Transmogs missing

Celestial Observer’s Ensemble, Sprite Darter set and the Blizzcon set keep disappearing from my appearances, often leaving my toon in a rather unpleasant state. Can we get this fixed please?


Sorry my friend, same problema here, hope tomorrow they fixing this or refund would be fair. It is not ethical to put out a product for sale which contains so many random problems, we must clarify, but which causes so many inconveniences


Very well-known and well-documented bug that has been ongoing since 9.1. If you recently purchased it, you can try and submit for a refund, but otherwise it’s just a waiting game. There is no ETA, there is no fix.

Ahhhh. Yeah having same issue - so basically this is the sprite darter set all over again? That blows.
Edit: also happening with Murloc backpack. Applied to one toon - just checked and it’s ‘gone’.

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This is my favorite part of the blue post:

There is a Known Bug that our QA teams have been attempting to reproduce but have so far been unable to get it to happen in testing.

Dear QA teams,

Buy a six month sub and then you’ll watch them disappear. My mogs have been fine up until I just got a six month sub. Now every single store mog is gone. This is pretty ridiculous that it can’t be reproduced when it’s so widespread and it’s been happening for so long. I just watched my murlocs go down the drain, along with my current transmog after spending the funds on these store sets.

Thinking of just trying to get my six month sub refunded, because I’m not dealing with this.

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Even without a 6 month Subscription, it’s been happening. The set doesn’t disappear per se, just seems to randomly reset on your character, defaulting to your equipped gear, still equally as annoying, and frustrating thing to happen, i’ve wasted about 1.2+k gold (I know doesn’t sound like a lot, but not the point.) transmogging to it just to randomly have it reset, be it dying, be it reviving, be it simply sitting there for an extended period of time. I bought the ensemble via wow token balance, as well as pay my subscription that way. Just rather silly to get a transmog that looks so good from the shop only to have to waste more gold transmogging it every time it decides it’s not going to be your transmogrification anymore. It’s honestly now at the point I’ve stopped trying, cause I’m not wasting anymore gold than I have already trying to use it. Like feels like a partial refund for the hassle alone should be in order lol.

My sets are all completely gone. I can’t even re-transmog them. :confused:

Something needs to happen. Even EA would have done something for people who lost stuff that they paid real money for. They’ve done that before due to bugs. But Blizz? Nah, apparently we just get screwed out of our money.


Honestly, they should make these items affected a zero cost in transmog fee at least until the bug is resolved.


That’s even worse, that they’re completely gone for you :frowning:

and I agree, something should be done, I have never had problems like this in the past, maybe I was one of the lucky ones I don’t know, but regardless, it is frustrating on all fronts. :frowning:

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I wholeheartedly agree. That would at least help alleviate gold loss, til they can get the bug sorted and fixed.


Brilliant idea here - I’ll be going back to avoiding things to xmog that I paid for (again!) because they don’t work (again!)


Totally agree, this sale is lost, but it is a good point not to buy anything of this nature from them again.

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