Transmog Disappearing?

So I have had the Sprite Darter Set unlocked for quite some time now! I restarted my computer like normal and went to log onto WoW when I saw my shoulders were no longer tmogged. Confused, I went to my yak and took a look to see that the entire Spirit Darter Set had randomly vanished. Its no longer on any of my characters and reloads are not helping. Has anyone else had this issue and found a way to fix it? I miss my spirit darter wings already :frowning: Sad to have issues with a tmog set I paid real money for

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Iā€™m assuming this is a similar issue to the store helm mogs that periodically go missing from peopleā€™s collections. Post in the CS or bug report forum.

Moved to bug report! :slight_smile: maybe blizz will see it and help

Theyā€™ve known about this for some time and havenā€™t done anything to fix it. I reported this issue more than a month ago, told them I fully transmogged to this set twice but it disappeared, and I asked, if they couldnā€™t make it work, could they at least refund me the gold for the two transmogs that I wasted. Game Master wrote back with a very helpful (being sarcastic here) two part reply: 1. They know of the issue, it isnā€™t fixed, and to avoid it, I should simply not use the Sprite Darter set that I paid for (extremely helpful); and 2. Because they had no record that I had paid for the transmogs, they wouldnā€™t be refunding me any of the gold that I paid for the transmogs that disappeared. I couldnā€™t have been more underwhelmed. I even filed a second report to say, nothing in the previous response solved my problem, so I would not mark my problem as ā€œresolved.ā€ And they wrote back a second time to say, they were still not going to do anything. Suggested that I file a bug report :slight_smile:

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I filed it as a bug report and after 6 hours it randomly appeared back in my tmog! Was a very confusing experience but glad to have gotten it back. I hope you get yours back! That sounds like quite the unfair situation

It will appear and reappear at random. Itā€™s a very well-documented bug, but as a bug, there isnā€™t an eta on a fix. You still have the set, but for some reason any store-bought mog and the RAF mog stuff just disappears from peopleā€™s appearances without rhyme or reason and will return the same way.