Transphobia in the WoW community

It’s despicable. It makes me ashamed to be a part of the community, seeing how rampantly hateful it can be. I know it’s not the majority of the player base, but when your public facing community is so clearly transphobic, homophobic, and misogynistic, it really makes it hard to associate yourself with it.

I’m so happy Blizz is making an effort to be more inclusive, diverse, and open armed with folks of all backgrounds, and I hope they continue to put folks from underrepresented groups into the spotlight. At the same time, I hope Blizz makes more of an effort to weed out the bigoted PoS’ that always crop up and spew their vitriol all over everything.

Thank you for giving people who are traditionally marginalized a voice Blizzard, especially in events as big as this expansion reveal. There is certainly room to do more, but steps like these are important. Just please, do something to stem the tide of hateful rhetoric in game and in the game’s communities.


Where are you seeing this? Do you have examples?

Is it just trolls? Are you reading troll threads and casting a wide net over the entire player base claiming we’re all just bad people?

I’m not seeing the same thing you are, at all. There’s some jerks here and there, and super obvious trolls. But this community isn’t as terrible as people try and make it out to be.


the deep dive for dragonflight there was a trans person and the chats were going all out transphobia it was pretty sickening to see


I think real life might be worse how do you deal with that? Made up garbage in a fantasy game is so humorous.


As far as the internet goes, there are many, many far worse places a trans person could hang out or just feel unwelcome.




Okay, that’s fair. If they were just trans bashing that’s clearly wrong, both morally and ethically.

My only addition would be to ask if they were actually trans bashing, or decrying the use of said person as a prop by ActiBlizz. (Also not okay)

I actually don’t know, I wasn’t watching chat.


if they were decrying the use of that person by blizz i didnt see it. it was hateful toxic bashing against the person


from today’s expansion reveal stream. once one of their trans members was on camera the chat turned into a flood of virtriol



honestly that’s the hardest part about coming back to wow from final fantasy even though I definitely enjoy world of Warcraft gameplay more.

like I’m not gay. It doesn’t matter to me but at least on final fantasy when somebody wants to be themselves publicly there’s not an hours-long screaming match about it.

there’s not a bunch of Trump spam in trade chat

there’s not endless concern troll threads on their forum.

it’s not to say those things don’t exist there but they are much less and when they happen publicly the moderators lock that stuf down.


i dont know how this behavior can surprise anyone

people need to stop being naive, and lower their expectations for what kind of lgbt+ things will actually be cheered for by the WoW community


Looking at the majority of the replies here, it just continues to prove my point…instead of facing the reality, or sympathizing with the very real hurt that many people in the WoW community have to deal with on a daily basis, folks are just memeing or trolling. Just so sickening to see


Nothing surprising. I was watching through Asmon’s stream and he immediately put it on emote and sub mode, the moment trans person was on screen. You just know they’ll harass and write offensive stuff.

Even women talking was “virtue signaling” according to these people, smh.


Ahh okay. That’s repugnant. Hopefully they get suspended/banned.

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Really doing a ban speedrun here eh?


The stream chat today was really cringe. Made me ashamed to be a WoW player.

I wish bigots would just be dumb bigots by themselves and leave others out of it. Their constant pick me/validate me girl behaviour is exhausting.


So you’re fishing for sympathy? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I totally get what you’re saying. But I’d like to point out that threads like this only invite more of that kind of vitriol that you don’t like to see. This is not exclusive to the WoW community-- welcome to the internet.


Welcome to the human race.


I should count myself lucky I didn’t see it.

I’m not actually sure what their problem is. Why they think that way. What molded their beliefs.


But to the community’s credit, it’s being called out.

I assume this stream chat was global?