). They may have been excluded from various places though due to disease transmission issues.

Difference here is that sexuality or gender choices are not contagious and don’t kill you.

You can’t catch gay or trans.

The argument is not really equatable. We have been requiring vaccinations and health rules for over 100 years. You can’t even go to school without your vaccines.

EDIT - not saying you are for or against anything personally. I don’t know your stance. Just addressing that these two cases are not the same.


The forums care and so do all the websites and such. There are threads almost daily about WoW Devs - esp Ion and Danauser.


As an adult, you get used to people not liking you, just because you’re you. Nobody is exempt.

If people get so offended now, I wondered how they ever made it through high school.


…as long as you accept the consequences of speaking your mind in a private forum.


So you want Lann to go around claiming straight white men need more rights?


These threads always turn out like this with you guys fighting for hours. The whole lot of you are a bunch of clowns.


I mean, I care. I can’t control if you care or not.
Does it bother you that others care? It seems alot of people do and too many people here think they shouldn’t’.

It’s just a very, VERY, vocal minority using sockpuppets to inflate their hateful opinions.

I’ve never seen that poster bring up or defend human rights anyways unless it’s to make a point about how people are being mean to people displaying thinly veiled bigotry.


hoq to avoid the phobia 101… just dont bring up how you feel. identify an nobody cares… i seriously think people who make these threads bring the topic up in game and get crapped on then come here… what did you expect ? alot of people are old school and dont agree with your way of life… so why even bring it up? cause you do know that if we dont know…then why would we care?

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You know what, if you don’t like someone, you don’t invite them to lunch or hang out with them. You do what you need to do for work or an interaction, and move on. You are free not to associate with them.

HS can be cruel, but there is a huge difference between some mean girls snickering over your choice of jeans and thousands of people spewing hatred, death wishes, etc.

Fact - it is not ok to treat people that way just for existing. Stop trying to downplay what happened on the chat channels. It is not equivalent to HS bullying (which is not ok either).