Transmog mount

Now that Blizz sells one on the shop, how long until they add an AH mount?

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oh no, a completely optional thing to complain about. -_-


You know you can buy one cheaper in game with gold, right?


Wasn’t really complaining, just was wondering how long until they add an AH mount?


The fact that you can buy one cheaper in-game means that your a to b comparison doesn’t hold water.


Soon I hope!


Stop trying to find an argument or complaining where there isn’t any, people like you are the reason I don’t like people in general. You are just like a co-worker of mine who tries to turn everything into an argument.


the entire point was the possibility of selling an auction house mount on the in-game store


Probably never. I think they have something against AH mounts.

Ty, just wanted to get a bit of a discussion going about the possibility etc… and people of course need to try and turn it into something it’s not, ie an argument or complaining.

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An argument? lol. No, not at all. I’m simply pointing out that you are making no sense. But hey, have fun.

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i still mentally /spit on ppl rocking anything from the shop.

they can take it away from the game but cant take it away from my brain :wink:

And just because, why not, Make it a recolor of the Long boi. Maybe even spruce it up.

Oh man, I can see it now. It’d be glorious. The forums servers might actually melt.

to make it clear, I’m for this. Send it. Do it. I’d buy it.


You’re the one who missed the point of the thread entirely.

Try to follow along now. I can’t do crayons on the forums, so big bold letters will have to suffice:

OP’s question was: since they added one vendor type of mount to the shop, do we think they’ll add another one that has an AH on it?


If we’re really taking estimates?

I’d guess it’ll happen this expansion, based on the success of the other mount- I’ve seen quite a few bears.

It’s a nice mount, if I transferred gold into B-Net balance, maybe I’d get it, but personally I’m attached to the yak. I remember saving up to get it, it was a big deal lol.

Cousin Slowhands is my dawg, y’know?

Hey. If he could read, he’d be very upset right now.


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And my point was that they added a type of mount on the shop that you can ALREADY buy in-game from a vendor. AKA it means literally nothing but printing money. They aren’t offering anything “special”. The AH mount is quite literally the most special mount in the game. They aren’t just going to put it up on the shop.

So yeah, I understood just fine, thanks.

The argument you are trying to make is to suggest that since they put up a dagger on the shop, OMG are the rogue legendary daggers going to be in the shop? It’s absurd.

You had no point. Just failed at reading comprehension.


It will be a memorable moment if they do it, not a positive one but a memorable one for the history of Wow nonetheless…

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