Renowned Explorer’s Transmog missing

This keeps happening to my alts.

It requires more gold to re-apply when it does become available again for some time before it disappears again.

It is currently missing again today!


This is currently an issue with all “store-bought” transmogs; they’ll occasionally disappear from your appearance collection only to reappear later. It’s currently affecting the Wendigo Woolies set, the Sprite Darter set, and (unfortunately for you) the Renowned Explorer’s set.

There’s nothing you can do, really, besides wait for Blizzard to fix the issue. It’s been going on for a while, for about a year now, so hopefully they’ll fix it soon.

There’s an official page here, but it just kind of goes over everything I told you about.

This issue has been known for 6 months now, but there still isn’t any resolution.

It feels pretty bad at this point honestly.

Thanks for the link though even if it doesn’t make me feel any better about it.

Is there even a time frame to get this resolved or is this bug not important?

I’m sure there is, but the developers generally don’t discuss that. They like to keep their schedule considerations to themselves.

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All bugs are important, but we as players do not know the ins and the outs of the problem. If it were an easy fix, it would have been fixed. They actually thought they had fixed it at one point but it didn’t last. With the breadth of the problem, I’d like to believe there will be some HURRAH FINALLY post that they have a fix. Our SFAs are pretty good with keeping us in the loop, but if there isn’t anything to report then they won’t have anything to say. “We’e still working on it” every time someone posts would be tiresome, I would imagine. Especially when people would likely start piling in on the poor person to complain.


The problem isn’t the messenger that reports that it is still being worked on. The problem is the time it is taking to resolve the problem. Beyond six months now is just ridiculous in my opinion. They should at least give free transmog fees for using this armor when it is temporarily available to me in game until they can actually resolve the problem.

Yeah, but do you know how or why it’s broken? Do you have access to all of their data and such? There are still bugs that have tentatively been around for expansions. It’s obviously something expertly borked behind the scenes because you’re skimming over the part that if it could be fixed? It would have been. Why would they keep something like this broken? It’s not like they’re sitting back cackling and taking a shot every time a new thread pops up.

As for the transmog fees? As I stated above. If you’re still trying to use the mog that they have said many times now may come and go without rhyme or reason - no. You foolishly used something you knew was still broken. That loss is on you. Now they may be kinder than I, but only time will tell once this has been figured out and properly fixed.

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Blizzard is king of ruining promotional items.

They will still ADVERTISE these mogs and REQUIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND MONEY to get them.

…oh did you expect these to actually work consistently after you held your end of the agreement? Tough luck bruh enjoy spending 20g/day for eternity.

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This happened again today.

I would if I could access the code.

Ridiculous huh? You think they might start caring about the game.

It’s not like they are focusing on resolving the bug either.

This is still happening.

It has been on-going since 9.1 dropped back on June 29th. They are aware of it. It is unnecessary to post that it is still happening. Until they announce that it is fixed, they are aware it’s still broken. Bumping your thread to the tune of “are we there yet?” doesn’t do anything.

Thanks but I will continue to do so until it is resolved.

It has been on going for much longer. Let me guess you have access to the code and know when it broke.

So, this happens with the new transmogs just released.

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All my stuff is missing now as well. Wendigo Woolies set is gone. Explorer’s set is gone. This is insanely frustrating.

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So if I buy the new set they just advertised TODAY, and it also doesn’t work right, is that me “foolishly using something I knew was still broken?” Or do they owe me a $20 refund at that point, because what was sold does not work as advertised?

Frankly, this is not a valid argument. If I bought a microwave or a car that only worked right once a month, I would expect it to be replaced IMMEDIATELY with a working version of the item, or REFUNDED. If they cannot fix items that they are selling for real money (or using as a promotional incentive to encourage people to spend real money on subs), then they should apologize and offer a full refund. That is standard business practice.

At the very least, they should give a pile of gold to every account that purchased these to compensate for the lost transmog costs and the general inconvenience of having been sold a product that they broke and haven’t been able to fix for OVER SIX MONTHS. This would literally not be acceptable in any other industry.


This also happens for the new Murloc backpack!

Blizzard you guys need to change the code you use to add these transmogs to customers. Doing some check on login isn’t working.


Yeah, every ingame store transmog…

You are not alone!


Oh, look, all my store transmogs are gone – again. And then I’ll have to re-transmog them when they decide to come back – again. And this has been an issue for six+ months? How is this remotely acceptable? I just started playing again since the launch of Shadowlands.