Transmog old PvP gear?

Should there be replica vendors in Area 52? I have my R12 gear in my bags still and cannot transmog them, wondering if this is expected behavior. Having trouble finding a rules list for transmog.


You need rank 14
Like you visible need to have the title on that specific character

And/or rbg rating of 2400

I need rank 14 to transmog the rank 12 gear I have in my bags…?

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Did I stutter? Lmao

There’s an option to go to area 52 and see if the replica’s are out

If they aren’t locked by rank 14

Unless they changed it with Cata classic, one should only need Rank 7 (Knight-Lieutenant) to start transmogging the gear.

I wouldn’t have been able to mog the replica PVP blues on this character otherwise, since she only made it Rank 11 as did my WoW Classic Character.

I went up to Area 52 and couldn’t find the vendor for the replica gear so I figure they just forgot and/or it’s one more bug.

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I’m rank 14, I have my old gear, it isn’t tmogable. The vendors are not in area 51. Report it as a bug I think, and hope they fix it in the next 2-3 years.

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Another “change” i bet.

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Im R14 on my rogue and I cant xmog my old ranking gear

transmog wil be a fully-functioning system on season of discovery before this is fixed. we will see r14’s on SOD with naxx gear mogged to r14 gear

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you cant phyiscally use the actually item to mog you need the relplica that is sold at area 52 in netherstorm
which is locked behind having the title of rank 14 and/or 2400 in rbgs

No. But what you did do was lie. And you tried to be leet about it.

Most unlock at R8. Some take R14. But that is mostly some weapon pieces.

And you need RBG ranks to unlock them. What you got in level 60 Classic version of this game does not count for unlocking anything with PvP mog.

I got R14 original Cata and they all unlocked at R8 though. Account bound weapons at R14. Maybe that part has changed.

The gear sets have never been R14 locked in any version of this game, ever. Only titles are.

You cannot mog the gear in your bags unless they change it later. I REALLY hope they do. I want to be able to put on mog from all the time I spent in Classic 60 version.

But for now, you will need to buy the replica pieces and mog that. Your originall HWL and GM gear is just dust collectors.

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Why would you need the replicas with the new xmog system in place?

Cuz Blizz thinks that all of us who spent countless hours grinding out that gear enjoyed doing it so much that we want to do the grind all over again just so that we can unlock crappy gear that is replica gear…but no. I got it once on my pally. I am not getting it AGAIN on that toon even if it is by RBG this time.

I got the titles on two pallies that unlocked the gear. Anyone who earned that gear back then SHOULD be able to mog to it now. I also want to mog NON REPLICA versions of it. So that means all the gear on that toon would show up as the original level 60 version of it.

And yea I have not encountered one single person who got the gear in level 60 version who is able to mog any of it now.

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Every single sources on internet say you need the old R8 to be able to get the replicas. I don’t know why you insist on R14.

On top of that the npc selling the replicas isn’t even here so it’s clearly a bug or it’ll be implemented later.

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I had it back in the day and could tmog my gm set when fire lands came out

This time I cannot

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I’m not sure where the R14/2400 RBG rating is coming from either.

This Character only reached Rank 11 (Commander) in Vanilla
This Character has never done rated battlegrounds (or arena’s for that matter)
This Character HAS 4 pieces of the replica 60 PVP rare set currently mogged as shown by the armory (not the boots/gloves since I don’t like them).

All of which is pointless at the moment, since, as has been noted, the Replica NPC vendor isn’t even in the game for Cata Classic, so I can’t find out if my Commander rank character there can also get the Replica Rare set.

it was something between rank 8 and rank 11 to be able to mog all blue and epic set pieces (replica) and I think 14 for the weapons I dont know though.

Npc shoud be in area 52 but is not.

am rank 14 with title showing in game, cannot transmog my rank 14 gear same as others posted here. went to area 52, nothing there to help.

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thats wrong
he need 1800 in rbg or similar ranking from vanilla but the current set will never be transmogable
they implement a brand new one thats transmogable when launch
always been like that

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Yea I get that Prosurfer. Hence why i said the vendors are not in netherstorm, and that I have the rank 14 title.