Transmog Missing?

So I purchased the new store transmog set the day it came out ive been using it just fine for a while, Went to log into the game a moment ago, saw my characters wearing the transmog in the character select screen. Upon logging in my outfit defaulted back to my previous transmog and the store transmog is no longer listed in my collection. Checking the store it does state that i own the transmog still though? What gives? Tried Re logging and and checking other characters.

Also yes i know everyone hates the store transmog lol

I am also missing my store xmog Crown Of Eternal Winter helm. Im just going to wait till tomorrow to see if its back if not ill contact a GM.

I am also missing the sprite darter transmog. It was showing on the character select screen but when I logged in all of my gear is un-transmogged and the sprite darter set is not showing in my collection.

My sprite darter just disappeared and unmogged itself :frowning:

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Right now after the Authentication server issues it seems Bnet account flagged transmogs, 4 backpack slots, RAF stuff, etc may be missing.

Game server is not picking up account flagging. Don’t panic and don’t change anything. It is not you.


What about the 600 gold needed to remog it back on when the mog shows back up in appearances again?

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Dont change the mog and when it is fixed it Should appear. 600g, really? Lol

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Spirit darter set shows I own it in the store but it’s not showing on any characters I transmogged, nor is it on my list of transmog sets. /sadface

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No, it shows that it isn’t mogged anymore, you’ll need to remog it I’m pretty sure. 600g is a lot nowadays with the nerf to old raids dropping significantly less gold…

OK, since the connection issue earlier today - every time I log off, when I log back in again it has removed the Sprite Dancer transmog items from my character and I have to re-apply them. They are still in my collection, just no longer applied.

I had exactly the same issue last year for about a week with the Wendigo Woolies transmog.

Set came back, had to pay to mog it back on. Not happy

sorry to unearth a dead thread, but the bug is back with the recent update that just went out on 11/9/2021

As far as i can tell it isnt even showing in the collected slot anymore, hope that someone else has also reported this issue

It’s been broken since 9.1, actually. You still have the item. It just will appear and reappear without rhyme or reason. It’s a very well-documented bug. They’re aware of it, there are no fixes or workarounds, unfortunately. Nor is there any sort of ETA.

A side note though, this is why they don’t like necros. This break from over a year ago was a completely different set of circumstances than this current one that affects all store mogs and the RAF mog rewards rather than just the helms. So reminding folks again - please don’t necro. If you think you’ve got a bug, post a new thread if it’s anything older than a week or two. Reviving dead threads isn’t a good thing.

All of a sudden my sprite darter unmogged and disappeared from my appearances
. This just isn’t good enough!

Yeah, I lost my Spirte Darter, RAF, and other earned transmog sets today too.

Why? Who said that? This is an on going issue, and should we keep posting in the same thread instead of creating duplicate threads?

The SFAs say often that necro-ing hreads isn’t good. It’s not hard to trip over that kind of information.

Even if you look at it from a logical place. Take into consideration all of the hotfixes and the patches that have gone out between now and last year. While yes, there are some bugs that have lingered through expansions, something like this that explicitly broke on 9.1? Was obviously different from how it broke back then. Back then, it was only the store bought helms. This break? Is all store mogs AND the RAF items.

That is why they don’t like necro’d threads of that magnitude. For the most part, things are very different in that stretch of time.

You mean BFA? I must have missed that “rule” or w/e you mentioned by whatever SFA (BFA?) you meant.

Support Forum Agents. The Blizzard moderators of the Support forums. You’ll recognize when they post because of their blue text. Almost GMs, but not GMs; they can do research and sometimes fix little things, but mostly they make sure the rules of the Support forums get followed.

In this case, they’ll probably close this since it was inappropriately resurrected. This instance of disappearing store transmog is not related to the earlier one, so this thread isn’t really appropriate for this bug, and there are other current threads that you should probably be contributing to instead. Among many others:

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