Transmog option on high value BOEs is a nightmare

I was lucky enough to get an early season BOE drop. Nothing crazy just a normal Globlin-fused Greatbelt. I went to go sell it on the AH. Opened AH and right clicked item to shortcut to selling it. Instead I learned it as a transmog. Unlike the confirmation prompt that you get on tradeable items or BOEs when equiping them the transmog functionality that has been added ambushed me and now my balance druid has a plate belt stuck in his bags. The support options available in-game basically just tell you that you are SOL and the confirmation prompt was added to stop this, but it didnt apply to the transmog feature that was added. Super annoying.

This has nothing to do with AH markets.

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I think Bug Reports, actually. The confirmation window should pop up when you want to equip a BoE.

In this event QA might need to investigate, OP. You’ll want to click the pencil icon at the bottom of your post and move it over there. Customer Support has no purview over how the game behaves.

There have also been a few patches fed through since the content drop, it could be a case of misbehaving UI. Have you tried giving a UI reset a try?


While I cannot personally confirm it, there are people saying that BoE drops from the raid became soulbound a short while ago without being equipped (and pulled off the AH). Since it wasn’t a cosmetic item, it should have had that warning pop up, so I’d say it is possible this was a bug or it could’ve been due to the BoE soulbind change (which may be a bug of itself, or may not be).


You should never right click on something you’re intending on putting in AH always drag items if you right click it learn it. Not a bug. Right click always learns something.

Nah, OP’s comment is warranted, not because he thinks he goofed, but because all Undermine BoEs became BoP, which is why it shows that he learned the appearance.

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I’m afraid Support doesn’t have much information there, but this was posted about an hour ago.


Thanks this makes me hope.