Transmog old PvP gear?

That is only half correct. That is old info from before RBGs even came out. So that is well over a decade old. They had the original plan to make it to where you could buy all the gear from the toon that had earned it. And then that toon could mog all the original gear and it would not be labeled as replica while all others who earned it from RBGs would have theirs labeled as replica. That did not end up happening last time they said it, so I doubt it is going to this time. I went over to try and mog my gear and I couldn’t. Sucks that that is the change I was hoping for. If I want to do a bunch of RBGs to unlock mog…we can do it in retail.

Original Cata did not launch with Tmog. It came out in Catas final patch. Hour of Twighlight. Most people didnt even know it came until MoP launched and the mog mount was added. And I was kinda hoping we were getting ethereals as playable in next xpac after Cata. But we got MoP instead because Kung Fu Panda was super popular back then and that was right when we got the new dev team who started focusing on trends. Brewmasters were one of the least played classes in WC3 and are the least played class in WoW.

You’ve never been able to. They said they were going to allow us to, but they never did.

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An update on this topic would be greatly appreciated.


Still nothing. :frowning:


:cry: waiting to level my ret until I can transmog him lmao

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